Round 4 Challenge #3: Voting

Jul 02, 2009 08:27

Welcome to the third week of voting for Round 4 of Dramione LDWS!! Ahh, the joys of swimming pools, cold beverages, and ice cream-gotta love summer!

Get ready for some WAY COOL drabbles!

A couple of things to remember when deciding which drabbles to vote for (most and least favorite):


  • 1. Which drabble best incorporates the prompt?
  • 2. Is the drabble clever, different, fresh? Does it evoke an emotional response (good or bad)?
  • 3. Does the drabble contain grammar, canon or spelling errors?

    The “feedback” option.

    As a voter, you have the option of leaving a brief statement about why you voted the way you did, for both most and least favorite. Your feedback will then be given to the drabble writer (if they want the feedback) ANONYMOUSLY.

    Example: Most - #40: the ending was brilliant - OR - Least - #57: the ending fell flat

    Now that all of that is done… We present the drabbles for week 2!!


    [1] Choose your most favorite and least favorite drabbles. Favorites will receive +1 point per vote, and least favorites -1 point per vote. Each drabble’s MF and LF scores will be added together. Drabble with most points wins, drabbles with least TWO points are voted off.
    [2] You may NOT vote for yourself.

    Participants using a skip:

    Voting ends at 11:59pm, Friday, June 26, 2009.

    “Like a tall glass of lemonade
    When it's burnin' hot on summer days
    She's exactly what I need.”
    ~ Passion - “Lemonade” lyrics ~


    Title: Names
    Author: queen_violet
    Rating: PG
    Warnings: Light sexual references. And obsession.
    Word Count: 350

    He could've had any girl he wanted. With his looks, and his bank account, no girl could resist being the one on his arm.

    And he'd had every girl he wanted. He'd had Tanya's, and Sarah's, and Haley's, and a whole collection of girls.

    But never a Hermione.

    Such a beautiful girl, with those long legs, those soulful brown eyes, and such a uniquely beautiful name, no man could resist her, least of all him.

    But when other men met her intelligence, her sly humor, and her take- charge attitude, they couldn't cope with it. They'd leave her for the next idiot they could find, just to escape intelligent conversation.

    But he wouldn't do that. Her brilliant mind only made her beauty more apparent, more radiant. Her wit was a savory treat that he would never find in a Tanya, or a Haley, or any of the others. And when he finally caught her, he'd definitely enjoy the benefits of her bossiness.

    And as for the next idiot... Well, he might never be able to go back to the vapid anacondas he usually dated.

    That was actually the reason he'd decided to go after his beautiful Hermione now instead of waiting for the perfect opportunity to present itself.

    No, instead, he was going to chase after her. He'd had enough waiting. It would take more work, but he'd convince her. Somehow.

    When he walked into her office that morning, he was greeted with the sight of an angry goddess's wrath as she threw one of her prized books in an employee's face. "No, I will NOT let you take a week off that you DIDN'T EARN!" she screamed. "Now get OUT!"

    The man scurried off, looking scared beyond his wits.

    She ran her ink- stained fingers through her hair and glanced up at him. "And what are you looking at?" she asked sourly.

    He smiled. "You."

    She huffed. "Well, obviously. Let's try another one: What do you need?"

    He considered that for a moment, wondering what he should say. He nearly laughed aloud as the answer came to him.



    Title: Exactly What He Needed
    Author: teenage_hustler
    Rating: PG-13 (there’s a kiss, ooh…)
    Word Count: 350
    Warnings: Some description. Nothing too unclean though. Rice Krispies obviously not my invention (or are they… ;))

    Draco closed his front door and heaved a heavy sigh. What a day.

    As he’d prepared to leave for work that morning his two-year-old son had decided it would be a superb idea to spill cereal over the kitchen floor. And on Draco’s favourite robes. Draco wasn’t as thrilled with his son’s creativity.

    After cleaning up the kitchen and depositing his son at his mother-in-law’s, he’d arrived at work half an hour late to discover that he had missed a very important departmental meeting. His boss had not been pleased.

    When he had finally made it to his office he’d been greeted by dozens of memos, all of which had had to be addressed before he could settle down to the day’s work.

    But by far the worst part was that the cooling charms placed around the Ministry had been malfunctioning all day.

    Draco had therefore spent the past seven hours sitting in a stuffy office in sub-standard robes that kept sticking to his desk chair, answering angry memos and completing reports for his boss and other superiors. By the time he arrived home he wanted nothing more than to melt away.

    “Draco?” His wife called him.

    “Hermione?” Draco called back tiredly. “Where are you?”

