Nothing Less Than Divine - Chapter 2

Feb 01, 2007 23:28


TITLE: Nothing Less Than Divine.

AUTHOR: bulma90_13.


PARING: John/Bobby, ???/Bobby.

SUMMARY: When one of the students at Xavier’s School for the Gifted is sexually assaulted, Special Victims Unit steps in to uncover the truth.

WARNINGS: Non-consensual, language, crossover, work in progress

NOTES: Yeah, I know I may be uploading a little too fast, but I'm just so excited. Enjoy the new and revised version not previously found on!

Chapter 2

Elliot’s blood pressure began to elevate at each tap of Olivia’s nails on the hard surface of the hospital bedside table.

“It’s been 30 minutes.” Olivia finally snapped. “Where the hell is he?”

Logan looked at her harshly. “There must have been traffic.” Olivia looked skeptical. Logan growled, “He’ll show.”

Elliot checked his watch for the third time that minute. “Maybe he couldn’t get past the front desk?” he offered.

Logan looked thoughtful for a moment. “He probably couldn’t, with all the security and privacy laws now-a-days…”

The three adults rode the elevator to the first floor in uncomfortable silence. When the doors finally opened, their ears were bombarded with sound.


“Sir, please lower your voice!”

“…I’m going to have to ask you to leave, sir!”

“John!” Logan yelled across the first floor.

A young man whipped his bleached head toward the call with a fierce scowl on his childish face. His eyes were blazing with rage, as if they were on fire and his pouty lips, sporting a small silver hoop, were drawn slightly together in a mean frown as he spotted Logan. “About time!” And he stalked over to him, his tight pants tucked neatly into his combat boots that made a menacing clomping noise when he walked, suggesting they were too big for him. His dark green jacket had holes in the wrists where his thumbs were looped through and his eyes suddenly hardened with a cold sense of reality a boy his age shouldn’t know.

Elliot looked critically at the boy approaching them and resisted the urge to reach for his gun. He had seen this face before…but where? In any case, he looked dangerous. Olivia looked at him in agreement. This boy was no saint.

The boy called John stopped 3 feet from the adults and crossed his arms over his chest moodily. “Who’re they?” He nodded once in the direction of the detectives.

Logan looked behind him, as if he forgot they were there. “Oh…John, meet the detectives…Benson and Stabler. Detectives, this is John.”

John’s furious eyes snapped back to Logan. “My name is Pyro.”

Logan glared back at him and snorted. Elliot looked questioningly from Logan to John.

“Pryo? The mutant terrorist?”

Logan looked harshly at John to cut him off from snapping back and turned to Elliot. “He likes to pretend he is.”

Elliot looked at Olivia in confusion, but decided to confirm it later. Bobby was the issue at hand at the moment and if this punk was going to get him to talk, he was going to let him try, terrorist or not.

Elliot snapped out of his thoughts and saw John glaring harshly at him and Olivia. He sneered, “They human?”

Logan scoffed. “Yeah, you got a problem with that?”

Pyro stepped closer and looked threateningly up at Logan. “Yeah, I do.”

Logan smirked and turned on his heel, leading the way into the elevator once again. “Well, that’s really a shame, John, considering humans are what gave your sorry- ass a heartbeat.” The four crammed themselves as comfortably as possible into the elevator.

John looked up at Logan, studied him, and smirked.


They walked the remaining length of the hallway in silence interrupted only by the clomp clomp of John’s boots on the hospital floor. Just before the window came into view, Logan pulled on John’s coat.

“He’s not…himself. He may not respond to you. So far he’s done nothing but cry and flinch.”

John pulled roughly out of Logan’s grip. “He’ll know it’s me.”

John rested his hand on the door for a couple of seconds as he looked through the glass at Bobby. Resisting the tightening of his throat, he walked confidently into the room and up to the bed.

“Bobby?” John whispered. Bobby’s eyes had been closed in a moment of brief peace and they shot open, revealing blue eyes with pure fear etched clearly in them. The blue orbs finally focused on the person standing just out of arms reach and he cried out with a sob.

“John!” Bobby lifted his arms and John closed the distance between them, holding Bobby’s head lightly to his chest and stroking his blonde hair.

Bobby’s eyes were screwed shut tight, and his grip on John was rigid. A new wave of tear flowed freely down Bobby’s cheeks as he fought to speak, his chest convulsing with the sobs wracking his body. John found his throat tightening more and blinked rapidly, forcing the lump in his throat down.

“Oh God, John…John…”

“Shh…I’m here.” John was surprised at the calmness of his voice. Such a contrast to Bobby’s, hoarse and dry and cracked, but wet with tears at the same time. “I’m here, baby, shh…”


The adults watched from through the window. Elliot was the first to speak.

“You know, I’m a little surprised that the son of a senator would have a best friend like that.”

Logan shrugged, not looking at him. “Bobby lived away from home; I doubt his father knew about it.”

