I PASSED MY DRIVING TEST TODAY!!I thought for sure I'd made enough mistakes to warrant a fail - I actually did a double take when he said "passed" - but apparently not. 11 minors out of an allowed 15, which isn't amazing, but that's not really the point. The point is that as of Monday I'm insured on my Mum's car and free to go
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You can learn a lot about someone from the music they listen to. Here's the game: hit shuffle on your music player, and write down the first 25 songs that come up. No cheating or skipping songs
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I know I haven't posted for a while, and I know I've been really lazy with commenting on everyone else's posts and I'm sorry. I think the main reason I don't update loads is that interesting things rarely happen in my life
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Okay as of now I am officially on a mission. 22 weeks to lose 21 lbs. I feel like putting this here leaves me with no chance to back out of it or put it off cause everybody (or rather the 20 people on my flist) knows about it
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I just took a personality test. It's quite strange how much the traits of the personality type I got (INFJ) apply to me. Also, almost all of the famous people with the same type are actors/actresses. So much for me being a realist and trying to not go down that path as a career choice. But fuck yeah, I'm also like Luke Skywalker!