Holes in my Knees ...?

Mar 11, 2014 22:56

Hey LJ! Long time no play ( Read more... )

rant, concert, video games, music, birthday, update, giese, alex

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Comments 4

heyyitsashley March 12 2014, 12:32:43 UTC
I agree with this year being a good year with album releases. Most of the bands that I like have or are releasing new albums this year and it's exciting!

I am in desperate need for new jeans! I can never bring myself to buy them though. I can never find any that fit me perfectly, so I just gave up on looking.


drone_dragon March 19 2014, 21:29:05 UTC
What albums are you looking forward to this year?


bikerwolf March 13 2014, 01:46:35 UTC
I could really use some new jeans too, because several of the pairs I have that fit are ripped in the crotch. It's not a high priority at the moment, though ( ... )


drone_dragon March 19 2014, 21:52:52 UTC
Yeah my limitation is rips at the crotch. That happens a lot with my pajama pants.

I grew up on Super Castlevania IV which was a staple in my SNES collection. Surprisingly my childhood friend who owned a regular NES and a Genesis didn't own any of the Castlevania games. So I was familiar with the games through Nintendo Power but never had an opportunity to try them out.

I've noticed that you listen to Six Feet Under as a band of choice. If you really like them, might I also recommend exploring the band Suffocation? They're super talented and are still making music to this day! My favorite album ( and probably the best album to start off with ) is "Souls to Deny" from 2004.


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