Fanfic Update! A Thousand Glimpses: Twenty (Bianca/Reese)

Feb 28, 2009 02:05

TITLE: A Thousand Glimpses
SERIES: All My Children
AUTHOR: dreiser
YAHOO ID: dreiser7
CONTENT: F/F romance. F/F sex. Bianca/Reese. Breeze.
SUMMARY: Reese Williams had experienced a thousand glimpses of the life she always wanted but until she met Bianca Montgomery she never thought she could have it for herself.
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing but my potential hermit lifestyle.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: The start of the angst. I provide an accompanying mp3.

Bouncing Off Clouds by Tori Amos

A Thousand Glimpses

By: Dreiser


At precisely eight o'clock, Audrey walked through the doors of Le Topierre with her girlfriend of two years, Vivienne Landry, on her arm and was greeted by the faces of most of her employees along with all her friends and family proclaiming happy birthday. Reese was at the front of the crowd, accompanied by Bianca, laughing as the redhead gave a surprised exclamation and sardonically cursed them for reminding her this was the day that she increased in age.

Le Topierre was a large club with multiple floors, the second of which Reese had rented for the party, while the main floor was open to the general public. Once they met Audrey and Vivienne at the door, the party goers went to the second floor where they were guaranteed privacy by the club staff who were also in charge of the private bar on that level.

There were a good amount of people there for Audrey and she soon found her attention split between them. Which is why Reese slipped away from her friend, taking Bianca by the hand, and headed over to where the caterer was set up with an immense array of food. Smiling when she saw the pastries she ordered specifically with Bianca in mind, she lifted up a pastel blue macaron and formed a sultry smile as she drawled, "Want one?"

"Always when you're offering," Bianca replied, opening her mouth to accept the pastry, sucking on Reese's fingers in the process. "Good," she complimented after she finished eating the treat, smiling as Reese wiped the edges of her mouth. A smile that widened when the blonde leaned in for a kiss that was deep and detailed enough to sample the lingering taste of the macaron. When they parted, Bianca's palm was rested flat on Reese's cheek as she murmured, "Even better."

"Glad to hear it," said Reese with droll humor.

Laughing happily, Bianca slipped an arm around Reese's waist, and the two women continued their journey down the caterer's table, feeding each other small samples of the food then going to the bar and ordering drinks. Sitting on a tall stool at the bar with Bianca standing in front of her, Reese held Bianca from behind, her arms wrapped around the brunette's midsection. Smiling softly and resting her chin on the top of Bianca's head, breathing in the scent of her hair, Reese wore a content expression on her features as she watched Sofie winding her way through the crowd with Penelope closely following behind.

"Bianca!" Sofie said her name in proud and doting tones, beaming as she kissed the brunette's cheeks. Turning her attention to Reese, she lifted an eyebrow and remarked, "Mme. Williams, I am most impressed. It seems you've spared no expense."

"I'm glad you like the party but I didn't pay for it by myself," said Reese wryly, stretching her fingers out across Bianca's flat stomach, delighting in the silken texture of her dress. "Everyone here chipped in, yourself included."

"Sofie?" questioned Penelope, forming a look of bemused surprise on hearing this.

Immediately the actress did something quite unusual and entirely unexpected, particularly in Reese's opinion, her face heating in a blush, she turned to Penelope, trying her best to be dismissive but failing in the attempt as she said, "It is nothing. They required some assistance booking this venue and so I phoned Patrice to ask a favor."

"You loathe Patrice," said Penelope, appearing almost dumbfounded. "The last time you spoke at length with him you claimed it destroyed fifty percent of your functioning brain cells."

"Yes, well, this time it only destroyed twenty percent," said Sofie flippantly. Eyeing her girlfriend with a quiet affection, she pushed a lock of hair behind Penelope's ear and murmured, "I tell you it was nothing. Predominantly since it led to such a grand party. Which, again," Sofie continued, directing her attention back to Bianca and Reese who looked entertained on seeing such a different side to the actress. "I am thoroughly impressed with and very pleased to attend."

"Glad to have you," said Reese, smiling and studying Bianca who was looking at her friend rather smugly.

"What?" Sofie demanded, waving a hand at Bianca who laughed at this reaction. "What is the meaning of this insufferable face you're making?"

"I do adore you," replied Bianca, playfully drawing the words out, kissing Sofie on the cheek and laughing again as the actress blushed once more while muttering a series of curse words under her breath.

