This is getting ridiculous.

Jan 31, 2009 15:42

I'm actually looking forward to having cable-bound internet next year, because then I know that it will actually work. Wireless dorm internet is kind of getting ridiculous, in a completely unreliable, works-one-week-and-not-the-next kind of way. Which is extra evil, since half my school work needs to be completed online. -headdesk-

Anyway, catching up on my flist, and the fic that I owe all around. So I made a to-do list.

  • Willow/Tara ficlet - wehavedental's belated birthday pressie. Just needs to be looked over, and posted.

    Finished here
  • Wes/Cordy drabble - obiwahn swap of awkward!Wes goodness. Half-done.
  • Lilah/Cordy - Afterlife plot bunny. Just started.
  • An Unlikely Pair Rewrites - I'm done with chapter 5 of that damn series, but first need to redo the first 4 chapters.. They're some of the first Angel fic I ever wrote, and they could really use some edits. If I weren't so weirdly attached to the idea of it all, I'd just drop it.

..I think some coffee is in order.
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