Olivia’s brow furrowed. “I just hope this kid can get Bobby to allow us to do a rape kit. It’s uncommon that we get a rape victim right after the assault, but it’s even more uncommon for them to consent to a rape kit…”

Elliot couldn’t look away from the embracing teens. “Somehow, after seeing that, I think he’s gonna let that boy John tell him exactly what to do.”

Olivia averted her eyes away for a moment, then brought them back to the hospital room. “Let’s hope you’re right.”


John pulled Bobby’s face away from his now soaked shirt and wiped the tears away from Bobby’s eyes, lowering his head to be level with Bobby’s. “What happened?” he asked.

Bobby suddenly turned away, ripping his arms back to him and wrapping them securely around his torso before squeezing his eyes shut and leaning back into the bed, away from John.


“Don’t touch me!” John’s hand stopped in its reach for Bobby and his eyes hardened. He turned his head violently toward the window where he could see the adults watching. Looking at Bobby’s back, then back at the adults, he stalked out of the hospital room and slammed the door.

“What the HELL did you DO to him!?” John screamed.

“Calm down, John. It’s complicated.” Logan soothed.


The silence gave John his answer. “Aww…fuck!” He started pacing. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!”

Olivia spoke up. “We’re detectives for a squad known as Special Victims Unit. We specialize in rape victims. We got a call earlier tonight because semen was found on a boy who had tried to commit suicide.”

John snapped his head up at her.

“We don’t know for sure yet, but it’s pretty safe to say he was raped. He has all the common symptoms.”


“…that’s why we called you. We need him to admit he was assaulted and we need you to get him to consent to a rape kit so we can prosecute the assaulter.”

John stopped to look at her, then began pacing again. “How the fuck do I do that?”

“Well, you are his best friend.” Elliot commented. “Aren’t you?”

John looked coldly at him, then at Logan and Olivia before walking back into the hospital room with the adults on his heels.

John approached the bed a little faster than he meant to. Bobby’s face was still turned away.

“Bobby, look at me.”

Bobby shook his head and sobbed once.

“Look at me.”

Bobby didn’t respond, his hand covering the back of his head more as he tried to disappear.

“Look at me, dammit!” John lunged at Bobby in rage, ripping his limp hands from his head and forcing Bobby to look at him square in the face. Bobby started crying uncontrollably.

Horrified, John dropped Bobby’s wrists as his hands came away bloody. The bandages around Bobby’s wrists that John previously hadn’t noticed had blood seeping through them. He looked from his hands back to Bobby’s face now covered with his hands, shaking.

Behind John, Olivia looked nervously from Bobby to Elliot and he gave her a sign to wait a minute.

John reached for Bobby again, this time much slower and pulled his hands away from his face.

“I’m sorry…” he whispered. “I’m so sorry.” He took one of Bobby’s bloody wrists in his hand tenderly. Using his free hand to pull a chair up to the bed, John sat down.

John continued to whisper. “The detectives told me you tried to kill yourself.” Bobby’s face screwed up in sadness as he sobbed harder. “Why did you try to do that?”

Bobby somehow found his voice. “I…I-I felt dirty…”

John wiped more tears away. “Why did you feel dirty?” Bobby’s head dropped and John lifted his chin firmly but gently. “Huh? Why did you feel dirty?” he soothed.

Bobby tried to speak, but it was jumbled by his tears and tight throat.

“What was that?” John asked quietly.

“I was raped…” Bobby barely whispered.

Elliot looked at Olivia and nodded. It was now officially their case.

Elliot walked slowly up behind John and placed a hand on his back. “John?” He didn’t respond; he seemed to be in a daze. Elliot shook him lightly. “John.”

“Huh?” He turned his head, looking up at the detective.

Elliot looked at Bobby. “You’re very brave, Bobby. Not many guys can admit they’ve been sexually abused.”

This did nothing to comfort Bobby as he continued to act ashamed and bowed his head.

Olivia stepped forward. “Bobby, we have a medical examiner, Dr. Melinda Warner…we want her to have a look at you, if that’s ok?”

Bobby looked up at John. John nodded. “He’ll do it.”

“Okay.” She answered.


Thirty minutes later, Bobby was lying on the bed, squeezing John’s hand. Elliot and Olivia were phoning their boss in the room over and Logan had long since left to have a cigar.

“You’re so brave.” John whispered to him as Bobby gripped his hand tighter.

Dr. Warner turned around in her seat to look at Bobby. “This will only last a minute, but it’s going to feel uncomfortable.” She started prying open Bobby’s legs and he began whimpering.

“That’s it, Bobby, you’re doing great.”

John lost his voice and could only watch as Bobby’s tears ran like a waterfall down his face. Bobby bit his lip from crying out, but it was no use as the doctor prodded him farther.

“Just a little longer, Bobby, you’re doing great.”

John shut his eyes, unable to see the heartbreaking look on Bobby’s face as the doctor got what she needed.
A little short, but you know i'll update quickly.

don't forget to comment! i love talking to such a responsive group.

title: n, rating: nc-17, fiction: series, author: bulma90_13

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