"You delight in tormenting me and thus force me to take my leave," announced Sofie, retreating with a smiling Penelope who called a cheerful goodbye to Bianca and Reese as they disappeared back through the crowd and onto the dance floor.

"That was almost mean of you," commented Reese humorously as Bianca turned in her arms, smiling up at her. She ran her fingers through Bianca's black hair that curled gently at the ends, playing with the strands in a thoughtful inspection.

"I was just teasing her," said Bianca with a pout. "That's considered mean?"

"Maybe," Reese joked, winding Bianca's hair around her finger then releasing it with a bounce. "But only when someone as unnaturally nice as you is the person responsible."

"Unnaturally nice?" echoed Bianca, frowning faintly. "That sounds good."

Resting her hand flat against Bianca's cheek, Reese thumb moved up and down in a slow caress, smiling as she said, "It says something bad about the rest of the world more than it does about you. I don't think I've ever met someone as kind as you, Bianca. Someone as caring and as sweet. When you ask how someone is you actually want to know the answer, it isn't out of some sort of politeness or a sense of obligation," Reese moved in to kiss Bianca softly. "That's rare."

"Thank you," Bianca said bashfully, tangling her fingers in the blonde's hair, pulling her in for another kiss.

Languid and lazy, their lips moved together in a detailed kiss, and Reese opened her mouth at the feel of Bianca's tongue sliding forward in an insistent press. Reese tilted her head, angling it so she could kiss the brunette deeper, her own tongue moving out to meet Bianca's, tasting what the other woman had to offer and relishing this moment and the feeling created by Bianca's kiss. A feeling of utter acceptance and affection but also one of humming excitement, her body automatically responding, scooting forward on the bar stool, pulling Bianca to her so they were as close as possible.

They separated to the sound of an appreciative whistle and slow clapping, causing Reese to blush then scowl as she looked over at a gloating Audrey. "We weren't putting on a show for you," said Reese a bit obstinately, sure Bianca was feeling embarrassed by the way she kept her face tucked into the curve of the blonde's neck.

"No?" asked Audrey innocently, lifting an eyebrow. "I find that makes me sad. I was enjoying it so that I was sure it had been done especially for me as a birthday present."

"Well, it wasn't," Reese said in dry tones. "And you watching us kiss makes me find you creepy."

"Now my feelings have been hurt and you do this on my birthday, it's most unkind," said Audrey sounding downtrodden but forming a mischievous smile that clearly showed she was joking.

Reese was about to respond when she heard quiet laughter that slowly increased in volume and she looked down at Bianca whose face remained tucked into the curve of her neck, her body shaking as it pressed into the blonde's. Staring at the other woman with a look of speculative amusement, Reese faintly heard Bianca say through the laughter, "Too cute."

"I told you," murmured Reese, a fond smile tugging at her lips and an equally fond tinge to her voice. Reese kissed the top of Bianca's head while the brunette moved her face away from Reese's neck, her eyes slightly obscured by a thick lock of hair falling into her eyes, she peered at the architect with a rather impish expression. "I'm not cute, I'm adorable."

Laughing still, Bianca reached up to kiss Reese lightly before she turned in her arms to greet Audrey with a smile. "Happy birthday," Bianca said genially, leaning back into Reese as the blonde kissed the line of her jaw, feeling Bianca's pale skin move to form another smile as she laced their fingers together. "I, for one, am glad that you enjoyed our kissing. Though I doubt you enjoyed it more than we did," Bianca added in that prim tone which always served to greatly entertain Reese.

"Touché," Audrey remarked, raising her glass of wine in a mild salute. There was the loud call of birthday presents from Audrey's family and the redhead turned, laughing on seeing several of them holding up an assortment of wrapped gifts. Turning back to Bianca and Reese, she dipped her head then said, "It seems that I have gifts awaiting me." Moving closer to the couple, she gave them both a kiss to the cheek and said softly, "Thank you both so much for this party. I realize that Reese was most likely responsible for a good deal of the planning but I am positive you helped, Bianca."

"A little," admitted Bianca, taking a step forward and looking back at Reese. She held the blonde's hand as they made their way through the party goers and towards the booth where Audrey's family and Vivienne resided with a large pile of presents. "But it was all the brainchild of your business partner and loyal employees."

