My Idol Boyfriend

Feb 03, 2013 00:16


Author: dreamingjun
Pairing/Character: HyunSeung and Sin-Je
Summary: Beast, the raising idol group from Korea is blooming in popularity around the world. Like other fans, Jean really likes that group too. When, one day, Beast, the idol she is crazy is right in front of her, in the place where she is working. Somehow, an unpleasant incident happen and worst it happens to the member she favors most, Jang Hyun Seung. However, that is not entirely bad. They got to know each other and their relationship starts to bloom. But, soon Jean realize that they are both of the different world. That this love is wrong and would only ruin him. She decides to leave him and takes all the pain to herself. Hoping that her decision are the best. Will they be together again? What are their fate ahead


Chapter 1


Beast, the raising idol group from Korea will be heading to Malaysia. The 6 boys will be concurring on the July 20th 2011 for their 1st Asia Tour. Their first stop to Malaysia for their Asia Tour is greatly welcome by the fans. Being their first time visiting Malaysia, every members of Obsidian are very excited and can’t wait to meet their beloved fans. Fans around must be excited as well so let’s get to know more about them. Here is the biography of Obsidian. Their concert ticket can be purchase through online or call.

Name: Yoon Doo Joon
Date of Birth: 1989/07/4
Height: 179cm
Weight: 66kg
Position: Leader, vocalist, rapper

Name: Jang Hyun Seung
Date of Birth: 1989/09/03
Height: 176cm
Weight: 58kg
Position: Lead vocalist, lead dancer

Name: Yong Jun Hyung
Date of Birth: 1989/12/19
Height: 179cm
Weight: 64kg
Position: Main Rapper

Name: Yang Yo Seob
Date of Birth: 1990/01/05
Height: 174cm
Weight: 56kg
Position: Main vocal

Name: Lee Gi Kwang
Date of Birth: 1990/03/30
Height: 170cm
Weight: 58kg
Position: Main dancer, Lead vocalist

Name: Son Dong Woon
Date of Birth: 1991/06/06
Height: 181cm
Weight: 64kg
Position: Vocalist, Rapper

I take a final glance on the page. I can’t stop smiling as I read each of the member’s profile. I’ve been a fan of them for a year now. Not to mention, I also like other K-Pop Idol like Super Junior and others. I remember how I even manage to make my friends into liking K-Pop too, but now they seems more obsess than I am. I’ve been standing in this bookstore for quite some time. The owner of this bookstore has been eyeing on me and wonders if I’m buying that magazine or not. I close the book and look at my watch. 9.15am. Oh my god! I’m late. I hurry to the cashier to pay for this magazine I’m reading from just now and murmurs a thank you before running to the café I’m working. 10 minutes left before the café opens. I change into my work attire and puts on the apron.

“Good morning Jean” a familiar voice greets me.
            “Good morning Chin”, I smiles to my colleagues. Chin, that’s what everyone address her. She’s beautiful as always. She’s 20 this year, which is one year younger than me. Often, people would think she’s older from her real age but she’s use to that. She says it’s an advantage as well. By the time she her age increase, she still looks the same. Yes, I agree. Some of my friends really do look different as they grow.
            “Come on, let’s go”. She pushes me out from the locker room to the café. I could already smell the aroma of the coffee beans. We stand nearby the door and wait for customers to come.
            “Hello ladies, looking great as always”, Henry winks at us and we chuckles at that remark. Henry, my colleagues, dresses in his waiter outfit. I have to say, it really fits him and he looks absolutely smart. He has a handsome look and a seductive smile; he could kill every girl with that grin. His hair is style into a little spike, which make him look much more playful and outgoing. He is 23 this year and single. Girls are crazy over him but he always says not the right one.
            “He’s saying that to you” I say still laughing looking at Chin. She just laughs as well. Even when she laugh, she still looks beautiful. I have to look up at her whenever we talk because she’s 170cm tall, unlike me with the height of only 158cm. Chin got a really pretty oval face, her hair is dye into hazel colour and style into curl waves. Aside from being tall, she got a real slim figure and great fashion sense. I can prove that every guy would turn their head whenever she passes by them. If I were a guy, I would surely fall for her.
We are still laughing when the bells rings. It rings every time the doors open indicating customers are here.
            “Welcome” Chin says immediately after she hears the door bell rings. I take a hang of myself after laughing so hard and turn so that I can see the customers but only to notice it’s just our boss, the owner of this cafe. A man in his 30’s, very rich and the best boss ever. That’s what I think. He doesn’t look like in his 30’s but late 20’s. He is already in his uniform. Slightly different from Henry, so that it shows he is of higher position or meaning he is the owner of this place.
I laugh again at Chin. She must be really embarrassed because her face is so red.
            “What are you laughing at? Did I dress weirdly today? Something is on my face?” Ken, our boss asks looking down at himself and continuously touch his face.
            “No. You’re as handsome as always sir”, Henry compliments and we both laugh even more and loud. Our boss eye us in curious but his lips curl up to see his employees laughing so hard. Laughing is contagious.
            “I thought you’re one of the customers, that’s what they are laughing like crazy, sir,” Chin explains. Her lip pouts when she speaks.
            “Oh I see” Ken nods and get behind the counter.
            “You guys really are loud you know. So much noise in the morning. No customers yet?” Kok Ming nags. He is the café chef. Just by the way he dresses, you can guess. Dressed in white chef coat, white toque (the hat), and black shoes. His long black hair is tied up. He is around 38 years old and got a tough look. People would just want to stay as far away from him but he has a really kind heart actually. Never judge it books by its cover.
            “What happen?” Shaun asks smiling so happily. He is the chef assistant but Kok Ming doesn’t really let him make any dishes yet so, what his job is to just preparing all the necessaries before hand. He is a year older then me but got a really young looking face. His hair is dye into a little red and his bang sticking out a little under the toque he is wearing. Kok Ming always nags whenever he sees Shaun red hair. That is why, he always tries his best to cover it up with the toque but there is still some locks sticking out.
            “None of your business. Get back inside. Chef doesn’t allow to be outside” Kok Ming shoo Shaun back in the kitchen.
            “But there is no customer yet and I’m done with my job. Eh, aren’t you the chef too. Then, let me take over today”, Shaun protest. Kok Ming looks at him angrily.

