After Battle Rituals 3

Feb 07, 2007 20:48

TITLE: After Battle Rituals
PART: 3/4
AUTHOR: ayumie
PAIRING: John/Bobby
SUMMARY: More porn! ‘Surprise me tonight, Drake. You know, use your imagination. And take a look in my jacket.’
NOTES: Thanks to lea724 for being a wonderful beta-reader and to aervir for watching out for purple prose. Also see Part 1 and Part 2 Comments are very welcome.


The fire was everywhere. Bobby tried to put it out and tried hard, but it was no use. Pyro. It had to be Pyro. Why else would the flames move so rapidly, reaching for buildings and people like they had a life of their own? In spite of the fear, the anger, Bobby felt a strange sense of relief. For almost a year now, Johnny seemed to have disappeared. Nothing suspicious on the news, no trace of him on any of the other networks the X-men monitored. He shouldn’t have worried. Pyro was back.
Steam and smoke were rising, making it impossible to get a clear picture of what was going on. When Cyclops gave the signal to retreat, it didn’t come as a surprise.

Back on the plane, Bobby kept to himself. They had failed. He had failed. And all he could think about was that Johnny would contact him soon.


They were lying in the darkness, surrounded by tangled sheets and the smell of sex. Only the light in the bathroom was on, spilling in a narrow stripe onto the floor. It had been so much longer than usual, too long, and neither of them had felt like taking things slowly.
Now Johnny was curled peacefully against his side, looking deliciously rumpled and well-fucked. His eyes were closed and he was breathing evenly. Sleep was the furthest thing from Bobby’s mind, though. Unable to even feign slumber, he got up, carefully disentangling himself. He staggered into the bathroom and locked the door. God. Pyro knew exactly what to do, what to say to drive him completely insane.
Bobby washed his face, like anything could erase those words from his mind. ‘Surprise me tonight, Drake. You know, use your imagination. And take a look in my jacket.’ Well, his imagination was certainly working overtime. Gritting his teeth, Bobby stared at himself in the mirror. He was hard again.

When he returned into the other room, he found the other boy lying on his stomach, clearly fast asleep. The sheet had slipped down around his hips, exposing the smooth swell of his buttocks. Johnny had always been fucking gorgeous.
Bobby moved quietly, finding Pyro’s jacket and going through its pockets. When he touched sleek metal, he felt his mouth go dry. Handcuffs. Fist clenching painfully around his find, he climbed onto the bed. In his sleep, Johnny looked almost sweet, younger than his years and deceptively defenseless. Careful still, Bobby encircled the other boy’s wrists. Then, with a sudden jerk, he brought Pyro’s arms up against the headboard and snapped the cuffs shut around them. John was definitely awake now, tense and wary as he shifted into the mattress. Bobby smiled and leaned down, chilly lips brushing the shell of an ear. He was playing Pyro’s game now.

“You’ve been getting careless, Pyro. Letting down your guard like that. Quite a mess you’ve gotten yourself into.”

John jerked at the handcuffs hard enough to rattle the bed frame, but Bobby noticed the small shiver that shook his body, the subtle way his legs were spreading.

“Fuck you.”

Chuckling softly, Bobby traced the curve of Pyro’s spine, occasionally letting his nails scrape tender skin. Then, balancing precariously on one knee, he pulled the sheet completely aside.
Bobby paused, taking a moment to admire the body sprawled in front of him. The rush of power hit him like a punch in the gut. Having Pyro like this, all submissive and unable to fight back - in need - was always a special thrill. It was an illusion, of course. John wasn’t really helpless and he was getting exactly what he wanted. If anything, it was Bobby who surrendered.
Still, he couldn’t help but stare at the bruises he’d left on John’s hips earlier that night, touch them as though they were something precious. Pyro was laughing softly, turning his head to look at him.

“So what’cha gonna do, Drake? Teach me a lesson?”

Fingers digging briefly into the other boy’s discolored skin, Bobby kissed John’s shoulder.

“Get on your knees.”

