Holes in my Knees ...?

Mar 11, 2014 22:56

Hey LJ! Long time no play.
A lot has been going on these past few months regarding life in general. Birthday came and went without me really noticing it. Bought myself some new music to welcome in the new year. By the way if no one else has noticed, this year's music releases are going to be spectacular, just throwing that out there! Also mostly all of my jeans had their knees cut open from job shenanigans. So I decided to go outside of my norm and pick up some brand new jeans and shirts. It actually wasn't as expensive as I had expected it to be. Also I'm totally keeping my patched up jeans, which I am particularly proud of. For those who don't know, my patched up jeans have at least sixteen splits around the knees. All patched and repaired. So the jeans look super ravaged, but a part of me is super proud of them and their imperfect glory. I've also been playing a lot of Earthbound on the Virtual Console. That game is right up my alley; full of RPG parody, trippy visuals, hilarious looking enemies, and a really creative original soundtrack. It's also a little challenging in a sadistic RPG gamer type of way. You want to progress through the game to unravel more of the story, but the game definitely punishes you if try rushing through it too quickly.

Been spending some more time with Alex and Giese which has been rad. All three of us watched Giese play-through Spec Ops: The Line which was quite the experience. Think Apocalypse Now meets Counter Strike with an intriguing plot. It took us a couple of days to watch it in its entirety. But was definitely worth the adventure. Next we're going to tackle two player Catherine with recorded results. I'm actually familiar with Catherine's storyline after watching a few hours worth of content. I will admit however that I have never played the actual game-play of Catherine. So I'm eager to learn and try it out. I've also been playing Rondo of Blood for the PSP because I enjoy yelling and swearing at my console? No I was just in a desperate need for a handheld Castlevania to jostle around with. This one in particular is rather infuriating but attainable! I've also been playing a lot of Bravely Default which has been absolutely fabulous. Definitely a good reboot of the job-system from the original Final Fantasy series which is a vast improvement in my personal opinion. Granted I loved Tactics and Tactics Advance. But I never really enjoyed the mechanics introduced by III or V. Bravely Default reminds me of why I enjoy playing RPGs. Good grinding, good music and environments, and I should probably mention that the voice acting is completely cheesy and ridiculous ( surprisingly a big plus in my book! ).

Been having some rather conflictual conversations with some weekend friends. Mainly table top friends. I have a ton of fun table topping with this particular group that I meet with every Sunday. But recently our games have been taking a dramatic turn for the worst. Two of our gamers, who had both broken up a few months ago, will argue relentlessly during our game sessions which totally ruins the atmosphere of the game. Probably doesn't help that one of these individuals is our game master. So far I've privately met with one of our fellow gamers who is familiar with these tensions. We both agreed that this bickering has to stop, otherwise the entire game would collapse, as if it already hasn't done so. So tomorrow I'll be meeting with the game master privately to explain why I have been avoiding attending game for the past 4 weeks or so. It's going to be TERRIBLY uncomfortable having a conversation about his behavior being such a disruption. He's a good trusted friend whom I've known since high school, so the conversation should go more smoothly than a normal one. I just can't stand conflicts. They make me so uneasy. ¬_¬

Tomorrow I plan on visiting an old record store that I used to visit once a month for my jimmy-jams. A while back they relocated to a southern suburb away from their original town. I remember writing an entire post complaining about this business decision. Figured this would be a good time to check in with the owner and see how he's doing at the new spot. Plus I need to see if he's carrying some rare albums that are sold at astronomical prices online. I've been getting into some strange stuff recently. And I guess that comes at a cost if you want to collect! In other music news- Giese and I will be checking out Russian Circles performing in Chicago this weekend. I'm super excited about that.

rant, concert, video games, music, birthday, update, giese, alex

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