Introspection, and all

Apr 23, 2010 12:44

A couple of things that keep perking in the back of my mind ( Read more... )

thinkiness, such first world problems, crankypants, the future is now

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Comments 2

51stcenturyfox April 23 2010, 17:56:55 UTC
Congratulations on... being hot! :D

And I'm sure you don't look like the Pillsbury Dough-anything. Jeez.

You definitely get more texts than I do!


dremiel April 23 2010, 18:12:42 UTC
Thanks. :D

But really, I do. I'm okay with it, but I am short and roundish and, well, pale and doughy. I have the utmost confidence that my husband finds me hot but tend to think that's based on experience and affection.

I definitely get more texts than I was aware of. Mostly about baseball, fake confessions (ah, Sib3 is a priest and often texts me from the confessional if it's slow - yeah, we're going to hell), stupid things said at press conferences, crossword answers (Dave's BFF again) and increasingly outlandish things Niece the elder should say to her passive-aggressive ex-boyfriend roommate and/or what we should do with his body if she succumbs to rage and kills him.


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