Round 4 Challenge #1: Voting

Jun 18, 2009 08:53

“Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer!” And let the challenge begin!

Welcome to the first week of voting for Round 4 of Dramione LDWS!!

A couple of things to remember when deciding which drabbles to vote for (most and least favorite):


  • 1. Which drabble best incorporates the prompt?
  • 2. Is the drabble clever, different, fresh? Does it evoke an emotional response (good or bad)?
  • 3. Does the drabble contain grammar, canon or spelling errors?

    The “feedback” option.

    As a voter, you have the option of leaving a brief statement about why you voted the way you did, for both most and least favorite. Your feedback will then be given to the drabble writer (if they want the feedback) ANONYMOUSLY.

    Example: Most - #40: the ending was brilliant - OR - Least - #57: the ending fell flat

    Now that all of that is done… We present the drabbles for week 1!!


    [1] Choose your most favorite and least favorite drabbles. Favorites will receive +1 point per vote, and least favorites -1 point per vote. Each drabble’s MF and LF scores will be added together. Drabble with most points wins, drabbles with least TWO points are voted off.
    [2] You may NOT vote for yourself.

    Participants who had to drop:

    Participant used Real Life skip:

    Voting ends at 11:59pm, Friday, June 19, 2009.

    “Summer bachelors, like summer breezes, are never as cool as they pretend to be.”
    ~ Nora Ephron


    Title: Generosity
    Author: mlui187
    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: Sexual references
    Word Count: Exactly 200

    Draco sat behind his desk reading the recently submitted reports. He was incredibly annoyed, frustrated, and irritated with each report he read when he was interrupted by a knock. His facial expression , however, changed from a scowl and lit up when he saw who it was.

    “Hermione! What are you doing here?”

    She walked over to him, sat on the edge of his desk, and innocently asked, “I can’t visit my boyfriend at work?”

    “You can, but you hardly ever visit me here.”

    “I thought it was time for a change.”


    “And I wanted to also thank you for your generosity.”

    “Generosity?” he asked, his eyebrows raised.

    “Yes, generosity,” she whispered huskily, as she leaned into him and started to unbutton her robe. “I know it was you who made that large investment even if no one will confirm it.”

    He thought about denying it, but when she unbuttoned another button, he changed his mind.

    “Just don’t go telling everyone that or you’ll ruin my reputation,” he said gruffly.

    “Don’t worry, love,” she said before kissing him on his lips. “I know you like to remain silent in these types of things. Now, it’ll be our little secret.”


    Title: Breezes of Cherry Vanilla
    Author: teenage_hustler
    Rating: PG (they kiss)
    Warnings: Not very happy. Hermione is unnamed, but rest assured it is her.
    Word Count: 200

    Draco sits on the wooden bench, the sunlight warm on his face. The summer breeze rustles around him as he closes his eyes.


    He opened his eyes and saw her walking towards him. She was so beautiful he couldn’t help but smile. But then he saw the sadness in her eyes and his smile faltered.

    “Draco,” she said quietly. “This is goodbye.”

    The almost unbearably warm day suddenly felt much colder. “What do you mean?” he asked.

    “I’m hurting everybody I love by seeing you, and I can’t hurt them anymore. I’m sorry.”

    Before he could think of anything to say, she pressed her lips firmly against his. He felt tears in his eyes as he allowed his fingers to run through her curly chestnut hair, to feel her warm golden skin, to taste the sweet cherry vanilla of her lips, one last time.

    And then she was walking away, her hair blowing softly in the summer breeze.


    Draco returns to this bench on the first day of summer every year. This is the only way he, the lonely bachelor, can feel happiness now. He smiles as he breathes in the summer breeze. He can almost taste the cherry vanilla.


    Title: Wooing Witches
    Author: little_dollface
    Rating: PG
    Warnings: AU
    Word Count: 200

    Summer was nearly over. Flourish and Blotts was her final stop before returning to Hogwarts. Reaching for a book, Hermione stilled at the sound of a familiar voice coming from the next aisle. She listened for a moment, a grin slowly appearing on her face.

    The distinct sound of flesh striking flesh rang though the air. “It was just a suggestion. We’d get to know each other first,” the voice cried.

    She laughed, and watched as a petite blonde hurried out the door.

    Then Hermione peered around the corner. “Malfoy, that was brilliant. And here I thought Ron was bollocks at using wartime heroics to woo witches.”

    He scowled at her. “It was a misunderstanding.”

    Chuckling, she said, “Oh, no. I think you made your intentions quite clear.”

    He sneered. “As if you’d know anything about my intentions.”

    Hermione glared at him. “Pathetic as you are, it’s a good thing you changed sides. Otherwise you’d have no chance at securing a decent witch.”

    “You’re just jealous,” he said, blocking her path.

