Challenge 050: Inspiration Posts

Jan 18, 2015 13:47


Description This challenge will involve creating an inspiration post using other people's work or pre-made work by yourself.

1. Pick a theme for your inspiration post.
• This could be something like a mood, a color, a fandom, a style, anything. Feel free to ask in the questions thread if you want to confirm that your theme works.
2. Gather items that will inspire someone creatively.
• This could be icons, tumblr graphics, other kinds of graphics, picspams, photography, illustrations, screencaps, quotes, songs, videos, textures, color palettes, etc.
3. Try to arrange your post in a way that is clear to view.

• You MUST credit the makers of the work you use in the inspiration post.
• Each item in the inspiration post is worth one point. Please breakdown the number of items in your submission comment.
• Your inspiration posts should be in a separate post at allthesuits or publicly somewhere else, not submitted in full directly to the challenge post.
• We will use these for an upcoming challenge.

Not sure what an inspiration post is? Check out the Spooky Inspiration challenge from last round, this tag at elite_inspired, this tag at 20inspirations, this tag at inspired20in20, and any number of inspiration posts you might find icon makers compiling.

Points 30 points possible, +1 for sig tag
Due Date January 27th 11:59 pm EST
Submitting Submit here to this post in your team thread. If you have any questions please ask in the “questions thread” below.

challenge, round03

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