O.C.D. = Obsessive Cleaning Disorder ...?

Jul 24, 2014 15:59

So this is a ridiculously random question ( Read more... )

b-dreams, insane again, experiences, health, giese, alex, video games

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Comments 8

talakestreal July 24 2014, 23:06:55 UTC
I have an absolutely love of Downy Unstopables with my liquid fabric softener. EVERYTHING smells so wonderful with those.


drone_dragon July 30 2014, 01:53:21 UTC
Downy is one of the best. I don't know how I would have survived without it. Sometimes smell is everything.


electricdruid July 25 2014, 00:14:36 UTC
I have a love/hate relationship with fabric softener. On one hand I like the, well, the way it makes the clothes feel softer, and how it takes out the static. On the other hand, I fucking hate touching my clothes when I've used fabric softener and they're still warm. It feels sooooooo gross to me.

I'm not brand-picky, I just buy whatever.


drone_dragon July 30 2014, 01:48:52 UTC
I've never really had that problem before. But I do understand that some people have allergies to such things as well. So being uncomfortable from the touch is very understandable.


12daysofrain July 25 2014, 20:02:20 UTC
I always use fabric softener, and the brand I use is the snuggle exhilarations.

Metal slug is amazing. I have been playing it a lot lately too.


drone_dragon July 30 2014, 01:36:03 UTC
Metal Slug indeed is very amazing. Probably one of my favorite side-scrollers next to Gunstar Heroes.


a_aurantia July 27 2014, 17:26:25 UTC
I don't use fabric softener. I don't see the point. Unless you WANT to destroy all your clothes that much faster.


drone_dragon July 30 2014, 01:24:22 UTC
Totally understandable.
I'm aware of fabric softener's effects on clothing, but have never had that problem with my own clothing save for two shirts that I own.


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