    She eyed him closely. “Funny, considering what I heard from Harry yesterday.” Hermione slipped past him, then turning at the last second she added, “He’s rubbish at keeping secrets.”


    Title: Questionable Habits
    Author: terravayne
    Rating: PG
    Warnings: none, post-DH
    Word Count: 200

    The rusty backdoor stung her hands, but it felt cool in the cloying humidity. Malfoy sat on the steps propped against the railing, one arm balanced on his knee, the other flicking a cigarette butt into the alley.

    He lit another fag as she stood over him, fuming. “There’s a circle of hell reserved for traitorous rotters like you,” snapped Hermione.

    “Slytherin,” he replied with a flash of teeth, not quite a sneer but nevertheless kicked her fury up another notch.

    “That letter was private. You had no right to show it to my boss!”

    “It was lying on your desk-”

    “In my office with the door closed-”

    Hermione broke off when his head jerked up to look at her fully, and she traced the stiffness in his jaw and the frustrated groove between his sweaty brows. “Granger, go see your mother in whatever Muggle Healer’s hovel she’s in. Take your blasted time off and enjoy it.”

    She slumped against the door, eyes drifting to the cigarette he was never without on any of the days she’d found him here during lunch. “That’s a nasty habit.”

    “No,” he took a long drag, “that dubious honor’s reserved for you.”


    Title: Cleaning Out My Closet
    Author: pokecharm
    Rating: G
    Warnings: Post-DH Epilogue
    Word Count: 200

    After heaving yet another box from one room to the next, Draco exhaled loudly. He turned to survey the progress he’s made and cursed that he had so many things. The house elves were busy elsewhere, and he’d waited until the very last moment to tidy up. After shoving the box into the closet, he turned to make sure the room was presentable.

    He hurried down the stairs as a repeated knock on the door announced the arrival of his guest of honour. One of the house elves Apparated in front of him to open the door, but he waved him away.

    He straightened his jacket before pulling the door open. He grinned at seeing her. She always has a flustered look about her and hurried past him, giving him a peck on the cheek. ‘Sorry, I’m late.’

    ‘You’re not…’ he added quickly as she moved past him. ‘You’re right on time.’

    She turned and smiled. ‘Looks like you’ve cleaned up.’

    ‘A little…I also, I made some room for you know…your things.’

    ‘I’m not moving in, Draco.’

    ‘I know, Hermione. But just in case. I’m through having a closet all to my own,’ he said as he pulled her close.


    Title: Why
    Author: alexajohnson
    Rating: PG
    Warnings: None
    Word Count: 200

    He thinks he could get used to this.

    Well, that’s what he tries to tell himself, anyway.

    Though it’s only been a few days since Hermione ended everything, it’s amazing how quickly things have gone back to the way they were and he’s spending this birthday as he spent the last, alone and five drinks on the way to blissful inebriation. It has been so long since he was able to do this, but the fact that he can still hear you really ought to take better care of your liver in his head slightly dampens the enjoyment.

    Pursing his lips, he lifts his drink in a silent toast to her and downs the remainder in a single, grim swallow.

    But still, this isn’t how he imagined he would be spending his birthday. Hermione should be here, the way she’d been for the past year, because he’s actually come to like depending on someone.

    This is horrifying.

    How can things really go back to the way they were when he needs her so much?

    And it’s more than mere need-he’s fallen in love with her.

    But he was never supposed to need anyone, and this only reminds him why.


    Title: Temporary Like Achilles
    Author: spadul
    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: None.
    Word Count: 200

    The sweaty palms of humidity held onto the night as the promise of cool, crisp air evaporated into myth. Across the city a collective hum rang from tired fans as they spun endlessly, their song greeting the ears of hot bodies emerging from the Underground. The city was vacant of light, and in the darkest corner resided Hermione Granger.

    She slowly backed through the front door to her flat, fumbling with his belt as she went, grinning between quick, hungry kisses.

    "If you were planning on getting me into bed, Malfoy, you could have just said so."

    He chuckled as her lips moved across his neck. "I planned on no such thing, you minx." She purred her disbelief and took to the floor, beginning to unbutton his trousers. She paused, her hands hovering over the zipper.

    "Malfoy," her tone apprehensive, "why is your name etched into your pants?" He groaned heavily from parted lips, pink blood quickly tinting his cheeks. He turned with hands raising to cover his shamed face, his pants dropping to the floor with a resounding thwack.

    Somewhere in the night, the sweaty palms of humidity forfeited their hold over the city and tired fans' songs ceased.


    Title: Letting His Guard Down
    Author: megans_writing
    Rating: G
    Warnings: Unrequited love.
    Word Count: 200

    Draco smiled and applauded with everyone else in the room as the Revered announced Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Weasley to the guests. The reason he was here was because he and Granger, no Hermione, worked in the same office and had become good friends. Unfortunately, he'd been stupid enough to fall in love with the future Mrs. Weasley.