    “In the kitchen,” she answered.

    He dragged himself from the hallway into the kitchen. This time instead of seeing a grinning toddler and a sea of soggy Rice Krispies he saw Hermione, dressed in a floral-patterned sundress and holding a glass of clear liquid.

    “Lemonade,” she said, holding the glass out to him.

    Draco took the glass and drank the sweet, refreshing beverage. The lemonade bubbled at his throat, cooling his body from the inside out.

    As Draco set the empty glass down he beckoned Hermione to him. He wrapped his beautiful wife in his arms and brought his mouth down to hers. She also tasted of lemonade, and as she pressed her soft body into his and kissed him back, his terrible day suddenly seemed unimportant.

    When they broke the kiss Draco smiled at her.

    “Thanks,” he said. “That was exactly what I needed.”


    Title: The Best Part of Summer
    Author: terravayne
    Rating: G
    Warnings: none
    Word Count: 350

    The swing creaked as it swayed, and the chipped wooden boards dug into his shoulders. He gripped the rusty metal chain and pushed off the faded porch, hoisting the swing higher.

    “Keep that up and you’ll pitch us through the window,” said Granger. “This isn’t a broom, you know.”

    “Then what’s the point?”

    “It’s supposed to be relaxing.” She bent her head over the back of the swing, trailing long strands of sweaty hair. “A way to make your own breeze when the humidity’s so thick you’re practically slogging through water.”

    Draco rested his forehead against a wood plank, imitating the haphazard sprawl of her body. It hurt his neck. “I thought you said you grew up middle class, Granger.”

    “I did,” she replied, crushing her eyes shut to savor the gentle wind, mouth curved in a faint frown.

    He glanced at the weed-infested yard and puckered pavement, cracked with grass. Next door, a young girl holding a stack of plastic cups stood over a pitcher of watery lemonade melting in the sun. “You call this middle class?”

    Granger followed his gaze and laughed. “Mum was the one who always puttered around in the yard. Now that she’s-well, Dad’s never been any good at it. You ever have any homemade lemonade, Malfoy?”


    “Best thing in the world on a hot summer day. Better than Cooling Charms and freshly squeezed lemons.”

    “That doesn’t even make sense-”

    “Come on. Being forced to live like a Muggle doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it.” Granger slid off the swing and waved to the girl. “How much?”

    She shook her head apologetically with a gap-toothed grin. “It’s just water now. Ice’s all gone.”

    “I’d still like some. So would my friend,” said Granger, elbowing him in the ribs.

    “Quite,” he said dryly.

    The girl poured out two cups and he cradled it in his hand, wet condensation dripping around his fingers. “Delicious!” declared Granger, and the little girl giggled. He cautiously took a sip.

    “It’s not the drink, Malfoy. It’s who you’re drinking with that makes it the best part of summer.”


    Title: A Simple Bargain
    Author: little_dollface
    Rating: PG
    Warnings: AU
    Word Count: 350

    “Okay, Granger. 50 Galleons.”

    Hermione rolled her eyes and, without even looking up, replied, “No. We’ve discussed this already. You know my price.”

    “Your demand is unreasonable,” he whined.

    “Well, considering you have no leverage and NEWTs are in a few days… take it or leave it.” She smiled up at him smugly.

    Draco pointed his wand, ready to wipe that smile right off her face. She simply raised an eyebrow at his gesture.

    Lowering his wand, he contemplated just how much Granger annoyed him, sitting there, leisurely reading her Arithmancy notes. Damn, he shouldn’t have skived off three classes in a row. Now he was truly at her mercy.

    “You can get them from someone else,” she said with a chuckle.

    He sneered. “Right, of the three that do take notes, Boot writes like a Healer, and Parvati, with those bloody hearts everywhere, did you know she fancies…”

    Suddenly she was gone, taking her notes with her. He quickly followed her into the stacks.

    “We’re not done.” He stood right behind her as she perused the books, not giving her much room to maneuver. Turning around, she didn’t even seem intimidated by him. Actually, she looked quite pleased with herself.

    Gingerly running her fingers along the small stack of parchment, as if to taunt him, she said, “It’s so simple, Malfoy. I have what you want and all you have to do-“

    “I know what you want!” He glared. “Granger, I can’t.” He did his best to look forlorn. Maybe, she’d have some pity on him. But her predatory grin dashed all hope he had of that.

    “Say it,” she demanded.

    “I hate you so much,” he growled.

    “I know you do, that’s why I want to hear you say it.”

    Her smile faded a little as he pushed closer. He brushed her hair away, allowing him better access to her ear. Draco wanted to make sure no one heard what he was about to say.

