ATTENTION: Psychics, Spirits/Demons, Mediums, Time-Travelers, Inter-Dimensional Travelers...

Oct 04, 2011 00:31

... or any others whose business is in the paranormal.

((Egon has left a dropbox next to his mailbox with a stack of questionnaires for anyone who came looking for him after he left the note in the comment box at the rec center a few days ago. There's a notice on the dropbox that reads:))

"I, Dr. Egon Spengler, am performing tests and research of a paranormal nature that could prove to be extremely useful to those of us who aren't natives. You know who you are. All persons, beings, or entities who qualify in one of the above listed categories are implored to fill out a questionnaire for posterity. It's completely voluntary and the results will be kept completely confidential. They will be used for research purposes, hopefully to the benefit of all.

If you would like to participate, please take one questionnaire, fill it out as completely as possible, and place it into the dropbox I've provided. Thank you for your time."

((Copy and paste the text in the box into a comment and fill it out. Only answer "yes" to testing if you're interested in possibly RPing out a testing session with your character and Egon. Mostly, he would ask a lot of questions, use devices to detect PKE levels, put a funny metal dome with wires sticking out of it on your character's head, sciency stuff like that. It's fine if your character may not be willing to answer every question he might have.))

Age (in years):
Paranormal involvement (pick one): Psychic, ghost/spirit/demon, medium, time-traveler, inter-dimensional traveler, other (describe).
Please describe your abilities/physical state in detail:
How long have you been able to use your abilities/How long have you been in this state of existence? (in years):
If you are a ghost, spirit, demon, please consult the chart below and indicate which class you are:
Was anything different about your abilities/physical state when you were first brought into Mayfield? Please explain:
Which of your abilities/physical aspects have returned, if any?:
Would you be willing to submit yourself for testing? Tests are simple and non-invasive in nature:
If you said "yes" to the question above, please provide your Mayfield address so that I can reach you:

Click here to view the ghost/spirit/demon class chart.


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