Nothing Less Than Divine - Chapter 3

Feb 06, 2007 21:17

TITLE: Nothing Less Than Divine - Chapter 3.

AUTHOR: bulma90_13.


PAIRING: John/Bobby, ???/Bobby.

SUMMARY: When one of the students at Xavier’s School for the Gifted is sexually assaulted, Special Victims Unit steps in to uncover the truth.

WARNINGS: Non-consensual, language, crossover, work in progress.


John shut his eyes, unable to see the heartbreaking look on Bobby’s face as the doctor got what she needed.

Chapter 3

Three Hours Earlier

The captain walked back into his office and slammed the door.

Munch and Fin watched as Elliot stormed out of the precinct, Olivia hot on his heals with an unreadable expression on her face.

“That went well,” Munch commented.

Fin paid no attention and grabbed the phone off of its cradle on his paper-covered desk. After looking up a number in his worn address book, he leaned the phone on his shoulder and took out his notepad. “Yeah, this is Detective Tutuola with Special Victims. I need the contact numbers for the senators of Massachusetts…” There was a pause and shortly after he was scribbling in his notepad. “Thanks.” He hung up.

Munch walked over to his desk, chuckling. “You and your contacts will never cease to amaze me.”

Fin handed a piece of paper to his partner. “That’s the number for Senator Remington’s house. I’ll call Senator Drake.”

“Don’t you think we should know the kid’s name before we tell his parents he’s in the hospital?”

Fin looked up and frowned. “Olivia and Elliot won’t know until they get there. We should at least tell them to start making their way here…the drive is about 5 hours.”

Munch sat at his desk and dialed the number. “Senator Remington? This is Detective Munch with New York’s 16th precinct …we have some bad news regarding your son.” A pause, and then. “I’m sorry, I’ve made a mistake.” Another pause. “No, Senator, I’m sure your three daughters are wonderful.” Munch paused again, rolling his eyes. “Yes, all right, have a good night.” He hung the phone back on the cradle and looked at Fin’s concentrated face.

Fin’s hand was poised, ready to write, as he spoke gently. “Mrs. Drake?”

“Yes?” answered the weary woman.

“This is Detective Tutuola with New York’s 16th Precinct.”

She gasped. “Oh, God! You have news!? About Bobby?!”

“Yes, ma’am. Your son has been admitted to New York City’s hospital…”

“When I got home, Ronny was so confused…he didn’t know where that man had taken my baby! I was just so worried! Thank God you called!”

“Calm down, ma’am. He’s being taken care of. Can you come to the hospital?”

“Oh yes! Of course! We’re on our way!”

Fin flinched at the hysterics in her voice. “Have a safe drive, Mrs. Drake.” He hung up.

Munch looked at him. “Well?”

“The mom’s a control freak…I’m sure this is the first catastrophe the family has ever had.” He sighed and opened his mouth to speak again when the doors to the captain’s office burst open.

“I have their address. Senator Drake wants this cleaned up as quickly as possible. You have to go search the house; his brother will be there. Lead a small group of detectives to the house and gather evidence.” Cragen ordered.

“Sure thing, Captain.” Fin answered.

Cragen turned around and slammed the door of his office again.

Munch turned to Fin. “The rape occurred at his house?”

Fin shrugged and grabbed his jacket.


As Detective Tutuola pulled out of the precinct, he dialed a familiar number. “Olivia, it’s Fin.”


“Parents are on their way. Should be there in about 4 hours. What do you have so far?”

“Kid won’t speak. He’s traumatized. We have a friend of his on the way, hopefully will get him to talk. Other than that, nothing.”

“Let’s hope his house has some answers.”

“Yeah, good luck with that.”

Fin smiled ruefully to himself and hung up the phone, then looked at his partner.

Munch snorted. “How many miles to Boston? Geez, you’d think they’d have a special victims unit by now…”

Three Hours Later

Olivia entered the hospital room with Elliot on her heals. “How’re you feeling, Bobby?”

He looked up at her, but said nothing. John was standing to his right, hand on his shoulder. John squeezed encouragingly. “He’s fine. He did great.”

Olivia looked around the room briefly, then back at Bobby’s vacant expression. “Bobby, who did this to you?”

Bobby turned away from her.

Suddenly, a faint buzzing sound came from John’s pocket. He stepped away from Bobby and into the corner of the room, pulling out a small buzzing cell phone. Pressing a button, he read a message and then looked directly at Bobby.

“I gotta go.”

The hospital door suddenly opened to reveal Logan with a curious expression. “Did I miss something?”

The confused detectives looked at Logan. Elliot repeated, exasperated. “John has to go…?”

Olivia looked back at John. “You can’t, John. We have questions we need to ask you about-”

“I don’t give a flying fuck about your questions, ma’am. I’m outta here.”

The three adults were too stunned to do anything but watch as John made for the door.


Everyone in the room looked back at Bobby, forgotten in his hospital bed.

John looked at the detectives wearily, then quickly headed back over to Bobby’s bed. “I have to go; it’s him.” John whispered.

“I don’t care…please…don’t leave me.” Bobby whispered back.

John stroked Bobby’s head as lovingly as he dared. “I’ll be back,” he vowed with seriousness. John let his hand fall and turned around as quickly as he could, practically running to the door to get as much distance between them as possible. “Take care of him!” John barked at Logan, and opened the door of the hospital room.

