I've Seen Better Days ...?

Sep 13, 2012 22:10

Been feeling down all day. Started off at work and kind of followed me throughout the rest of the evening ( Read more... )

melancholy, pictures, sadness fills me, video games

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Comments 9

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drone_dragon September 18 2012, 00:29:25 UTC
Thanks dude!

ALSO; you need to post more man! D:


allhailkush September 17 2012, 06:00:17 UTC
This should make your life better:

Also- yes, this is me, and yes- that link *looks* suspicious, but it's not. And here's a private joke so you know it's me: Uncle says drink more tea!!


drone_dragon September 18 2012, 00:51:30 UTC
HA HA HA HA! Oh Azula you so crazy and lovable.
It's funny because I've actually had that song stuck in my head for the past week or so. XD


sonariss September 17 2012, 14:20:31 UTC
Those look awesome!


drone_dragon September 18 2012, 00:52:37 UTC
I'm glad you think so! :D


cyaneus September 17 2012, 18:53:13 UTC
Are those Gelaskins? They look really cool!


sssage September 18 2012, 01:01:50 UTC
yes they are gelaskins, just with my stuff on them instead of their art :)

Thank you for posting the skins you got, I've been wanting to do this for a while, just didn't know what to expect till I saw your's.


cyaneus September 18 2012, 02:32:16 UTC
You're welcome! I also wanted to watch all the videos of them before I was sure I wanted them ... and thankfully my roommate works for 3M, so she is very familiar with that material!


drone_dragon September 18 2012, 06:31:24 UTC
What Sssage said! Thanks for posting your skins to encourage our upgrading habits! XD


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