    Pressing against her, he hesitated for a moment, his warm breath caressing her cheek. Finally, he gave in. “Granger, I need you.”


    Title: Unexpected Reminder
    Author: bookishwench
    Rating: G
    Warnings: none
    Word Count: 350

    Draco had never expected to see her again. When Draco had struck out on his own after the war, he moved to a perfectly normal little town near Wales, a place with no magical inhabitants at all except for him. Months had passed since he’d bothered even looking at the wand that had replaced the one Potter had won from him during that nightmare so long ago. He tried hard to forget he’d ever been a wizard. He’d fallen out of contact with everyone in that world, including his parents.

    And then he saw her. At first he thought he must be imagining the resemblance to his old school nemesis, the Muggle-born who had famously beaten him in every subject, but no, he was certain it was Hermione. She was sitting on a bench beside the old fountain in the town’s small park, feeding pigeons. She wore a simple sundress of pale yellow, the same shade as lemonade. Every once in a while a small puff of wind would send tiny droplets from the fountain’s basin towards her, creating a fine mist even in the heat of the day. She looked perfectly cool and happy.

    “Aren’t you going to say anything?” she said without turning towards him. “It’s rude to stare, you know. But then being polite was never one of your priorities.”

    He took a step backwards in surprise. It had never occurred to him that she knew he was there, but her tone was more teasing than angry.

    “Hello,” he said simply, sitting beside her on the bench, then blurted out, “Why are you here?”

    She sighed and threw the last of her breadcrumbs to the birds, then faced him.

    “The aurors need your help,” she said. “Harry’s being too proud for his own good about it, so I thought I’d ask you myself before he goes and gets himself blown to bits by the remaining traces of the Death Eaters. So, will you?”

    He thought for a moment, then nodded. Peace and quiet were starting to get on his nerves anyway. She was precisely what he needed.


    Title: All I Need
    Author: xxxsunny
    Rating: PG
    Warnings: None
    Word Count: It drove me crazy, but 350

    Florean Fortescue's was always the place to go when you were feeling down. Even though he was gone, his parlour was known for its ice cream and refreshments.

    Draco was having a bad day. He had fled the manor that morning after a disastrous tea with his mother. Once again, Narcissa had insisted on setting him up with another one of her friend's wealthy daughters. This one was tall, leggy, blond and rather boring. She had nothing to offer. Talking to her was somewhat painful.

    It didn't matter to Narcissa that Draco was seeing someone. That was just a small detail his mother deemed unimportant. Certain things still amazed Draco. It had been six years since the Dark Lord's downfall, but his parents' old prejudices remained. They couldn't seem to wrap their minds around the fact that Draco was seeing someone whose blood was "impure."

    Feeling himself get worked up again, Draco wiped the sweat from his forehead. It wasn't worth getting worked up about. He told himself his parents' opinions did not matter.

    "Are you ready to order, or are you waiting for someone?" A young girl, looking fresh out of Hogwarts came to take his order.

    "I am waiting for someone, but I will order a tall glass of lemonade, I think."

    "Great choice! Florean's lemonade always brightens my day. I swear it's magic," She smiled. "Anything else?"

    "That will be all for now, thank you."

    "Coming right up!" The young waitress bounced away. Draco grunted. What was she so bubbly and happy about anyway? It was hot and sticky and humid out. The place was extremely crowded. It was uncomfortable. He was sweaty and was in a decidedly bad mood that would not be cured easily, even if the lemonade was like magic. He slumped in his seat, grumpy, thirsty and impatient.

    "Here's you lemonade. Enjoy!" Again, she bounced away. Draco crossed his arms and scowled.

    "Well, don't you look just ecstatic to be here?" He perked up. He knew that voice anywhere and it was truly like magic. Hermione Granger never failed to brighten his day.


    Title: The Way Things Change
    Author: nightfalltwen
    Rating: G
    Warnings: None
    Word Count: 350

    "Must you watch me like that?" Draco asked, laying another brick. "It's bad enough I'm helping to piece together a magical castle as compensation. I don't need you breathing down my neck while I do it."

    "They asked if someone would supervise you during the rebuild. I thought you might appreciate that it was me and not, say, Ron or Harry."

    He hated to admit that Granger was right; her mates would have been unbearable. At least she was quiet about it. Sitting there on the ground, waiting for his time to be up for the day. Draco just didn't like the idea that he needed a babysitter. He just wished she would do something other than stare at him, all triumphant and winning, while he laboured without magic. Brick by brick.


