Has anyone seen a piece of parchment with a recipe for a healing balm (main ingredients: lavender and arnica) on it? I appear to have misplaced it, possibly in the library.
Where have all my books gone? I'm not panicking but I had a huge smallish stack of library books and they've gone. Susan or Hannah? Is this a hint that I'm studying too much?
Would anyone be interested in having a picnic in the grounds on Easter Sunday? I thought maybe we could organise an easter egg hunt for the younger ones.
Whatever you do, don't fall asleep in the library! Madam Pince has charmed the books to do interesting things if you do. Please don't make me talk about it, I think I'm scarred for life.
I am feeling rather a lot better now, thank goodness. It's a good thing my dormitory mates know how to cope with the 'flu, as I really didn't have a clue.
I'm still not feeling up to heading into Hogsmeade though. The weather is far too bitter. If anyone would feel like stopping into Honeydukes on my behalf if would be much appreciated!
I feel quite dreadful. My throat is so tight and it hurts to swallow. My head is pounding and the room keeps spinning. I can't breath through my nose. My bones ache and I can't seem to stay warm enough. I've never felt like this before. Is this having the 'flu?