Sitting back, he watched Pyro draw his legs beneath his chest and push himself up in one smooth motion, and Johnny was never graceful, except at times like this. The other boy was laughing still and, with a brief flash of anger, Bobby thought that maybe he would teach him a lesson. Not that it would do any good.
His hands found Johnny’s ass, slowly fondling the firm flesh. Once he started touching he couldn’t stop. He had to seek out the soft skin of John’s flanks, reach around to pinch a nipple and run teasing fingertips down his shivering belly. Johnny was so fucking hard already, moaning plaintively at the tantalizing touches. Suddenly Bobby didn’t feel like waiting any longer. Prying between Johnny’s ass cheeks, he circled his hole. It had been little more than an hour, but he could feel the other boy tense, making himself tighter. Even though John had performed a cursory cleaning, the traces of lube from before made it easy to slip a finger inside. A second finger and Bobby curled them just so, watching Pyro writhe. Shameless. John was moaning, low, urgent sounds in the back of his throat as he fucked himself on those fingers, and Bobby wasn’t moving his hand at all, was just watching and listening and thinking that Johnny must be so close. He considered reaching around and helping him out. Instead he withdrew his fingers until only the very tips were resting against the other boy’s hole. John hissed an expletive and tried to follow, but he was still chained to the headboard and didn’t have much leeway. Bobby concentrated on taking deep breaths, idly rubbing the soft skin between John’s legs.

“Damn it, Drake! What the hell are you waiting for? Just fuck me already.”

“Ask nicely.”

Pyro stilled, eyes wide as he looked over his shoulder. Bobby shivered, a pleasant chill settling in his stomach.

“You want dick, Johnny? You’re going to have to beg for it.”

“You’ve got to be kidding…”

“Oh, but I’m not. C’mon Johnny, better get going. We both know you’re going to do it. No self-control, remember?”

And Bobby had no idea where any of this was coming from, but he was feeling better than he had felt in ages, better than he had felt since the last time Pyro had asked him to do this kind of thing. His hands were shaking as he reached for a condom. Bobby groaned softly as he rolled it over his cock and added more lube. Shifting forward, he positioned himself against John’s body, letting him feel the smooth pressure against his hole, the promise of it. Pyro was moving restlessly, head bowed as he pressed his cheek into the mattress. He was all but whimpering. But with every inch he strained backwards, Bobby moved further away.


“That’s not what I want to hear, Johnny.”

Another whimper and suddenly Pyro relaxed, slumping forward in total capitulation.

“Please. Please stop teasing. I fucking need you to fuck me. Need you to make it hurt and burn and feel so good.”

He thrust into Pyro hard enough to drive his knees into the mattress. Bobby tried to stay in control, tried to move slowly, but John’s ass was so tight around him, so warm and tempting, it was impossible to hold back much longer. For a moment he just rode John’s movements.

“Please, Bobby, please!”

Bobby groaned and then his hips were working, smooth, rolling movements that ended in a sharp snap. And Johnny was begging still, urging him on until he was giving Pyro what he wanted - what they both wanted. He fucked him hard, ruthlessly, relishing the small sounds he was tearing from John’s throat. So good, so right, and Bobby’s hand closed around John’s dick, jerking it roughly in time with his thrusts. Heat was radiating from the body beneath him, drifting against his body like a caress. Bobby felt orgasm start in the pit of his stomach and knew he was giving off an answering wave of cold. When Johnny shuddered and came with a helpless shout, he let go.

So good. He couldn’t move for what felt like hours, could hardly summon the will to breathe. Johnny hissed when he finally did pull out and briefly rolled away to clean up. That first task taken care of, Bobby retrieved the key to the handcuffs and moved to free Pyro. Grinning briefly, he kissed the side of Johnny’s jaw, tasting sweat and shaving cream.

“Say please?”

He got nothing but a glare in response and after a moment Bobby gave in. John’s wrists were bruised and raw where the metal had chafed his skin and frowning, he wondered whether the other boy had thought to bring anything to put on them. Probably not. Sighing softly, Bobby cooled the bruised flesh with a touch and finally, mercifully collapsed. Mere seconds later, he felt a warm body settling against him.

“You’re one sick fuck,” John sighed happily and pressed his face into the bend of his neck.

Bobby smiled and considered telling Pyro about the very special Danger Room program Hank had helped him design. He decided against it.

rating: nc-17, author: ayumie, fiction: series, title: a

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