Just prompts: quote

Oct 10, 2008 01:45

My home is not a place, it is people. -Lois McMaster Bujold

"Just give us what we want to know, and we'll let you go." The first masked man said as he moved to stand in front of her chair again. She glared at him, tugging at the ropes around her wrists and ankles. "We just want to know where the object is." The other one commented from behind her, casually touching her cheek. "You wouldn't want us to go in and find it ourselves, would you?" The other one smiled nastily, "We're not in the habit of leaving traces behind. Tell us where it is and we won't burn the place down." She shook her head once and continued to say nothing. She didn't know what they were talking about or where it was. They were idiots to believe that the threat of burning her house would get her to talk. As much as she cared for it, it was a place. It could be rebuilt. Her family, the people she deeply cared for were all safe. Her home was in them, not the physical place she lived. Home was Max's arms around her. Dad, Mom, Stephen, Sol, Aunt Maggie and Uncle Justin...they was also home.

The longer she said nothing, hopefully the longer it gave people time to find her. If these two truly knew that she had no idea what they were talking about, she had a sneaking suspicion, she'd wind up floating in the nearest river.

She knew she couldn't hold out indefinitely, but maybe, just maybe she could hold out long enough. They'd come for her, they would. Hopefully it'd be soon. Before the two kidnappers decided to get creative. Before she caved.

She flexed her wrist slightly, trying again to see if there was any slack in the ropes that she could manipulate.

She wanted to go home.


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