Every Night in Every Pore ...?

Aug 23, 2014 22:09

And now the roof is leaking. Our apartment roof was redone during the Spring, and I have a strange feeling that they did a shoddy job. We contacted our landlord immediately and thankfully he responded quickly. Tomorrow he's going to visit regarding internal repairs as the Apartment Association investigates what's going on with the roof. I'll probably be able to catch up with him right after my morning shift. I'm hoping we'll be able to get this whole leaking roof issue out of the way so we can move onto more important matters. Like our new shelving unit coming in next week! I've dismantled the older "lender" shelves of its materials which makes the living room looks so bare. Can't wait to have everything organized and looking so nice and neat!

I've been getting back into the video game classics in an attempt to re-spark my RPG passions. I just have not been in the mood to complete MegaTenIV, Bravely Default, or Persona 3. So I'm going to be jumping straight into Final Fantasy VI Advance to find my former flame for RPGs. It has a re-translated text script and an added dungeon just for kicks. Plus, from what I've watched online, it doesn't have as many audio/loading problems compared to Final Fantasy Anthology's rendition.

Got myself a cupping massage today. A much belated birthday gift from sssagena that I never capitalized on until now. It was rather enjoyable and relaxing. I've never had a cupping massage done before. So now my entire back looks like it had been making out with an octopus! Really did wonders for the soreness that I was getting in my lower back and wrist/arms. Here's hoping that it'll at least last me until October when con season starts up again.

apartment, health, video games

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