"They are marvelous," said Audrey, smiling brightly. Laughing as she was pulled over to the booth by Vivienne and several of the aforementioned loyal employees, she called over her shoulder, "And entirely too forceful!"

Opening presents occupied nearly an hour of their time, most of the length caused from the teasing remarks and laughter as well as Audrey pausing to thank every gift giver. Including Reese who had given her a rare and hard to find original copy of the L'œuvre by Émile Zola which had been Audrey's favorite book since she first read it at the age of sixteen. Once all the presents were opened and everyone was thanked, the impressive Marquise au Chocolat cake was placed on the table covered with forty candles which Audrey grumpily counted before blowing them all out with the help of her family and Vivienne.

Drinking and dancing consumed Bianca and Reese for the rest of their stay at Le Topierre. Reese couldn't help but enjoy the exuberance the brunette exhibited when tipsy, becoming even more loving and eager in her responses, and as they drifted onto the dance floor, Reese shivered as Bianca's fingers slipped under her shirt to caress the bare skin of her back.

Swaying together to the music, their attention momentarily distracted by the call of Audrey and Vivienne dancing nearby, and after returning their greeting, Reese had her focus drawn again to Bianca as the other woman moved her hands in a round circles over the small of her back before settling on her hips. "You," Bianca drew the word out slowly, a dreamy smile curving on her lips, her hands warm on Reese's skin, heating it with her caress. "Throw a great party."

"I'm glad you think so," Reese chuckled, her hand sliding up Bianca's sides, tracing the outline of her body. "I'll be sure to give a party for your birthday too. But," she said, sounding sly and raising an eyebrow. "First you need to tell me when it is."

"February 9th," said Bianca with a smile. She blinked lazily then gained a sudden awareness as she added, "You should help me with planning Miranda's fourth birthday party. She was born on March 24th so we have lots of time to get ready."

"What about something at L'Ecurie du Bois Rond? Anything with horses would be a guaranteed success," suggested Reese, her mind already working on possible party ideas for the little girl, delighting in Miranda's potential happiness with whatever they did.

"Maybe," said Bianca thoughtfully, blinking again, her response clearly slowed by the alcohol. Bianca's hands slid out from under Reese's shirt, moving up to tangle her fingers in blonde hair, her face a breath away from the architect's as she questioned, "What about you? I'd like to know when your birthday is so I can try and upstage your party skills with my own big shebang."

"Really," Reese replied, giving a humorous scoff, as she looked around the very impressive club she had rented. "I don't think that's possible."

"Birthday please," murmured Bianca, moving in as if for a kiss but stopping her lips millimeters from the other woman's. "And we'll see."

Chuckling quietly, Reese moved in for the kiss herself only to find Bianca immediately drawing her head away, clucking her tongue and shaking her finger at the blonde as if she had been quite naughty for trying such a thing. "What? Is this some form of extortion?" asked Reese, laughing.

"Birthday please," Bianca repeated and she slid her hand around to cup Reese's cheek, caressing it in a light stroke of her fingertips. "I would say that calling this a negotiation is more appropriate. Namely since I'm negotiating that you tell me your birthday and I'll give you a kiss."

"Is that how it works?" asked Reese dryly.

"Yes," said Bianca smartly and she wore a smug look on her features, one that Reese found strangely adorable when accompanied by a slow and easy smile. She tucked a stray lock of hair behind Reese's ear and murmured, "That's exactly how it works. Well?" Bianca smirked. "Birthday please?"

"Fine, fine," Reese rolled her eyes, releasing a puff of air and returning Bianca's smile. "December 8th."

"December 8th," echoed Bianca wistfully, a far off look forming, and it seemed to Reese as if the brunette was already coming up with ideas for how to celebrate her birthday. Something that Reese couldn't help feeling charmed by. When she focused back on Reese, that wistful look was still on her face and Bianca stretched her fingers out, stroking the architect's cheek and studying her with a lidded eyes that held an affectionate glow. "I'm going to make sure it's a birthday you'll always remember."

"In a good way, I hope," said Reese sardonically though she naturally moved into Bianca's touch.

"The very best way," Bianca assured. She had a knowing expression on her face that morphed into something far more sensual and mischievous, leaning in close as she said, "Now for your negotiated kiss."