    "I brought a book today," she said, plunking down in her usual spot. "You might like it; It's a classic."

    "In case you didn't notice, I'm a little busy." Draco held up the trowel, a clump of mortar fell off with a plop.

    "Oh I know. I'm going to read aloud."


    "I'm not taking that."

    "It's just a tablet; it'll make you feel better." She pushed the glass into his hands and held out the tablet. "Unless you'd rather I go find someone to rush through a potion for your aches?"

    Once he'd plucked it from her hand, she sat down. "Now. Where were we?"

    "Chapter seven."


    "You can't just go, Hermione," he said angrily. "We're not done the new book!"

    "I don't have a choice," Hermione looked sad while packing her things. "The numbers aren't so thin. I was just a volunteer."

    Replaced. By an Auror who smelt of cheese. The only thing that made his day bearable. The bright spot. With her books and her smiles and her laughter and her conversation. She couldn't do this to him!

    "But I need you!" His face flushed at the truth of it.

    "I don't think I'm what you need, Draco."

    He kissed her. To make her understand. Make her know something had changed. "You're exactly what I need."


    Title: Conflicting Emotions
    Author: alexajohnson
    Rating: PG
    Warnings: None
    Word Count: 350

    After another long day at work, Hermione was ready to relax.

    It had been so disgustingly hot that even the setting sun had no effect and she was sweating after just a few moments outside. The flat was quiet when she let herself in, and she went in search of water and Draco. She found him in the kitchen and even though his back hid his facial expression, he was gripping the table so hard his knuckles were white and his rolled sleeves revealed taught muscles.

    Frowning, she asked, "Draco? What's wrong?"

    He didn't reply, but jerked his head to a letter on the table. Picking it up to read it, her confusion cleared as she finished, and she went over to him, gently touching his cheek. Finally lifting his eyes to meet hers, she had to fight the urge to hug him when she saw his tormented expression. If she did that now he would push her away, and though he opened up much more than before, it was still hard sometimes.

    Unable to take the uncomfortable silence any longer, she said quietly, "I'm sorry."

    "Why should you be?" His voice was thick with bitterness. "I'm not."

    Her heart twisted. "You don't need to prove anything to me by denying what you feel. He was your father, Draco."

    "But that shouldn't matter," he bit out through clenched teeth. "He ruined my family, did things too terrible to mention-I should be happy the bastard's dead!"

    Though Hermione had despised the man, it hadn't been until they were in the great hall after the War that she had been able to see the Malfoys together for the first time. In that moment, she had glimpsed a loving family, one no different from her own.

    "Regardless of what he's done, he loved you," she insisted. "It would be unnatural if you weren't grieving."

    He leaned into her, taking a shuddering breath. "I'm not sure what I feel. I just know you're exactly what I need."

    Then he kissed her, almost desperately.

    And in spite of everything, she couldn't help but smile.


    Title: That Wretched Word
    Author: __vintagebomb
    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: Minor language
    Word Count: 350!

    Nothing can cool you down quicker on a hot summer day than a flute of champagne poured down your shirt.

    He admitted it: he had gone too far that time. But in his defence, how was he supposed to know that she was still sensitive about being called a buck-toothed beaver?

    It really was all her fault in the first place. What right did she have to put him on the spot in front of all those Weasleys? Who did she think she was asking him if he - no. He couldn't even say it, let alone think it.

    But Draco did not have enough time to analyse his thoughts any further or examine the damage on his very expensive dress robes because his girlfriend of one year, two months, and fifteen days was walking briskly towards the house. He knew how angrier she would get if he let her walk away.

    He finally caught up to her and grabbed her by the arm.

    "Draco, let go of me," she said harshly, not able to even look at him.

    Oh, bugger. He made her cry. He hated when she cried. She was supposed to be the brave lioness - not some crying and vulnerable creature in his arms! He never knew what to do. Was he supposed to comfort her or just leave her be until she's back to normal? He let out a huge sigh before pulling her closer until she was wrapped in his arms.

    "Don't you love me?"

    She just had to use that word again.

    He hated that wretched word. He hated how it made him giddy like a sodding Hufflepuff just because she was nearby or how his throat constricted to see her bawling her eyes out. He hated how there was so much meaning behind it. But most of all, he hated how he couldn't do anything about it because as much as didn’t want to believe it, he had completely fallen in love with Hermione Granger a very long time ago.

    Reluctantly, he knew it was about time that he told her just that.


    REMEMBER: Vote for the NUMBER of the drabble, NOT THE NAME. It just makes it easier on the mods!

  • round 4, voting

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