Btvs - "Rewards" - PG (Willow/Tara)

Jan 31, 2009 19:42

Title: Rewards
Author: dreamincolor
Fandom: Btvs
Pairing: Willow/Tara
Genre: Fluff/Romance
Rating: PG
Warnings: Innuendo, smoochies
Summary: Monday morning goes a bit differently than planned.
Word Count: 635
Disclaimer: Joss wins.

Beta'd by: runs_w_skissors
A/N: Written as a fluffy, lovey, belated birthday gift to wehavedental. -big squish- You’re the best, sweetheart.


The world was soft, and warm, and moved to the rhythm of the other woman’s breathing, eased and sleepy under Willow‘s ear. She nestled into Tara’s soft, pillowy chest - one of the many wonderful things about dating a woman - and glanced up at the clock through half-open eyes. Her alarm was due in three, two, one..

Beep. Beep. Beep.

She always woke just seconds before the alarm. Years of class at the same time every day had her internal clock perfectly tuned.

The woman next to her pulled away to prod the alarm into silence, mumbling sleepily, “It’s time for class, Will.“

“But..“ The witch’s voice was a groan, face burying in the crook of Tara’s neck. “I was dreaming.”

“Mm,” Tara blinked down at her sleepily, fingers lifting to move lazily through copper red hair. “About what?”

She answered in a yawn, “Pancakes.”

Tara giggled, and Willow decided to leave out the part about the pancakes flying around her head like little UFOs, and dipping under a magically pouring fountain of syrup.

“Class,” Her girlfriend reminded.

Willow nestled her face in against her lover’s skin, fingers tangling up into Tara’s long, mussed hair with a whimper.

She was just so comfy.

And outside of the bed it was cold, and wet, and Tara-less. Outside, bad. Bed, good.

“You know,” Willow opened one eye tentatively, watching Tara‘s face, “it’s not like I have to go..”

“Willow Rosenberg,” Tara’s voice was all disbelief, “are you talking about ditching class?” Her lips tilted up in a playful, charmingly crooked grin. “I didn’t think you had it in you.”

“Well..” Willow propped herself up on her elbow, eyelashes fluttering. “That depends. Do I get rewarded for staying?”

“Like with pancakes?” Tara teased, biting down on her lip.

Shifting til her hands and knees pressed into the mattress on either side of Tara‘s hips, Willow crawled up her lover’s body with a smirk. “That’s not exactly what I had in mind..” Chest to chest, Tara’s arms wrapped invitingly around her, the blonde’s eyes twinkling with the best kind of mischief.

Her gaze fixed on the upturned corner of Tara’s mouth, where she took to placing soft pecks, until gentle fingertips guided her chin straight, and an insistent tongue traced the curve of her lips. Her mouth opened instinctively, for what felt like it was going to be a long, deep kiss-

Until Tara abruptly went still beneath her, pulling back.

“Baby, wha-”

“Miss Kitty.” She followed Tara’s eyes to the kitten perched silently on her now empty pillow, tail flicking back and forth, round eyes fixed on them curiously. “She’s..watching.”

Willow buried her face in the sheets, muffling her laughter as Tara protested, indignantly. “Will! She’s our child!”

“Miss Kitty,” Willow giggled, reaching out to scratch under the kitten’s chin, who rewarded her with a soft purr. “Your mommies need alone time.”

With a flick of her wrist, Willow sent the feathery cat toy on the nightstand hovering through the air, to float temptingly over the feline’s head, before levitating over to the other side of the room, where it continued to wiggle-waggle in circles over eager paws.

“Now,” Willow turned back to Tara with a smile, their noses touching. “Where were we?”

“Rewarding you,” Tara purred, “for being a naughty, class-ditching girl.”

Willow grinned, and let the woman under her pull her down into a second kiss.

Sure it was calculus, and they were just starting up on differential equations - her favorite. But staying back?

So worth it.


Nominated at round five of the Running with Scissors Awards for best 501-1000 word ficlet.

fandom: btvs, willow/tara, willow rosenberg, tara mclay, ficlet, femslash

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