Chuckling as Bianca moved in for the kiss, Reese surrendered to the other woman, yielding to her lips that moved against her own a firm and knowing caress. Her tongue pressing for entrance, reaching out to meet hers, and Bianca tilted her head, allowing herself better access, allowing the kiss to deepen, for her to taste more, finding everything Reese had to offer and taking it for her own. All while giving so very much, tugging gently on the blonde's lower lip and moving her head in a different direction to start the kiss all over again. This wasn't a singular kiss like Bianca had negotiated but instead it was a series of kisses that left Reese quivering in the brunette's arms and absolutely certain of Bianca's desire for her.

The kiss ended reluctantly on Bianca's part and Reese swore there was something of a pout on her lips and a rather satisfied gleam in her eyes as she observed the architect, pushing aside a lock of hair that had fallen into Reese's eyes. Narrowing her gaze at this, Reese managed a weak grin through her shallow breaths and said in a humorous accusation, "You are a mean person at times."

"In a freakishly nice sense, I suppose I am," Bianca admitted with a quirky grin, arching an eyebrow playfully.

Releasing a quiet growl and gesturing with her hands before cupping Bianca's face in a tender hold, Reese seized the brunette's lips for another kiss, smiling into it, taking in the subtle tremble of Bianca's body from laughter and sharing in it as they moved across the dance floor. Unaware of the other party goers and if they were paying attention to them, wholly focused on one another and the joy each brought to the other in that moment.

Just past midnight, they said their goodbyes to Audrey and the rest of the guests, wryly noting that both Audrey and Sofie shared the same suggestive expressions when they announced they were leaving. Walking out into the cool night air, Reese had her arm around Bianca's waist and she was scanning for her car which was parked down the street. Unlike Bianca, she had only three glasses of wine, her last drink was over an hour ago and she was far from tipsy. Spotting her silver BMW M5, Reese started to walk over to it only to stop when she realized Bianca wasn't moving along with her. Turning to the other woman, Reese saw she was fixated on a couple just outside the entrance to Le Topierre, out of the eye line of the bouncer, they were in their early twenties and in the midst of a heated argument.

She started to suggest they tell the bouncer about the situation when the man suddenly grabbed the woman by her wrists, forcing her backwards until she was slammed against the brick wall of the building and it was in this instant that Bianca slid away from Reese and marched over to them with a look of determination on her features. "Stop that!" Bianca shouted at the man, approaching the couple with a worried Reese following close behind. When the man turned to her, looking quite angry and irritated with the interruption, Bianca demanded, "Qu' est-ce que vous faites la?"

Continuing to hold the woman against the wall, his eyes narrowed as he looked at Bianca, his voice a growl as he said, "T' occupe."

"Si vous attaquez quelqu'un devant moi, je vais etre obligee de m'en meler," Bianca said sharply.

To Reese, it seemed as if the brunette suddenly wasn't the same effervescent and tipsy woman from a few minutes ago. Bianca had somehow become stone cold sober and was now in the middle of fighting what she felt was a necessary battle. Afraid of the situation escalating into something more violent, the architect was grateful to see Sofie and Penelope emerging from the club, and moving just a step away from Bianca, she called out to them, telling them to get the bouncer. Looking towards Bianca with wide and worried eyes, Sofie nodded her head and ran into the club, appearing moments later with the bouncer who quickly took stock of the situation and headed over to Bianca and the couple. As he did this, Reese subtly placed herself in front of Bianca, telling her that the bouncer was coming and the brunette ceased her conversation with the man who had finally released his grip on his companion.

Giving Reese a warm and grateful smile, Bianca returned her gaze to the couple, her attention moving to the woman who looked far less frightened, her voice low and gentle as she asked, "Est-ce que ca va?"

"Oui," the woman said, nodding her head and rubbing her wrists, her eyes darting over to the man who was occupied with the club bouncer who was effectively telling him to leave the premises or he would call the police. "J'ai des amis a l'interieur."

"Vous voulez que nous vous aidions a les rejoindre?" Bianca inquired softly, walking with the woman to the entrance of Le Topierre where a crowd had gathered which included Sofie and Penelope who continued to study Bianca matching disquieted expressions.

Shaking her head at Bianca's offer to help locate her friends inside the club, the woman left them, and Bianca was approached by the bouncer who had made sure the man got into his vehicle and left the area. While Bianca discussed with him everything she witnessed involving the couple, Reese was met by Sofie and Penelope, the former looking at Bianca with anxious green eyes before focusing on Reese.

