Mon, 12:32: RT @ callmekitto: being on Twitter right now is like playing the violin on the titanic except we are also making fun of the iceberg and the…
Mon, 01:04: RT @ petestrzok: Party of Reagan Russia “has specifically targeted Democratic candidates in the most contested races, including the Senate…
Mon, 11:53: If you have not already voted, please have a plan to vote tomorrow. If you
( Read more... )
Sat, 18:06: RT @ PaperFury: "i'm writing this month so i'll be online less" says the writer, absolutely about to be online more because how else will th…
Fri, 16:12: RT @ BenRuddell: "While there is no evidence that nationwide crime soared during this period to explain this additional attention by voters,…
Fri, 16:12: RT @ resistbot: “In addition to being much more likely to be poor and to get abortions, Black women have another tragic distinction: They’re…
Thu, 15:20: RT @ SimonWDC: This is a very close election. Please make sure you vote early. Voting early helps our elections run more smoothly, and hel…
Thu, 15:21: RT @ reiley: Insulin is grown in huge vats by modified bacteria for basically no cost. It was the intention of the people who developed thi…
Wed, 12:35: RT @ AnneMuntean: "...Germany's foreign minister said it showed what the international community could achieve if it refused to be blackmail…
Wed, 12:35: RT @ CAPAction: For 50 years, Republicans told us they wanted to get rid of Roe v. Wade. Now, they're planning to put Medicare and Social Se…
Tue, 14:02: Excellent thread, and reasons why I will not cede the ground of Twitter until I get banned or punted. Stay and fight the good fight.
Tue, 14:07: RT @ mistahbuhau: I didn't have "richest man in the world begs Stephen King for $8" on my 2022 bingo card, but here we are.
Mon, 14:53: RT @ QasimRashid: In 2016 GOP promised to repeal ACA w/o a replacement & throw 20M people off healthcare-& only failed b/c John McCain voted…
Mon, 14:54: RT @ ewarren: Big Oil is gouging working people at the pump to pad their already-record profits and line the pockets of corporate executives…
Sun, 12:56: RT @ WhiteHouse: The 988 Lifeline helps thousands of people overcome suicidal crisis or mental-health distress every day. Under President Bi…
Sun, 12:57: RT @ ewarren: Giant corporations are raking in record profits & taking advantage of inflation to jack up prices. Republicans will cozy up to…
Sat, 12:59: RT @ UrsulaV: Hey, internet! Are you ready for more #MuskFacts? Of course you are! Yesterday we covered the musk deer. Today, let’s talk abo…