
Dec 26, 2009 20:59

Merry fucking Xmas to me ( Read more... )

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Comments 39

kalldoro December 26 2009, 20:04:48 UTC
There was a huge fight here at my parent's house last night. My older brother lost it and physically attacked me. So yeah, this has been a weird kind of Christmas and I totally empathize. *hugs*


dresden_doll_01 December 26 2009, 20:45:10 UTC
*hugs back* That sounds really seriously. I hope you're ok, hon :(


kalldoro December 26 2009, 22:00:42 UTC
I'm fine, he didn't really hurt me...dad pulled him off me before it got too bad. I'm just pissed off and sad that things have progressed this far.

Family issues are a bitch aren't they? I hop you and your mom manage to sort things out at some point. *hugs back*


randysgirl_645 December 26 2009, 20:10:46 UTC

Christmas Eve started out a bit slow with my aunt not coming to dinner like it was planned but she came by yesterday with presents :D and so did my cousin for a little bit. Today we're going to my other aunt's house and get some more presents lol.


dresden_doll_01 December 26 2009, 20:46:36 UTC
OMG I had a similar situation with my grand aunt this Xmas!

And I can't wait to see you next weekend!!!!


randysgirl_645 December 27 2009, 03:25:42 UTC
Yay! I can't wait either :D

and wow what a coincidence!


taperjeangirl December 26 2009, 20:20:19 UTC
Wy to sie chyba niegdy nie możecie dogadać co?:(
Nawet w święta. Ja mam to samo z babcią. Zero komunikacji.


dresden_doll_01 December 26 2009, 20:49:04 UTC
Chyba nie. Szkoda mi jej, naprawde. Uzera sie z moja babka, ledwo wyrabia zdrowotnie i na serio jej ciezko... Szczerze mowiac jakbym mogla to wszystko cofnac to bym cofnela, ale z drugiej strony to sama doprowadzila do tego koszmaru dzisiaj. Kurde, okropnie sie czuje, bo wiem ze ona tam teraz ryczy...


taperjeangirl December 26 2009, 20:59:33 UTC
:( a Twoja babka to też taki potwór? To pewnie przez nią Twoja a mama jest taka jaka jest bo 'z kim przystajesz takim sie stajesz.' Ja moją szkole, żeby sie babki nie słuchala tak hard colrowo bo wiem czym to sie moze skończyć.
Pewnie głupio tak zadzwonic i pogadac ale przydało by sie. Masakra tak sie kłocic skoro widziecie sie tylko kilka razy w roku.


dresden_doll_01 December 26 2009, 21:07:15 UTC
Nie, ona tylko jest w strasznym stanie i matka moja sie nia musi teraz zajmowac, bo jej siostra jej pieprznieta i jej to gowno obchodzi. Wiec matka nie dosc ze tyra w pracy od rana do nocy, to jeszcze ma drugi etat w domu. Szkoda mi jej nieprzecietnie i jak moglam, tak jej pomagalam teraz przez Swieta, no ale dzisiaj wybuchlo duzo starych zadrasnien miedzy nami (wypomniala mi nawet glupoty sprzed 15 lat...) no i tak sie to skonczylo. Ja w domu od zeszlych swiat nie bylam. Myslalam, ze moze sie uda w tym roku spokojnie, ale jednak nie...


iwillrememberu December 26 2009, 20:21:29 UTC
Sorry :( At least you've got your dad, right?

Maybe everyone needs Christmas to remember that all families, no matter where you live in the world, are fucked up, which would be why we'd need a whole year to recover. I dunno.


dresden_doll_01 December 26 2009, 20:50:23 UTC
lol probably. Either way, Xmas puts way too much pressure on people here and my mother already had way too much thanks to my grandma and she took it out on me. I wish I could take it all back, but I know I can't...


iwillrememberu December 26 2009, 22:02:32 UTC
You could say you're sorry for what you said, even if you were right? It'd be a start. But I'm not in your shoes, so feel free to ignore me ;)


aggieshan08 December 26 2009, 20:23:14 UTC


dresden_doll_01 December 26 2009, 20:50:40 UTC
Thanks hon!


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