"What happened?" asked Sofie quietly, her voice unnaturally serious.

"A couple was arguing, a man and a woman," Reese said and her gaze drifted over to Bianca who was still talking with the bouncer. Turning to Sofie, she continued, "He grabbed her wrists, pushed her against the building, it looked like it could get violent, that's when Bianca shouted at him to stop. She was talking to him when you walked out of the club and I told you to get the bouncer."

"How was Bianca?" asked Sofie, her serious nature not shifting in the least, looking Reese steadily in the eyes. "How did she react?"

"She was wonderful, you saw her, she got him to stop," Reese was almost gushing but the impulse was halted as she finally took notice of Sofie's expression and the solemn air she carried about her. One which was totally out of character for the boisterous actress. "What is it?"

Sofie's gaze wandered past Reese, watching Bianca as she finished her conversation with the bouncer, and stepping close to the blonde, her voice low and utterly earnest, she murmured, "You must take care of her. Promise me this?"

"What are you talking about?" asked Reese, blinking in confusion.

"Promise me," Sofie repeated and when Reese looked into her green eyes she could see the grim truth to them. That the actress truly did require this reassurance from her and she wouldn't budge until she had received it.

"I promise," said Reese, her tones laced with confusion but it was a genuine vow all the same, one that Reese intended to keep. Especially considering how Sofie immediately looked relieved on receiving it. The confusion still remaining with her, she began, "What is this--"

Her question was interrupted by Bianca's return, the brunette was all smiles, clearly intent on comforting them, proving she was fine, something that Reese would have taken at face value if not for that worried light in Sofie's gaze that simply wouldn't leave. When they parted, walking away from the other couple, Reese glanced back at the actress and she swore she saw Sofie mouth the word promise once more then they were gone in the dark of the night as they walked over to Reese's BMW M5. During the drive to Bianca's house the weather shifted, cloudy skies setting free a drizzle of rain that by the time they were inside the house and shaking off the water, shivering from the cold, had turned into the start of a thunderstorm.

They shared a hot shower that somehow didn't develop into anymore more than kisses and faint caresses. Reese couldn't explain why but she had a sense to stop as if some silent sign had been placed for her to read, instructing her not to go any further tonight. It was instinct and while she was someone who normally followed her head and not her heart, Reese was trying to change that with Bianca and she gave into this intuition, making sure her touch wasn't sexual but one more of solace and affection. When they exited the shower, normally they dried one another but Bianca pulled away, her back to Reese as she dried herself off with one of the large fluffy towels she favored and Reese watched her, a frown forming.

One after the other, they walked into the bedroom and dressed. Reese in her blue silk pajamas and Bianca in her traditional mish mash of clothing that she preferred when she simply wanted to be comfortable instead of out and out sexy. Though Reese always found her to be the latter. Buttoning her shirt, Reese looked at Bianca out of the corner of her eyes as the brunette tugged on her worn Enchantment t-shirt that sported her mother's name on the back and the company's logo on the front. She was starting to understand why Sofie had asked her to make that promise, there was something off about Bianca tonight, something unsettled, and watching the other woman, Reese wondered if she should ask her about it.

Certainly Reese wanted to ask but would that really be the best thing? She had experienced so many other instances like this. Times where she wanted to ask Bianca about her change in mood and that dark veil that would fall over her eyes, that look of crushing sadness and a pain that Reese couldn't ever comprehend, but each time she worked up the courage it was as if Bianca knew what she was about to ask and cut her off at the pass. Magically she would become sweetness and light, full of smiles and energetic happiness, and Reese would let the question remain unspoken.

Tonight wasn't any different, the question hadn't even started to be voiced when Bianca was in front of her, a slow and sensual smile on her lips, hands reaching out to slip the tips of her fingers beneath the waistband of Reese's pajama bottoms, tugging the blonde forward until their bodies were pressed together. Reese had just managed to whisper Bianca's name when the brunette kissed her as she pushed them gently forward, towards the bed, and they fell on it in a tumble, limbs tangling together and Bianca's lips moved on hers in a leisurely caress, where it was more about the feel and the touch and the sensation than it was about arousal and passion. Nevertheless, as the kisses continued on, their ardor becoming a little more evident, Reese could feel herself become flush with desire and her hand slid down, underneath the brunette's pajama bottoms and her panties, but before she could go any further her wrist was clasped in a surprisingly strong hold and she was met by the intense gaze of Bianca's dark eyes.