Ding. The doorbell rings. It’s the real customers this time. Thanks god or there would be another argument. They are always like that. I feel sorry for Shaun sometimes.

“The first customers is here,” I whisper to King Ming. He nods and get back into the kitchen.
            “Hello. Welcome. Please have a seat”, I guide the couple and hand them the menu.

Business is steady and by the noon, more customers come flocking in. We are extremely busy on lunchtime, but that’s what keeps the business going. Mostly businesspeople, students, families and of course my co-worker fans. Chin and Henry really got a lot of fans and equally famous of course our boss, Ken. All the rich ladies from different age never bored stopping by just to get Ken attention. Even present him all those expensive items. Me, I’m not as famous as they are but I do have some fans. Ken doesn’t mind having the fans coming into the café because this means more money is coming in. Customer’s means money. I would laugh every time the fans want to get the best services and attention from their admires. That’s why people call this café ‘the good-looking attendant’.
We relax a bit and the time now shows 3pm. I clean the table from the previous customer and when I was about to enter the kitchen with the dirty dishes I’m holding, the bell rings meaning another customers. I wonder whose fan would it is this time and I’m positive it won’t be mine.

“Ya Ya. Is this the place? Wow, it’s nice. Look at the design”, a voice speaks so loudly and excited at the same time. But wait, he is speaking in Korean! I stop and turn immediately at my pace and I could not believe what I see. The 6 handsome men come in and I swear I could see lights surrounding them. They are shining. My eyes are open so widely; mouth hanging open a little in shock and my heart is beating so fast. I can’t believe what I see but feeling excited at the same time. It’s a very weird feeling. I blink my eyes again to make sure that I’m not dreaming but it’s really them. They are right in front of me, Beast, the popular idol group that people are crazy of including me. I can’t stop staring at them as they come in one by one. My gaze stops and looks at one particular person, Hyun Seung, my bias.
            “Hello. Welcome. Please take a seat”, Chin greets them and guides them to a seat. They seat at the end corner so that people won’t really notice them. I keep staring not even noticing Chin has already taken their order and stands next to me.
            “Yohoo…Anyone there?” Chin waving her hand in front of my face. I turn to look at her. “Oh”, I say and head into the kitchen. Chin follows behind. I quickly rinse the dishes with water and let the dishwasher do the job. I’m always thankful that our café have this product or we will need to wash all the dishes our own.

I walk to Chin who is handing over the order list to Kok Ming.
            “Is that the order from the Korean guest?”
            “Yes. Why?” Chin looks at me in curious. I never usually care what people order for food because I only make their drinks. I smiles and look at Kok Ming.
            “Can you make the food look nice, delicious and special? Please?” I ask in the most cutely voice I could. Both of them look at me in disbelieve and Shaun who is busy cutting the carrot even stops his action. I smile in shyness.
            “I always make my food presentable” Kok Ming answer coolly.
            “What gotten into you. Never seen handsome guys before? You keep staring at them just now. And now you even ask for what?” Chin says. Shaun has now standing next to me. I know I’m not like this even I never request anything for my fans. Maybe I did sometimes.
            “Erm.. Because they are really important. You will be grateful. I promise. I will tell you later. I will make the drinks my own specialty for them” I say excitedly and rush out to the counter to prepare the drinks. I’m going to make use of what I learn. I make a heart shape on the coffee they order. I smile in satisfaction with my work. I know Chin is looking at me with full of questions as she helps me prepare the drinks as well. I take a deep breath and bring the drinks to their table with a smile. I can feel their eyes are on me as I settle down the drinks on the table. I have to be professional.
            “Enjoy your drinks” I bow at them before walking off and head into the locker room. I take out my journal and starts writing.

