O.C.D. = Obsessive Cleaning Disorder ...?

Jul 24, 2014 15:59

So this is a ridiculously random question:
But does anyone else use fabric softener when they do the laundry? I'm absolutely obsessed with using softener all over my clothes. Hell I'll even dump the lot on my favorite / lucky shirts to give them that extra zest. But what do you guys typically use? My family has always used Downy, so as someone who associates the sense of smell to their childhood, it only makes perfect sense to continue the tradition of using Downy at my apartment. I'd be interested in trying some essences, but I'm curious what else is out there that works wonders for others.

Finally defeated my sore throat. Apparently everyone at my job and neighborhood are also coming down with a summer cold and are having similar if not worse symptoms. Kind of makes me thankful that I only received a scratchy throat for a week instead of lying in bed with a killer fever.

Went on a brief bicycle ride today in an attempt to visit my neighborhood bookstore. Upon arrival, I quickly discovered that it was closed down (probably for slow market sales) and I just rode back home with some motivating cardiovascular exercise under my belt. During my wandering I also accidentally discovered an ale house that I can take Giese, Guts, and Squirt to if we're ever having a surly night.

Tomorrow going to attempt a Metal Slug marathon with my husband. Probably could go for a nice walk outside if the weather isn't a sweaty beast.

Also had three nightmares in a row last night. One was about the villain Apocalypse, another was about being on the run and hunted by mercenaries hell bent to slay me, and the last one was about a trecherous haunted house that killed a handful of my family friends.

b-dreams, insane again, experiences, health, giese, alex, video games

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