Round 3, Challenge Ten: The Screening

Apr 01, 2009 21:15

Grab a soda and some popcorn, movie fans … It’s time for the week ten screening!

Welcome all to the World Premiere of "There's no Place Like Home"

A couple of things to remember when deciding which drabbles to vote for (most and least favorite):


  1. Which drabble best incorporates the prompt?
  2. Is the drabble clever, different, fresh? Does it evoke an emotional response (good or bad)?
  3. Does the drabble contain grammar, canon or spelling errors?
  4. The movies merely serve as inspiration for the prompts. The requirements and theme are most important.

As a voter, you have the option of leaving a brief statement about why you voted the way you did, for both most and least favorite. Your feedback will then be given to the drabble writer (if they want the feedback) ANONYMOUSLY.

Example: Most - #40: the ending was brilliant - OR - Least - #57: the ending fell flat

Please remember writers, that you may not vote for yourselves.

Here we go for week Ten!

Choose your favorite and least favorite drabbles. Favorites will receive +1 point per vote, and least favorites -1 point per vote.

Voting ends at 11:59pm, Friday,April 3rd.

There's no Place Like Home!

Scene (inspirational movie): The Wizard of Oz
Action (must include): Ruby slippers, 175 words EXACTLY
Theme (additional information): Draco & Hermione are married, post-Hogwarts


Title: Wandless Magic
Author: luvscharlie
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Word Count: 175, exactly

Draco exited their fireplace. "How dare you send a howler to my office? Everyone laughed--"

"Your reputation is the least of my concerns. I've lost her! You have to help me find Lily."

Draco grabbed his wife. "Calm down. She can't have gone far. Where'd you see her last?"

"Right here in front of me. We'd just come back from the cinema and I remembered that Mum had saved my Halloween costume. I was the cutest Dorothy."

"Hermione, focus."

"We saw the Wizard of Oz, and she wanted to play dress-up. And just-I mean-"

"You're babbling."

"You'd babble too, if you'd seen what I did. She clicked her heels together in the ruby slippers and poof-no more Lily."

"Did you check her house? That movie scene is about going home, right?"

"OH! Do you think? Merlin, I hope not. Harry and Ginny were planning a romantic evening."

Draco stepped in the fireplace and exited it again moments later.

"Is she--?"

Draco nodded. "Ginny says she'll send you the therapy bills."


Title: If the Shoe Fits
Author: bookishwench
Rating: PG
Warnings: nothing
Word Count: 175

“They came from the Sorting Hat,” Hermione explained.

Draco poked the ruby slippers with his finger. His wife brought home the oddest things from the Department of Mysteries.

“They’re tacky,” he said bluntly.

“I think they’re nice.”

“Doesn’t the hat only spew stuff from the founders?” Draco asked.

“Yes,” Hermione admitted.

“So shouldn’t these have sapphires or citrines?” he asked.

“Read what’s on the soles,” Hermione said, blushing.

“’Property of Godric Gryffindor?’” he said, gaping. “He was a drag queen?!”

“Don’t be intolerant,” Hermione said, then bit her lip nervously.

“Out with it,” he said.

“You’re the only one in the Ministry with the right size foot to find out what they do,” she said quickly.

“You’ve got to be kidding!” Draco yelled.

“Please?” Hermione asked meekly, eyes pleading.

Draco sighed, slipping his feet into the shoes. His only consolation was if Weasley or Potter heard about this, he could shut their gobs with a few interesting facts about their dear house founder.

Besides, he thought as the shoes glittered, they were really rather fetching.


Title: Dressing Up
Author: hathorx
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: post-Hogwarts, perverted minds
Word Count: 175

“You’ve got to be joking! Seriously, a lion?!”

Hermione took no notice of Draco as she finished applying her make-up. “It was all I could find at the shop. It’ll just have to do.”

“I’m not going out dressed as a bloody lion!”

“Oh grow up, Draco, you’re not a Slytherin anymore,” she shot back. “And may I remind you that you’re a wizard! If you don’t like it, change it to something else.”

