TW Drabble: Await Further Instructions

Jul 07, 2010 10:56

Title: Await Further Instructions
Character: Toshiko Sato
Rating: G
Notes: Posted to tw100 for Challenge 159. Reverse fandom challenge: Lost, Episode title "Further Instructions".

She thumbed the volume a little higher, hoping the Haydn would mute the memory of her mother’s voice, terrified and confused. Embracing the aria’s deliberate tempo she composed herself; precision was required now.

A simple choice, they’d said, but of course it was no choice at all. She’d puzzle through these plans because she must. If she lost herself a little in the elegance of the design, in the leaps the schematics required, at least it muffled the waves of panic clamoring at her mind.

Holding the completed device, the relief resonated even through her weariness. Oka-san would be free.

torchwood, tw100, fic? really?

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