...which I totally did. /D;; I remember shying away from the screen the first time I saw it (when I was young and impressionable) and then craving fried chicken afterward. .____.
y-you're going a lot faster than I am! /D I'm, um, still on day 12something and I pre-ordered the damn game. >___>; I find myself using magic a lot more than hi-potions and stuff - I guess it's cause of triple and doublecast panel links and stuff. I keep 4 hi-potions and 4 hi-ethers on me, although when I get more slots that'll probably change orz.
I marathon games, so I go through them in really big spurts orz. I need more slots if I want to use magic because a;lgdjlkfsg;a I like techs too much. .___. I'm used to being able to cure as much as necessary, but with the new system it's kind of alkgsjalk;sd *shoots* Plus I only have one cure panel.
It's better than the first game imo. I miss the KH2 camera though. ;___;
Magic is kind of secondary to me, except for cure panels. *__* I spam hi-potions more than cure, because I didn't use magic as much in the originals ('cept CoM). I don't use that limit-thing (is that the word? am I mixing it up with FF lol?) too much, though. ;;;
the first game as in KH1? o; the camera system in 358/2 isn't too bad, but I guess after Genji any moveable camera system feels like I'm getting spoiled. XD I use my thumbnail to control it, because using a stylus is too unwieldy. ;__;
I got two more cure panels on a mission earlier and promptly replaced a fire and a blizzard in my double cast link. /D;; I still don't have enough room for the amount of potions that I want. ;___;
Hooray for thumbnails! :D One of the reasons I love 358/2 is because the stylus isn't used at all, really. Makes me happy because my DS is second-hand and the first version that came out orz.
Comments 16
LOL,don't play too much? xDDD.
Oh, I want to watch Sherlock Holmes, let's hope I'll be able to~
It's really good! <3
KAME-LICKING GOOD, WHAT. i laughed for ages when i first saw that shit.
... in fact, i wonder if it's open today. i have a coupon right next to my keyboard. XD
y-you're going a lot faster than I am! /D I'm, um, still on day 12something and I pre-ordered the damn game. >___>; I find myself using magic a lot more than hi-potions and stuff - I guess it's cause of triple and doublecast panel links and stuff. I keep 4 hi-potions and 4 hi-ethers on me, although when I get more slots that'll probably change orz.
the camera thing is so awkward in 358/2 D:
It's better than the first game imo. I miss the KH2 camera though. ;___;
the first game as in KH1? o; the camera system in 358/2 isn't too bad, but I guess after Genji any moveable camera system feels like I'm getting spoiled. XD I use my thumbnail to control it, because using a stylus is too unwieldy. ;__;
Hooray for thumbnails! :D One of the reasons I love 358/2 is because the stylus isn't used at all, really. Makes me happy because my DS is second-hand and the first version that came out orz.
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