    He mechanically moved along with the others to the reception hall. He sat next to some of his co-workers. He could hear their chatter, but not any distinct words. Draco didn't really care. He was supposed to be a proud, unemotional Malfoy. Now he felt utterly… human.

    "Hey, Malfoy."

    Draco looked up to see Ginny Potter. He nodded to her, his greeting.

    "Seems like you're the only bachelor here." She commented.

    "Whatever," he drawled, "I don't want to be tied down to anyone. It's a sign of weakness."

    Ginny rolled her eyes. "Yeah right! I see how you look at her."

    "What do you mean by that?"

    At the moment, the newlyweds entered the hall and everyone cheered. Ginny whispered in his ear, "Summer bachelors, like summer breezes, are never cool as they pretend to be." She left him, bewildered and defenseless.


    Title: Acting a Fool
    Author: ayane_tsurugi
    Rating: G
    Warnings: None.
    Word Count: 200

    As they approached the end of their first date, it was hard for Hermione not to hate Draco Malfoy more than she ever had at Hogwarts. That night had been her first great date (or semi-decent date) since she and Ron had split earlier that year. Which meant, of course, that she had made a complete fool of herself.

    From the first moment she’d seen him outside the door to her flat, looking at him in the flawless black dress jacket left her nearly speechless. Every time he’d smiled at her, she’d blushed like the teenager she thought she’d been able to avoid being. And the rambling, good Merlin, the rambling!

    Yet, the whole night, she hadn’t noticed one bit of nervousness from Malfoy. As they walked back to her door, he was just as eloquent and witty as he’d been all night. It infuriated her that she couldn’t be as comfortable with her old rival holding her hand as he was.

    Of course, what Hermione never saw was, after he had kissed her goodnight and she had closed the door, Draco having to clutch the wall outside to calm the nerves he’d been keeping in enough to Apparate away.


    Title: Head Over Heels
    Author: spikespetslayer
    Rating: G
    Warnings: None
    Word Count: 200

    He hated being nervous because it made him clumsy and a Malfoy was never clumsy.

    He reminded himself of that more frequently as the day wore on and the night grew closer. It didn’t keep him from spilling his tea on his brand-new robes, nor did it stop the owl droppings from sticking to the soles of his shoes as he shopped in Diagon Alley for the perfect bouquet.

    As he squelched along, droppings leaving a disgusting trail behind him, he pondered on his date. She was sunlight and laughter to his darkness and gloom and he knew that if he played his cards right-

    A lamppost that leaped in front of him derailed his train of thought. He bounded off of it and somersaulted arse over a florist’s pushcart before landing on the cobblestones solidly on his behind. He blew his hair out of his eyes with a beleaguered sigh and saw a pair of sensible shoes just beyond his.

    He followed the shoes upward until he saw the laughing brown eyes of Hermione Granger. His date. With a smile, she extended her hand and he took it.

    His nerves melted away and his heart took over from there.


    Title: Underneath It All
    Author: __vintagebomb
    Rating: G
    Warnings: None
    Word Count: Went crazy with counting but Microsoft Word says 200.

    His lips were pressed tightly and his left fist was clenched firmly at his side. The night air at Diagon Alley was light and breezy but the tension around them was thick.

    Ten years ago, Draco knew that the situation before him would have been the opposite. He wouldn't have been at the receiving end of taunts or insults nor would he feel their jabs slowly sink into his skin.

    "Death Eater scum," another man murmured. He was the fourth that night alone. They couldn't forgive. He flinched internally, walking as if the words hadn't fazed him. As his fingernails dug into his palm, his mantra reverberated in his mind.

    Calm down, Malfoy.

    He wouldn't let them win. He had to keep his composure and remain cool and aloof - especially tonight.

    His right hand was given a reassuring squeeze and he forced a smile. He knew it was going to be a challenging first date. It was an outcry: Hermione Granger caught in public with an ex-Death Eater. But Draco remembered that everything will be alright. Because despite his cool, seemingly perfect exterior, Hermione knew how Draco was flawed underneath. Yet, she forgave him when no one else could.


    Title: A Voluptuous Afternoon
    Author: dj_pagal
    Rating: G
    Warnings: Pervy!
    Word Count: 200

    Draco Malfoy slid his sunglass down to the tip of his nose and leered at the girls in front of him. Draco knew he was hot-oh yeah he was 10 on the babe-o-meter. He loved the way girls checked out his tight arse. Life was good and it was his birthday.

    He sauntered over towards the bar when he caught sight of his favourite brunette sitting at the bar. He sat down on the stool next to her, and looked at her chest. “Granger, looking very scrumptious in the two piece.”

