Round 4 Challenge #3: Results

Jul 04, 2009 08:09

“Like a tall glass of lemonade
When it's burnin' hot on summer days
She's exactly what I need.”
~ Passion - “Lemonade” lyrics ~

I think the drabbles keep getting better and better! Thanks to all our writers this week!

(NOTE: banners will be up when they’re ready!)

For the second week in a row, we ended with a tie! Both stories had +4 points. According to our tie-breaking rules, the drabble with the most MOST FAVORITE votes wins. So congratulations to nightfalltwen, who wrote “The Way Things Change!” This charming drabble told a story in very few words. Very well done!

This week’s Mod’s Choice ALSO goes to the writer whose drabble tied for first but didn’t win. Congratulations to little_dollface!! “A Simple Bargain” was a unique take on the prompt, and we loved seeing Draco humbled at the end. The way he approached Hermione at the end left us wondering just how she reacted-we would love to see what happened next!

This week, we must say goodbye to two more participants. This is truly the worst part of my week! Thank you so much for your contribution and your participation!! We wish the very best to terravayne & xxxsunny! Thank you so much for playing! And happy writing!

The authors’ names have been revealed on the voting post.

Feedback: If you want your feedback, comment to this post. It will be sent to you via PM.

Other results:

1. alexajohnson mf: 2 lf: 3 2. ayane_tsurugi (used skip)
3. bookishwench mf: 1 lf: 1 4. little_dollface mf: 6 lf: 2
5. midnight_birth (used skip) 6. nightfalltwen mf: 8 lf: 4
7. queen_violet mf: 6 lf: 6 8. spadul (used skip)
9. spikespetslayer (dropped) 10. teenage_hustler mf: 3 lf: 1
11. __vintagebomb mf: 2 lf: 2

Voter count this week: 31. 1 better than last week! And I forgot to provide pimping materials for you. OOPS! Next time for sure! Next challenge up soon!

round 4, results

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