Friday night william had a seizure and frqctured his skull. Which caused internal bleeding in his head. He got out of the hospital either tonight or will tomorrow. If you can please pray for him. Im posting this because his sister asked me to tell hos friends.
You guys know my blog. Some of you have been helping me get close to a 100. Things are close to being self sufficent. Downloads are building. Anyway if you could. Stop by as opften as you can and click ads til Wednesday. It will only take a few seonds. Any aid will be appreciated.
If you're on my friends list, I want to know 36 things about you. I don't care if we never talk, or if we already know everything about each other. Short and sweet is fine... you're on my list, so I want to know you better
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Im in shock from the wholesale slaugter of Helper, the Clones and especially 24. I was sorta right in how things were resolved. I thought it was going to be a computer error from when Brock was not able to input the code in to his car in time. I guess Molotov took that as her chance to implement her plan. IIs good to see why OSI wanted Hunter dead
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