Round 4 Challenge #1: Results

Jun 20, 2009 08:36

“Summer bachelors, like summer breezes, are never as cool as they pretend to be.”
~ Nora Ephron ~

What a great way to start off the challenge!! We had 15 excellent drabbles about Draco and summer. It can’t get much better than that!

(NOTE: banners will be up when they’re ready!)

The votes were close to start off the challenge. I mean CLOSE! One point separated the winner from the next person, and the same went for those being eliminated. ONE POINT! So congratulations on a strong field and hard decisions!

The winner this week was little_dollface, who wrote “Wooing Witches,” a charming drabble about Draco getting what was coming to him-and Hermione getting the last word. Congratulations!!

We started Mod’s Choice in Round 2 of this competition, and we just love it. Often the results are SO close that we wish more than one of the drabbles could have been recognized. This is how we get to do that! Mod’s Choice this week goes to spikespetslayer, who wrote “Head Over Heels.” This adorable drabble captured the spirit of the prompt perfectly. Congrats!!

Those of you who remember when I used to do the results post will know how much I HATE this part of the challenge. We must say goodbye to someone, though I wish everyone could stay. But that’s not how this challenge works.

This week, we’re saying goodbye to TWO participants. Thank you so much for joining this challenge! We wish the very best to mlui187 & dj_pagal! Thank you so much for playing! And happy writing!

The authors’ names have been revealed on the voting post.

Feedback: If you want your feedback, comment to this post. It will be sent to you via PM.

Other results:

1. alexajohnson mf: 7 lf: 1 2. ayane_tsurugi mf: 3 lf: 0
3. bookishwench mf: 1 lf: 1 4. little_dollface mf: 7 lf: 0
5. megans_writing mf: 2 lf: 3 6. __vintagebomb mf: 1 lf: 0
7. pokecharm mf: 0 lf: 2 8. queen_violet mf: 2 lf: 3
9. spadul mf: 0 lf: 3 10. spikespetslayer mf: 5 lf: 1
11. teenage_hustler mf: 0 lf: 5 12. terravayne mf: 6 lf: 1
13. xxxsunny mf: 2 lf: 2

Voter count this week: 38!! Not bad for the first week! Let’s do better next week, shall we? Be sure to pimp us on your f-list when voting time comes around!! Next challenge up soon!

round 4, results

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