So now I'm envious of both my spouse AND my child. Great.

Jul 06, 2010 15:31

While Dave is eating his way across New Orleans and sending me pictures (and yeah, working his butt off, too) the Boy is having a couple of lazy days ( Read more... )

geek mom

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Comments 3

sabriel75 July 6 2010, 22:02:28 UTC
My daughter's highly jealous of his Summer Nanoscience Academy... she was on the robotics team and one year they focused on nanoscience. Coolest ideas ever came out of that research. It's a really amazing field.

And yes, I bemoan the fact that most of my cool experiences are because of living vicariously through her. Although I want to think that I'm not overbearing or make her do things she doesn't want to do just because I want to do them.

You should be proud and there's no reason you cannot be a little envious too. Those are awesome things to be doing and well, who wouldn't want to do them too.


dremiel July 6 2010, 22:12:26 UTC
There should be a Nanoscience academy for Moms, yes!

And I ADORE your icon!


sabriel75 July 6 2010, 22:14:35 UTC
Thanks. I love that icon too. :D

And yesssss... we want summer camps too. Moms deserve a little away, educational time during this season.


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