Introspection, and all

Apr 23, 2010 12:44

A couple of things that keep perking in the back of my mind:

1) I was without a phone for less than 24 hours and while, no, the sky did not fall I was a little shocked to have THIRTY-SEVEN text messages when I synced the new one. Particularly since Dave and The Boy knew I was phone-less. Now, 37 text messages would hardly get my seventeen year old nephew through first period but it is rather a lot for a 47 year old semi-urban mom. I looked back over my texting history and, sure enough, I average about fifty texts (sent AND received) a day. On game days it's triple that. Who Knew?

So, who the heck is texting Dremiel? The breakdown from last week:
The Boy
Dave's BFF (he gives good text, what? Also, journalist)
Niece the elder in NYC (brand new girlfriend whilst sharing apartment w/ ex-boyfriend)
Kay, crazy books/baseball BFF
Nephew the younger
Walking/workout partner
Nephew the elder in Seattle (brand new city and job)
former work colleagues (w/OMG you won't believe what she said moments)
College roommate with whom I am never going to actually get to lunch in this decade (physician)

I guess I live a more connected life than I knew.

2) I was baking Thursday and when I ran out to get the new phone and pick up The Boy at school I forgot to put my wedding ring back on.

I just ... I thought at first I was imagining it but no, a nice looking guy in his fifties was chatting me up in the AT&T store and he then followed me into the Dim Sum place next door to make a joke about my phone and ask me for my number!? (yes, worthy of an interrobang). Later the same day while I was sitting on the floor outside a HS band practice room during The Boy's saxophone lesson a random band director with whom I have exchanged countless head nods and "hello's" over the past year came over and sat down and chatted with me for ten or so minutes while throwing glances at my ring finger!

This is so...Do you understand that while I am healthy and reasonably intelligent and have a fairly secure sense of self and all I am 47 and I bear a striking resemblance to the Pillsbury Dough Boy, or rather Dough Girl but without the spunky little kerchief.

Oblivious Dremiel is Oblivious, I guess.

According to Kay it's a thing...if it looks like the ring just came off you're an easy pickup. I'm also assured that when you are actually ready to date it's much harder.

3) I am already losing my time management skills and staying up too late and not getting enough done around the house and it's only been a week. Sigh.

thinkiness, such first world problems, crankypants, the future is now

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