“John, NO!” Bobby screamed after him, but it was too late. The clomp clomp of John’s boots was already growing faint. Bobby took a shaky breath and looked nervously at the adults staring at him sadly. He turned away from them, hugging his pillow and shifting over to one side of the bed.

Olivia spoke softly. “We called your parents, Bobby. They’ll be here soon. Don’t worry.” Bobby turned around and looked over his shoulder at her.

For the first time all night, Bobby looked anything but pathetic.

“You think I want them here?” he snapped.

The detectives were taken aback by his harsh tone and looked at one another. Bobby continued.

“You think I want my dad to see me in a hospital gown like a friggin’ girl?!” Bobby’s voice was getting louder and louder by the second. Logan was slowly raising his hands, signaling to Bobby to calm down. But if he saw Logan, he was paying him no mind. “If my dad finds out what happened…” Bobby’s breath was coming in short gasps of air as he fought to express himself. “He’ll DISOWN me!” Bobby shrieked.

Elliot tried to reason with him. “Bobby, you didn’t do anything wrong-”

“Like HELL I didn’t! You don’t know him! You just wait…this will be all my fault!”

“Rape is never the victim’s fault, Bobby.” Olivia insisted.

The room suddenly grew silent except for Bobby’s labored breathing.

“You don’t know him…like I do…” Bobby breathed. The detectives just studied Bobby carefully and Logan looked uncomfortably around the room. Bobby suddenly jerked his head up. “I gotta get dressed!” And he tried to get out of the bed.

“Woah!” Elliot caught Bobby as he fell off the side of the bed. “You all right?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Bobby tried to stand, but his knees gave way and Elliot helped him stand. “I just…feel sore.”

“Why don’t ya take it easy…I’m sure when your parents get here, they’ll take you home and then you can get on some other clothes.” Elliot helped Bobby sit on the side of the bed.

Bobby looked up at him. “That nurse told me I couldn’t take a shower until I was looked at…Can I take a shower now?”

Elliot looked at him with a half-smile. “Sure, Bobby. When you get home, you can take as long of a shower as you want.”

Bobby’s head lowered in defeat. He sighed deeply and looked at his bandaged wrists. “I wish I died.” He whispered.

Olivia stepped closer and put her hand tentatively on his shoulder. “You can’t mean that, Bobby.”

“And why not?” He croaked at her, lifting his head to reveal puffy red eyes with no tears left to cry.

“Because you have wonderful friends like John that care about you.” She answered.

Bobby again looked down at his wrists resting limply in the loose material of his hospital gown.

An uncommon cell phone ring tone pierced the stale air of the hospital room and made everyone jump.

Logan suddenly reached for his pocket. “Oh, it’s for me…” He pulled out a strange looking metal device in the shape of a stretched “X” and opened it.



Logan sighed.

“What happened?” The professor inquired.

“Can’t you just read my mind?”

“You know how I feel about that, Logan. I don’t wish to discuss my moral values with you at this time. But I can tell by your tone something has happened.”

“This isn’t the place to talk about it, but I’ll call you back later.”

The professor paused, as if choosing his words well. “I hope nothing serious has happened, Logan.”

Logan cleared his throat. “I’ll call back.” Then he hung up. When he looked up, the detectives were looking at him questioningly and Bobby was still looking down, seeming as miserable as ever. The silence in the room grew peaceful and Logan finally felt it was safe to exhale.

The peace was suddenly broken as the door opened with a squeak.


The shrill cry caused Logan’s hands to cover his ears instinctively. The detectives moved out of the way as a thin woman with short brown hair ran past them and plastered her son to her chest.

“Oh, God, Bobby! I’m so glad you’re okay! I was so worried!” She rocked him from side to side, squeezing tighter and tighter until Bobby let out a yelp. She let go as if she was burned. “Oh, God, dear, I’m sorry. AAHH!” She screamed with agony as she caught sight of the bloody wrist wraps. “What HAPPENED?!”

Bobby pulled his wrists out of her hands. “Nothing, Mom. I’m fine.”

“You’re obviously not fine!” She turned around and noticed the detectives.

Olivia held out her hand. “I’m Detective Benson. This is my partner, Detective Stabler. We’d like to talk to you and your husband outside, if you please.” Olivia motioned to the grey-haired man standing frozen in the doorway, staring at his son with an unreadable expression.

“No! Please, don’t tell them!” Bobby yelled at her.

“Tell us what?” The silent father finally spoke.

Bobby looked desperately from his dad to Olivia and started sobbing, but no tears would come.

Olivia took a breath. “Mr. and Mrs. Drake, your son has been raped and he-”

The father took two large steps and was practically to Bobby’s bed. “How could you let this happen?” he demanded of his son. “How could you be so pathetic!”

Bobby continued to shake with dry sobs.

“Hey!” Elliot stepped in front of the father. “Give him a break, huh? He’s just a kid.”

“Yeah and he’s MY kid and I’ll talk to him any damn way I please!” the father yelled.

Logan had William Drake up against the wall in .53 seconds, his adamantium claws slowly retracting to push lightly on the thin skin of his neck.

Elliot and Olivia both drew their guns and aimed at Logan.

“You ever talk that way to Bobby again, and I’ll slit your fat neck.”

Love you guys for commenting! This story is a work in progress, so it's subject to change with your input, as it already has several times.

title: n, rating: nc-17, fiction: series, author: bulma90_13

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