... since I made a decent, purely fangirlish picspam ;)
So considering the renewal of my Jossverse obsession you can probably guess what it will be.
It's really big so if you're on dial-up you really have to be patient... or unfortunately skip it. Mostly behind-the-scenes, private pics, photo sessions and such for BtVS, AtS and *even* Firefly/Serenity (gotta give it another shot soon).
Obviously I take no credit in those. They're from all over the internet, huge bunch found and sent to me by Sarah (thankyouthankyou and I want more! lol)
And don't mind the rather uninspired comments some of them are gonna have ;)
Let's start with Buffy! Or rather old school Buffy:
Gotta love their outfits!
David looks particularly tanned for a vamp ;)
I just love this shot!
Joss is such a dork lol
Something for Angel/Oz shippers... God this fandom really pairs everyone with anyone lol
Angel should brood less. He's prettier when he smiles ;)
Apparently these are from Nick's wedding
and talking about Nick ;)
LOL at Nick's pose!
And now something for B/A lovers on my flist:
Sarah and David look gorgeous in this pic!
Oh come on! I'm a Spuffist, Such pic is a given ;)
A Joss/James hug! Too adorable!
I adore this photoshoot!
And this one!
I can't believe he wrote Dangerous for her. Lucky bitch
Such odd pic considering the storyline ;) But awww I love Amber!
Yes so I'm biased :P But James really is a very cool guy.
I tried this haircut 2 years ago. Didn't look that good... lol
Awwww Aly/Alexis wedding! Don't they look adorable!
lol I always loved Andrew! And then I heard that Tom was a total prick at some convention.
Kinda ruined the character for me...
I can't believe Buffy's 10... 10 years. Geez... It feels like yesterday when I first started watching,,,
Obviously we're gonna move to AtS now. Again with the old school ;)
R.I.P. Glenn...
How freaking gorgeous is Charisma!
Christian! Anyone seen him performing?
Both on my "to meet" list. Apparently Andy is a total sweetheart!
Amy's wedding pic. Beautiful!
Something for my Angel/Cordy lovers lol
Anyone else liked Gwen? *raises hand*
Sue me - I loved Darla/Angel(us)/Connor dynamics :P Also pregnant Darla was cracktastic!
Awww isn't it adorable! Mr. Dad and Uncle "Filthy Demon" lol
Joss looking very elegant lol
One thing that never happened on the show lol
And lookie one with mommy lol Although they definitely don't look mother/son here...
Definitely better than Jasmine ;)
Oh man... these were good times... Damn you WB for cancelling!
LOL at Lorne!
Man I adore Fanged Four. One of my favorites in the whole Buffyverse...
Smile Time!!!!
Time to move onto Firefly/Serenity where my knowledge = Nathan hot, Jewel adorable lol
See? Adorable :)
So how did you like it? I really have to catch up on Firefly/Serenity. And those of you who are still not familiar with Jossverse... Wow people. What are you waiting for?! He's only a TV god ;)