Drabble: Heat

Jun 03, 2010 09:38

Title: Heat ( Read more... )

torchwood, fic? really?

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Comments 7

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dremiel June 3 2010, 14:54:20 UTC
Thanks! Then again, you've seen MY fridge door!


pocky_slash June 3 2010, 15:07:07 UTC
I am totes in favor of you keeping up this fic-writing thing XD This was awesome--I like how it manages to be humorous and tell us a bit about Jack, when really the undercurrent is the domesticity of Ianto and Jack's relationship.


dremiel June 3 2010, 15:19:04 UTC
Thank you! I think I'm addicted now. It was a lot longer but confining it to a drabble really helped. I almost warned for schmoop.


remuslives23 June 5 2010, 23:22:02 UTC
I love adorable domestic moments! *hugs fic*


dremiel June 6 2010, 05:29:58 UTC
Thank you! *Fic likes being called adorable and hugs you back*


lone_star_woman June 6 2010, 06:20:14 UTC
Oh, I love this. Yay for domestic moments that are not over the top.

And I love spicy food, too. I'm Mexican; it's encoded in my DNA.


dremiel June 6 2010, 18:14:23 UTC
Thank you! I have a real weakness for non-scmoopy domestic fic.

I may have been inspired by my fridge door, yes.


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