(no subject)

Mar 12, 2007 14:44

A few days ago BtVS was celebrating its 10th anniversary. I can't believe it's been 10 years already!
It was my very first fandom, very first obsession, shipping etc etc. It's still one of my all time fave shows and it's still one of the best shows ever made.

You know what it means... a picspam! *g*

And this one is huuuuge. Really if you're on dial up you might want to skip it. Also it's still one of the very few shows where I liked most couples so I promise it's not gonna be exlusively Spuffy :)

Welcome to Sunnydale Buffy! "Try not to get kicked out"

"Can I have you?" *lol*

"You forgot your... stake" *lol* Totally random I actually have a stake at home. Friend's father made it for us for a fan convention :)

It's amazing how physically Giles hardly changed in 7 seasons...

... not like Willow :) She was absolutely adorkable there!

Ok so I'm not a big Angel fan. But honestly I didn't mind him nor him with Buffy in the first 2 seasons. Though I do like him much better on AtS and/or when he's Angelus.

The Pack - this was the very first episode of BtVS I've seen. It was a Saturday 8 years ago and that day I twisted my ankle playing tennis so I was spending the weekend laying on my bed and watching TV and pure luck I watched this. And I thought it was cool. There you have it. The fascinating story of how I discovered BtVS *lmao* Also Xander looks awesome in that pic!

Awww very cute first kiss but the better one was this one:

Lovely scene with great song.

I don't get it. What is it? Avant-garde? *lmao* Gotta love Snyder!

Almanzo!!! *lmao* I've watched Little House on the Prairie one time too many...

I loved Prophecy Girl. SMG did amazing job in that scene.

Wasn't there Morcheeba playing?

Me and Dru, we're moving in. I LOVED these two together!!!

Oz!!!! I loved Willow/Oz.

Cordy/Xander. Now these 2 always cracked me up!

Uh -oh Angelus is back *g*

Slashy goodness! Yeah!

Oh Jenny :(

Poor Giles...

The truth is I like this world. You've got... dog racing, Manchester United. And you've got people.
Billions of people walking around like Happy Meals with legs.


I totally cried *blushes*

I'm not a big fan of S3. I couldn't get into Faith and the mayor storyline, Spike and Dru were gone and Buffy/Angel bored me to no end.
But still it had a few awesome episodes.

Hee I always wanted Joyce and Giles to get together :D

My favorite episode from that season!

Anya!!! Did anyone count how many times she changed her hair color on the show? *lol*

Vamp!Xander/Willow = hotness!

Awww I always loved Wesley!

I always had mixed feelings about Faith. I still can't decide if I like this character or not.
It's a shame though that they didn't fully used her potential.

I don't understand. This sort of things never happened to me before. LMAO!

See I still think that S4 had the worst main storyline in the BtVS history (seriously WTF cared about stupid Initiative?!)
but it also had so many brilliant episodes like e.g. Something Blue!

It's telly time! LOL

Be still my shipper's heart *lol*

Can I be blind, too? LMAO

Hush aka why we call Joss God!

Giles' drawings!

Riley is still the only character in this fandom I totally can't stand...


I LOVED Willow/Tara!

I loved that they continued this storyline on AtS!

here's where I should warn you that we're about to enter S5 and it's my fave nad there's gonna be a lot of Spike and Spuffy :P

Oh God no. Please no. LMAO

Fool For Love is my all time fave BtVS episode *sigh*


I can't believe some people actually ship Dawn and Spike... Creepy. But their friendship was the cuteness!

I don't think I've ever cried as much as during The Body...

Anya's monologue kills me every single time... Heartwrenching...

The Buffybot goodness!

Glory was such a perfect crazy bitch!


Now about S6 - I know lot of people didn't like it, saying how Joss went too far and all...
Not my case. I loved it :) It was dark, edgy, painful and messy. Great season!


Many have tried, only Joss succeded - the musical episode!

The curtain's closed on a kiss, God knows, we can tell the end is near... Where do we go from here?

Ready Randy? Ready Joan. *lol*


I love that it was Xander saving Willow and the world!

Can we rest now? Buffy can we rest? :(

Major squee! :P

Nooooooo! :(

Was it good for you too? *lol*

I really miss this show :(


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