“Oh really, and to what? A tin man? A scarecrow?”

“You could always go as Toto,” Hermione suggested lightly, sitting down on the bed and unwrapping the ruby slippers she had recently bought.

“The dog?” Draco exclaimed, after a moment. However, an idea struck him, and he grinned wolfishly as he knelt down by his wife and helped her with her shoes.

“Does that mean I get to sit in your lap all evening?” he asked slyly.

Catching his eye, Hermione’s smile became downright sinful and she felt the urge to click her heels three times.

“There’s no place like home.”


Title: Fetish
Author: greenschist
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 175 (grr)

The moment they came home, Hermione was reaching for the straps on her shoes.

"Wait." Draco swept her off her feet and started up the staircase. "I like these shoes." He cast admiring eyes at her footwear: high-heeled and as ruby-red as her dress robes.

"They're killing me."

"But they make your legs as long as racing brooms. You were the most gorgeous woman in that ballroom tonight." He smiled at her blush. "Ask anyone. I bet Weasley would agree with me."

"Where did Ron go anyway? I saw you talking while I was dancing with Lucius, but he vanished after that." She caught his eye as they entered their bedroom. "Oh, please tell me you didn't fight."

"No fighting." He dropped her across their bed and pulled her feet to his shoulders. "I merely pointed out how sexy you are and wondered aloud how to persuade you to wear these shoes to bed tonight." His mouth traced the ruby strap over her ankle, and he grinned when she whimpered. "I really like these shoes."


Title: No Place Like Home
Author: midnight_birth
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 175

Hermione watched the man flirt, twirling the gold band on her finger. She shouldn’t be there. But she had threatened, and Draco challenged, and she had to go ahead and fulfill her threat.

The truth was it didn’t feel satisfying at all. In fact, her anger had subsided, and she regretted leaving at all.

The man touched her hand and she looked at her feet. Her heart skipped a beat. Draco had only gotten her one present throughout their years together himself, without sending a house elf. They were a pair of the gaudiest ruby slippers she had ever seen. Yet the fact that he had picked them himself made them priceless.

Without looking up, she clicked her heels together, shrugged off the stranger’s hand, and Disapparated.

Draco was asleep. She knew he wouldn’t come looking. She sat on the bed and ran her fingers through his hair. It was difficult, but it was worth it.

Draco had gotten her shoes, and the shoes had carried her home. And there was no place like home.


Title: There's No Place Like Home
Author: kalina_blue
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Word Count: 175

Draco walked into the living-room where his wife was playing with their daughter Emily.

"I'll Apparate to my office," he announced, "I forgot a few files."

Hermione just nodded, but Emily eyed her father critically.

"Daddy, you're wearing the wrong shoes. You can't Apparated like that," she said.

"Why not?" Draco asked, puzzled.

He looked at his feet. He was wearing custom-made, black shoes.

"You need to wear ruby slippers when you Apparate," Emily said patronizingly. Apparently she felt that her dad should have known that.

"No, I don't," Draco said indignantly.

"Yes, of course," Emily said. "The wizard of Oz says you Apparate by clicking together the heels of your ruby slippers three times."

Having absolutely no clue what Emily was talking about, Draco looked to his wife for assistance, but Hermione was quite unhelpful. She was shaking in silent laughter and Draco had the uncanny suspicion that she was picturing him in ruby slippers.

"Maybe Oz just Apparates a bit differently," Draco said weakly and Disapparated quickly before his daughter could protest further.


REMEMBER: Vote for the NUMBER of the drabble, NOT THE NAME. It just makes it easier on the mods!

Please leave both a MOST favorite and a LEAST favorite vote. We must have both in order for your votes to count.

Poll round 3 challenge #10

For readers, supporters, lovers of everything dramione -

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Come See Draco & Hermione in Their New Movie
Click the Ticket to Read & Vote!
Theme: The Wizard of Oz

To Get this Pretty for your Journal - Spread the Drabble Love!

Come See Draco & Hermione in Their New Movie
Click the Ticket to Read & Vote!
Theme: The Wizard of Oz

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round 3, voting

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