Tutorial #30: Christina Aguilera

Jan 24, 2007 22:24

My 30th tutorial! Yay =]
Go from

Made in Photoshop 7.0, not translatable.

Step 1:
Open your picture, crop it and sharpen once [i used this picture]

Step 2:
Duplicate your base and set it to Screen 100%

Step 3:
Create a new Selective Color layer [Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Selective Color] and use the following settings:
Cyan: +100
Magenta: +48
Yellow: +38
Black: +14

Cyan: -100
Magenta: +33
Yellow: +53
Black: +65

Cyan: +37
Magenta: +10
Yellow: -6
Black: +17

Step 4:
Create a new Hue/Saturation layer [Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Hue/Saturation] and use the following settings:
Master: +25
Reds: +15
Yellows: +10

Step 5:
Create a new Selective Color layer [Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Selective Color] en use the following settings:
Cyan: +30
Magenta: +45
Yellow: -8
Black: +21

Cyan: 0
Magenta: 0
Yellow: -45
Black: 0

Cyan: 0
Magenta: +28
Yellow: -2
Black: +20

Set this layer to Hue and lower the opacity to 70%

Step 6 [optional]:
Hit Ctrl+A to select the whole canvas, press Shift+Ctrl+C to copy merged and at last hit Ctrl+V to paste it. Desaturate it. Take your Elliptical Marquee Tool and select a piece of your desaturated picture, cut it and paste it on your icon. Now you can add some text or brushes.

And you are done!

Other icons with this tutorial:

[x] Comments are <3
[x] feel free to use the icons, but you must credit me
[x] Feel free to friend me
[x] See my other tutorials here
[x] I love to see what you made
[x] Enjoy!

christina aguilera, tutorials

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