    Hermione rolled her eyes. “Eyes on my face, Malfoy. Before I punch you in the face”

    “Ouch Granger, Feisty!”

    “You’re such a pig!” She exclaimed flailing her arms.

    Draco purred in delight. “Please flail some more.”

    Hermione crossed her arms. “Why do I even try with you?”

    Draco leaned closer in his drunken haze. “Because you lurrrrrrrrrve me.”

    “No I don’t.”

    “Yes you do.” Draco’s eyes focused on hers’.

    “No I don’t.” she breathed.

    “Oh, but you do.” he purred.

    Hermione punched him in the gut. “Fuck, Hermione that hurt.”

    Hermione Malfoy smirked and watched her husband roll pathetically in the sand. “Then don’t act like a pervert.”


    Title: Pool Party
    Author: queen_violet
    Rating: G
    Warnings: None.
    Word Count: 200

    I'd been sunbathing in a teensie little bikini in the Weasley's backyard when Ginny'd come outside and said, quite firmly, "You and I are going to a pool party."

    When I began to protest, she'd merely said, "If you don't go, I'm going to tell a certain blond Slytherin about a little crush I learned about earlier this week."

    And I was trapped. If I didn't go, Ginny would tell Malfoy that I liked him. And if I did go... Well, what harm could it do?

    I was obviously wrong.

    Ginny hadn't told me the party was at Malfoy Manor. Or that she'd been to several of Malfoy's parties already. A gorgeous Italian Slytherin met Ginny at the door and greeted her with a kiss.

    When she walked over to Malfoy and expectantly held out her hand, he glanced at Hermione and silently handed Ginny five galleons.

    The other guests snickered slightly, noticing their host's speechlessness.

    He glared at them.

    "I'm glad you could make it... Hermione," he said and there was a nervous tremor in his voice.

    Did Malfoy have a crush on me? It sure seemed like it.

    I smiled back confidently.

    "I'm glad I could come... Draco."


    Title: Too Hot Not to Handle
    Author: bookishwench
    Rating: G, nothing objectionable
    Warnings: none
    Word Count: 200

    Hermione was baffled by testosterone contests. She, Harry, and Ron were in a Mexican bar, and the boys were eating hot peppers. Suddenly, Draco Malfoy, smiling derisively, sauntered to their table, motioned for a server, and spoke words that stunned the whole bar.

    “Naga jolokia.”

    “You’ll eat one of those?” Harry asked.

    “Challenge me.”

    “Finish the pepper, no eating or drinking for three minutes, no magic, or you’ll wear a tutu,” Ron said.

    “And if I win,” Draco said, “Hermione kisses me.”


    “Please,” Harry pleaded. “He’ll cry for his mum after one bite.”

    Hermione hesitated, but nodded. The pepper arrived, and he ate it calmly. Harry pulled out his watch. Draco appeared as comfortable as if he had eaten ice cream until three minutes passed.

    “Holy Hecate’s nicest knickers, that’s hot!” he screamed.

    He ran out the door and plunged himself into a horse trough, resurfacing to wild applause.

    “You earned it,” Hermione said, puckering primly.

    “I earned more than that,” he said, pulling her into the trough with him and kissing her enthusiastically.

    Hermione couldn’t understand testosterone contests, but she also couldn’t tell if her lips were burning from pepper juice or Draco’s expertise, and she didn’t care.


    Title: Draco's Tantrum
    Author: xxxsunny
    Rating: PG
    Warnings: None
    Word Count: 200!

    Greg could hear Draco's tantrum all the way from the common room. Confused, he looked at Crabbe.

    "What's going on, do you think?" Crabbe shrugged, looking confused as always. Greg turned away and got up to investigate. As he approached the dormitory, the banging grew louder and louder. Peeking through the crack in the door, he could see Draco throwing things across the room into his trunk.

    "How dare she! I am a Malfoy for Merlin's sake! A MALFOY!" Greg pushed the door all the way open.

    "I thought you didn't even like Pansy..."

    "That's not the point, Greg. Potter? She fancies the Scarhead? What is the world coming to? And why Potty? He put my father in Azkaban! Does she have no self respect? Next thing you know, she'll be best mates with that mudblood Granger. How revolting."

    "I thought you said Granger wasn't that bad."

    "I said she wasn't as ugly as she used to be. She's still a know-it-all mudblood. What are you doing here anyway? Go find Crabbe and get ready to get on the train."

    As Greg turned to leave, he saw Draco place a picture in his trunk bearing a suspicious resemblance to Granger.


    *song quote at the beginning from Nat King Col.

    REMEMBER: Vote for the NUMBER of the drabble, NOT THE NAME. It just makes it easier on the mods!

  • round 4, voting

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