"No," Bianca's voice was harsh despite the fact this was said in a small whisper. Slowly, she removed Reese's hand, moving it up where she continued to hold it in her own, though her touch was much less severe, almost apologetic in it is caress. "I don’t want you to touch me like that. I don't want to have sex." Reese was positive she must have looked wounded at this because Bianca's expression immediately softened and her gaze became plaintive as she stroked Reese's cheek. "I'm sorry," she murmured and there was a vulnerability in it. The way she said this and how her eyes were shadowed as they gazed away from Reese, telling her that Sofie had been correct in her instructions. That tonight Bianca would need someone to take care of her and Reese was grateful to be the person who was allowed to do so. "I know it might seem like it because of this--"

"Shhh," Reese hushed, placing an index finger against Bianca's lips, tenderly silencing her. "It's all right," she murmured. "I understand. Besides," she formed a jaunty grin, thinking for some reason that the brunette needed some humor right now. "Sometimes just kissing is more than enough."

Instead of responding, Bianca gave a relieved, almost unsteady smile, and she dipped her head, kissing the architect again. Reese accepted this, letting Bianca lead the way because that was apparently what the brunette wanted, what she needed, but she couldn't help the hurt feelings that remained. Why wasn't she allowed to touch Bianca? What happened to make the brunette feel this way? What made her put in place this strange and silent wall that suddenly existed between them? Things changed, they shifted, once they left the club, after dealing with that couple, but Reese didn't understand why that would have such an effect on Bianca. She wasn't used to it being this way, it reminded her of the old constraints she used to have on her. When she would have to make herself to go along, to pretend, to fake her desires, repress her needs to make everyone else happy, and to satisfy the role that she had to play. It wasn't something that Reese liked in the least.

Her life with Bianca was about acceptance, freedom, and love, and while she was melting into Bianca's kisses that were slow like honey, Reese couldn't totally give herself over to the embrace because she had to retain her self-control. Bianca didn't want to have sex, Bianca didn't want it to escalate to that level, she didn't want Reese to touch her, and so Reese had to keep this in mind, forcing her desires down and keeping her hands in a neutral position on the brunette's hips. All this thought, all this restraint, killed much of the enjoyment in these kisses and she didn't know how much time passed when they finally drifted to a halt and Bianca tucked her head into the curve of Reese's neck as she slept. What Reese didn't realize as she fell asleep was that despite having her eyes closed and her breathing perfectly even, Bianca wasn't sleeping. She was pretending to sleep, hoping the longer she did this the reality of it happening would actually occur but it ultimately proved to be a futile effort.

Unnoticed by Reese in her slumber, the time went by, and she had been sleeping for barely three hours when she woke to a cold and empty bed. Looking at the clock on the bedside table, she saw it was 3:17 a.m. which wasn't exactly when she had been planning to wake up but upon noticing that Bianca was missing and there was no light on in the bathroom, Reese rubbed her eyes, and got out of bed. Wandering down the hallway and into the living room, she unconsciously jumped at the sound of loud thunder that seemed to shake the house.

Soon as she walked into the living room she was greeted with the sight of Bianca who was sitting on the couch, staring at several photo albums spread out on the coffee table along with a few hundred pictures that were stacked in a messy pile. Frowning at this and at the rather stressed and intense look Bianca wore on her face, Reese murmured the other woman's name and was met with Bianca jerking her head up and gazing at her with dark and almost wild eyes. Her frown deepening, Reese walked over to Bianca quickly, sitting next to her on the couch, reaching out to hold her hand and quietly inquire what was going on, why wasn't she in bed.

It appeared as if Bianca was about to reply but another crash of thunder sounded, this one actually shaking the house, the windows rattling from the force. The line of her jaw tightened and Bianca focused back on the pictures, picking up one of herself and Miranda on Christmas. In the background Reese recognized Erica and a tall blonde man that Bianca had identified as her Uncle Jack on a previous occasion. Miranda was still a baby in this picture, not even a year old, and for whatever reason they all appeared to be in a hospital room. Whatever questions and curiosity Reese had about the details of this picture were put on hold as Bianca said in a barely audible reply, "I couldn't sleep. Not with the thunderstorm."

