It's been too long...

Sep 16, 2007 01:38

... since I made a decent, purely fangirlish picspam ;)
So considering the renewal of my Jossverse obsession you can probably guess what it will be.
It's really big so if you're on dial-up you really have to be patient... or unfortunately skip it. Mostly behind-the-scenes, private pics, photo sessions and such for BtVS, AtS and *even* Firefly/ ( Read more... )

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Comments 15

youve_got_wings September 16 2007, 01:08:49 UTC
OMG *thud* La de suite je t'adore et je snag toutes les pics lol.

j'adore voir les behind the scenes parce qu'on peut voir que david est un vrai dork (et c'est encore pire dans bones lol) et que james est adorable; completement different de leurs persos. C'est le fils de charisma sur une des photos? si oui il est super adorable


dresden_doll_01 September 16 2007, 01:19:19 UTC
Heee! Snag away!

J'adore ce genre de photos! Je vis pour tout ce qui est behind-the-scenes lol Et oui c'est son fils. Il est trop chou!


youve_got_wings September 16 2007, 01:21:29 UTC
lol same here

super mignon en effet; et elle est aussi super jolie sur la photo lucky bitch


dresden_doll_01 September 16 2007, 01:31:45 UTC
Awwww ton icon est trop adorable! Ils auraient ete des parents trop chouettes... Stupid Holtz >_< Ugh.

Charisma est trop belle... Je la deteste lol


randysgirl_645 September 16 2007, 01:34:53 UTC
I love love them :D ♥ brings back so many memories :D


dresden_doll_01 September 16 2007, 01:46:08 UTC
Heee they're cool aren't they? *g*


x_serenade September 16 2007, 01:55:59 UTC

Majority of these I had never seen before :]

Thank you for the few B/A pics, lol!! :P Ahh and the fourth pic down from Buffy (where you mention David's tan) lmao he is totally grabbing Sarah's ass! ♥ Or using it as support, or...something :]

Tom was a prick, really? :[ Oh that kills it for me now too then.

Nathan, mmm. I hated Caleb but he is pretty to look at :] I bought the Firefly DVD for real cheap and I haven't even watched it yet hahaha. I do like Nathan and Jewel though *nods* Also Summer Glau, who was that ballet dancer in that AtS ep (name slipped me atm) She's purdy.



dresden_doll_01 September 16 2007, 02:16:49 UTC
Hee glad you liked it :) I love finding such pics, they're just looove!

And of course I had to include B/A ;) Just because I'm a Spuffy shipper doesn't mean I hate B/A ;) Hell I even loved them in the first 2 seasons =)
Oh and he totally is grabbing her ass lol

See I'm usually very careful with "x or y was a prick" stories but I know the people who told me this pretty well and I believe it. I have no idea if the guy was just having a bad day or if he really is an ass in real life though. It's the same with David. When I met him he was really far from fan friendly and I still am slightly disappointed with him but who knows. Maybe he was just tired or was having a bad day...

Oooh Summer was gorgeous in Waiting in the Wings! I gotta give Firefly another chance. O tried it once but since it wasn't really my thing I kinda watched it without really paying attention. But yes Nathan is yum *g*


chaotic4life September 16 2007, 08:49:54 UTC
Awww .. Cordy! Nathan! Spike!


Gawd...I love Charisma ...


dresden_doll_01 September 16 2007, 11:15:43 UTC
Heeee glad you liked it =)

All the girls in Jossverse are pretty but Charisma's a true beauty... I have to check what she's been up to lately.


chaotic4life September 16 2007, 15:37:56 UTC
The last I saw of her was the GREEK Finale last week.


dresden_doll_01 September 16 2007, 18:28:50 UTC
I've never watched it. Is it any good?


anonymous September 16 2007, 13:06:16 UTC
1) c clair que Angel/David est bcp mieu kan il sourie ou fait le débile ( ... )


dresden_doll_01 September 16 2007, 18:36:29 UTC
1. oui et quand il est mince :P Ptain chui mechante ou quoi? lol
2. lol chui d'accord. Heee "bloody hell"! Ca me rappel nos vacances!
3. daddy!Angel est trop adorable!
4. haha Mandy! Chui morte de rire chaque fois qu'il chante ca! Et oui C/W/G bourres en train de chanter We are the champions est trop fun!
5. Joss adore ses acteurs et franchement je trouve ca genialissime! En meme tps c'est Joss donc c'est normal - le mec est trop trop chouette!
6. lmao oh tu me connais - moi et Riley on s'adore lolol
7. Spikey! J'ai tjs la photo de notre Spikey pigeon sur Pet LOL


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