8th July 2011,
I can’t believe what happen. They visit our café. They are in here, right in front of me. Beast!!! What should I do? I even do my best in their drinks. I’m so happy ><. Jang Hyun Seung!!!!

“Hey. What are you writing?” Chin snatches my book and takes a quick glance.
            “Hey!” I exclaimed and snatch it back after a few attempts. She is just too tall.
            “So, what is going on here?” Chin asks and takes a seat next to me. I smile and take the magazine out from my bag. I flip it open until the page on them shows.
            “Here. It’s them” I smiles as she starts reading the page. Her eyes wide open with every sentence she reads.
            “It’s really them. That the group you like right. No wonder you can’t stop staring at them”. I blush at what Chin say. “I’m gonna help you”, she winks.
            “Hey. What are you planning to do? Don’t be ridiculous”
            “At least get their autograph and pictures. It’s once in your lifetime. How can you let this opportunity slips”
            “Erm…but…” I know it’s once in your lifetime. I have to do something.

Knock knock. We both look up to see Henry at the door.
            “We need help you know. And Chin, your fans are here. Jean, there is table to be clean off”. We both nod and Henry are out.
            “So what will you do?” Chin asks me. I shrugged. “I don’t know”
            “I can help you”
            “No. I will ask you if I need okay. I will try myself. Okay?”
            “Okay. If that’s what you wish. But don’t let it go” Chin gets up and tap on my shoulder before going out. I put everything back into my locker.

I can see Chin is busy serving her fans and Henry is taking order from a table. I let my eye look around and notices that the table that need to be clean is just next to them. Ok, brave yourself be professional. I tell myself.

“Hey did you see that girl that take our order just now? She’s really pretty isn’t?” I sigh upon hearing that. Chin, as usually gets the attention. See I can prove, even the famous idol group said that.
            “The boy there is handsome as well. That man too. Must be the owner”. I agree with that too. I smiles knowing that they are referring to Ken and Henry.
            “That girl too. The one who serve us drinks. She cute isn’t she?” I blushed hearing that. I can feel that they are all looking at me. Quickly, I take the dishes from the table. I can’t let them see I’m blushing. I must pretend I don’t understand what they are saying. I turn my heel and before I could stop myself, I bump into someone really hard, sending me fall backward and onto the hard cold tile. I land with a hard thud, a sharp painful sting shoot up my back.

The glass and dishes I’m holding drops to the floor and breaks into pieces. I was too shock from the incident and it took a while to realize the person I knocked into is Hyun Seung. His jacket is wet and dirty. Oh shit! I must have pour over him when I bump to him. I abruptly stand up and I could feel that my elbow and butt is slightly painful.
            “I’m sorry. I’m sorry” I apologise.
            “Jean, are you okay?” Henry asks me. I nod. His members are also gathering around him. I grab the tissue box from the table and pass it to him.
            “I’m really sorry. I’m sorry” I apologise again.

He looks at me angrily. More like glaring at me. I could hear him murmurs something under his breath as he wipe his jacket. Shoot, what am I going to do? Just then, he takes off his jacket and throws it on the floor. I flinched a little as the jacket flies over and land next to me.

“Just throw it away” he says angrily and stomps to his seat. I look at him with disbelief. My colleagues are busy apologizing to his members and I take a look at Hyun Seung again. He looks really piss off. I turn my gaze to the jacket on the floor and then pick it up. I runs out from the café and to the nearest dry-cleaning shops nearby. My teardrops start to form. It’s not like I want this to happen. I understand that he is angry, but how could he be so rude? I feel pain too when I fall to the floor. I look at my elbow and it’s red. Stupid guy just because he is a celebrity. Why do I even like and crazy over him in the first place?


Okay. This is a fanfiction on Beast. What do you think? I hope you all like it. I actually posted it on Wattpad but with another name, not Beast. Well, then I decide to post here because originally it's about Beast. Hehehe. I really hope you all enjoy this story. Please comment my story too. I'll upload another chapter maybe next week. And forgive my poor English. I'm still new using this LiveJournal so i'm still learning. Have a wonderful day people. I really hope I get readers!!

#fanfiction, member: doojoon, member: hyunseung, member: gikwang, beast, member: yoseob, rating: pg-13, member: dongwoon, member: junhyung

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