TW Drabble: Await Further Instructions

Jul 07, 2010 10:56

Title: Await Further Instructions
Character: Toshiko Sato
Rating: G
Notes: Posted to tw100 for Challenge 159. Reverse fandom challenge: Lost, Episode title "Further Instructions".

Await Further Instructions )

torchwood, tw100, fic? really?

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Comments 8

rustydog July 7 2010, 21:02:57 UTC
Oh, this is wonderful! Such a vivid look at that missing bit of Tosh's life. With her task being to create a sonic device, I love your use of music, and even the relief "resonating." Lovely.


dremiel July 8 2010, 02:44:10 UTC
Thank you! I had fun seeing how sonic I could get without pushing it too hard.

Your lovely Tosh icon reminds me that I really need to find one.


lone_star_woman July 8 2010, 05:02:44 UTC
Very nice.


dremiel July 9 2010, 03:47:09 UTC
Thank you!


rabecka July 8 2010, 05:49:45 UTC
Loved this - it's just so perfectly Tosh. (Hope it's OK to mention, but if you're still looking for Tosh icons I have lots on my site.)


dremiel July 9 2010, 03:48:24 UTC
Thanks! I'll definitely check out the icons but as an ancient free basic member I only have room for six!


karaokegal July 8 2010, 18:01:12 UTC
Brilliant! I love how you get into Tosh's mind, both the emotional and the analytical.


dremiel July 9 2010, 03:48:48 UTC
Thank you so much. I miss Tosh!


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