Drabble: Heat

Jun 03, 2010 09:38

Title: Heat
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Ianto/Jack
Rating: G
Length: 100
Summary: Innuendo aside, Jack likes things spicy.

Innuendo aside, Jack likes things spicy. Ianto’s understood Jack’s preferences for years but still pauses and considers the six, no seven, bottles of pepper sauce crowding the door of his fridge. He runs a careful finger along each label: the one Jack splatters over eggs, the one for that noodle dish they made last week, the one Jack adds to marinade for chops, on and on. Tracing their history through half-empty bottles. Ianto snags a beer and shuts the door gently. With a quiet smile he thumbs his phone, opening the shopping list labeled “Flat”; they’re getting low on Sriracha.

torchwood, fic? really?

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