"So you decided to organize photo albums?" asked Reese, a little confused at this impulse, wondering why Bianca didn't just wake her.

"I don’t like thunderstorms," Bianca continued, not seeming to hear Reese, acting as if she was talking to herself, and she picked up another picture of Miranda, one where she was older and playing in a park with Kendall. "Usually I check on Miranda whenever there's a storm, it makes me feel better, but I noticed because I did that she was developing a fear of them so I stopped. Looking at these pictures helps."

"Helps with what?" Reese pursued and a genuine worry, a ball of fear emerged in the pit of her stomach, and she had a sickening feeling deep in her soul and she knew, she just knew, instinctively this had to do with that sadness Bianca sometimes carried, that dark veil covering her eyes, the one Reese wanted to know about but found herself rebuffed each time she tried. "Bianca," she said her name in a soothing murmur, standing up to follow after Bianca who was holding the picture of her and Miranda in the hospital room when she was still a baby. "Why don't you like thunderstorms?"

Again, it didn't seem like Bianca really heard her, the brunette kept moving about the living room that was only illuminated by the strikes of lightning visible from the large bay windows. Gazing at the picture in her hand, Bianca said, "The man at the club, it reminded me. Not at first, I was too concerned with his girlfriend, helping her, but when the weather changed and there was a storm just like on that night, it reminded me." She turned to Reese with wide eyes that had such a haunted look, like Bianca was lost in a memory she couldn't ever escape no matter how hard she tried, and the architect felt herself tearing up at the sight. The brunette was so very hurt in this moment, so very damaged and fragile, and Reese couldn't begin to understand what could have caused this. All she knew was she wanted to help, she wanted to soothe, to comfort, to cause that look somehow go away. To be erased forever from the other woman's lovely features, bringing back the Bianca that was carefree and happy. "I think it was the way he held her wrists," Bianca noted in a strangely clinical observation, turning over her own wrists to stare at them. "They have the same grip."

"Who?" questioned Reese and she didn't know her voice could be this gentle, this reassuring, just like she didn't know she could ever feel so much for another person, but she did and it was all for Bianca. Her approach seemed to work and Bianca directed her gaze over at the blonde and there was a dim light of recognition in her eyes, as if she noticed for the first time that Reese was really there. Hesitant but wanting badly to help, to ease that pain she saw in those dark eyes, Reese reached out to cup Bianca's cheek and she gave a wavering smile when the brunette leaned into her touch. "Bianca," Reese said her name in the barest hush, and it cracked, shaking at what she was contemplating. "Did someone hurt you?"

"Michael Cambias."

The way Bianca said his name, it wasn't more than a whisper, but her voice was strained, this was something that had be forced out of Bianca. The way she said it left Reese with the impression that it wasn't a name, a person, that Bianca wanted to talk about but she had managed to accept the need to do so. Hearing it instantly filled Reese with confusion and a powerful tide of worry and fear swept over her because that name, it was the same as the company Bianca worked for, the company that was part of Miranda's inheritance, the place Bianca spent her days not out of a real joy for the work but instead to ensure her daughter's future. Someone with that name, the same name as the company where Bianca worked, the company that Miranda's uncle was in charge of, hurt her? Put that dark and haunted look in her eyes? That perpetual pain that floated in and out of the brunette's life, tainting even her happiest moments?

"What did he do?" Reese found herself asking, her hands trembling as they held Bianca's face, stroking the pale skin and trying to get some sort of reaction, something other than the numb and far off expression that seemed to be cemented on the brunette's face. Something in her knew already what the answer would be and she felt the bile rising up in her throat along with the rage but it was all a horrible suspicion, nothing could be confirmed until Bianca told her. She supposed she would have already known this if she read those gossip magazines like Maurice, trolled through Bianca's existence like some peeping tom, but she didn't want that then and she didn't want that now. She wanted to hear it from Bianca, she needed to hear it from her, and she suspected that Bianca needed to be the one to tell her. "What did Michael do to you?"

Dead to the world, that was how Bianca's eyes looked, utterly black and emotionless, flat and devoid of that sparkle, that life that Reese had fallen in love with, they were all missing as she looked at her. A twisted smile formed on Bianca's lips, one that Reese couldn't understand, and she felt the tears falling down her face as Bianca finally answered her, "He raped me."

To be continued...

fanfic, bianca/reese, amc

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