Challenge 058: Inspired By...

Feb 01, 2015 23:55


Description Make graphics using the inspiration posts made in this challenge.

A few guidelines:
• You cannot use your own inspiration post for this challenge.
• You can use up to two inspiration posts but your work needs to be distributed evenly, i.e. 25 points of work per inspiration post. Please include which inspiration post(s) you used in your submission comment.
• You do not have to match the fandoms or the graphic type of whatever you're inspired by. For example, you might find this tumblr graphic inspiring and make a sig tag with a similar style of text. Or the color palette of this Teen Wolf icon in a fandom of your choice.
• You cannot use someone else's work, such as this tumblr graphic, and make something else out of it. However, if someone included unedited images or screencaps in their posts, those are fair game to use for your own graphics.

• 1 icon (100x100px, 40kb in size, jpg gif or png)
• 1 sig tag (no larger than 470px total (width + height))
• 1 small gif (under 500x250px)
• 2 caps in a picspam (picpsams need to include at least 6 images, be over 500x450px)
• 1 large gif (500x250px or over)
• 1 tumblr graphic (at least 500x400px)
• 1 larger banner (at least 900px total)
• 1 wallpaper (at least 1024x768px)

Other graphics options are open to consideration. Just ask. :)

Points 50 points possible, +1 for sig tag
Due Date February 18th 11:59 pm EST
Submitting Submit here to this post in your team thread. If you have any questions please ask in the “questions thread” below.

challenge, round03

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