Round 3 Challenge #4: The Screening

Feb 18, 2009 21:15

Grab a soda and some popcorn, movie fans … It’s time for the week four screening!

Welcome all to the World Premiere of "It seems to me that love is everywhere."

A couple of things to remember when deciding which drabbles to vote for (most and least favorite):


  1. Which drabble best incorporates the prompt?
  2. Is the drabble clever, different, fresh? Does it evoke an emotional response (good or bad)?
  3. Does the drabble contain grammar, canon or spelling errors?
  4. The movies merely serve as inspiration for the prompts. The requirements and theme are most important.

As a voter, you have the option of leaving a brief statement about why you voted the way you did, for both most and least favorite. Your feedback will then be given to the drabble writer (if they want the feedback) ANONYMOUSLY.

Example: Most - #40: the ending was brilliant - OR - Least - #57: the ending fell flat

Please remember writers, that you may not vote for yourselves.

Here we go for week four!

Choose your favorite and least favorite drabbles. Favorites will receive +1 point per vote, and least favorites -1 point per vote.

Voting ends at 11:59pm, Friday, February 20th.

"It seems to me that love is everywhere."

Scene (inspirational movie): Love Actually
Action (must include): 250 words ; the phrase "To Me, You are Perfect"
Theme (additional information): unrequited love


Title: Perspectives on Perfection
Author: lennanightrun
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 250
A/N: “bottle” as slang means “courage, nerve, and/or guts.”

“Oh, sausage. To me, you are perfect.”

Ron sat next to Hermione at the Gryffindor table, gazing lovingly at the sausage he had speared with his fork. Gravy dripped from its end back onto his plate, causing Hermione to wrinkle her nose in distaste.

“Perfect for causing a premature heart attack, maybe,” she scoffed as she took a bite of her potatoes and turned back to The Evening Prophet.

Ron tried very hard not to look at Hermione as he washed the rest of the sausage down with a gulp of pumpkin juice. When he was certain she was engaged in reading, he braved a quick glance at her, admiring how pretty she was when annoyed. Sorry I don’t have the bottle to tell you, ‘Mione, but to me, you are perfect.

Hermione finished eating and told Ron that she wanted to visit the library before returning to the Common Room. She was actually hoping to steal a glance at Malfoy. As hard as she had been trying not to lately, she couldn’t stop thinking about him. I don’t care how arrogant or hateful you are, or that you’ll never look at me as long as I live. To me, you are perfect.

Across the Great Hall Draco eyed his reflection in the back of his soup spoon and smirked in satisfaction. No one could deny that he was looking as good as ever that evening. Don’t listen to what anyone says about you, mate… to me, you are perfect.


Title: Daggers to the Heart
Author: kate0404
Rating: G
Warnings: Nada
Word Count: 250




Synonyms, alike in so many fervent ways, but each word necessary to describe the way he kissed her. I watched him snake his hand around her waist, give her the infamous smirk, and then press his lips against hers with unbridled passion. Her arms went around his neck then, like I always imagined mine would if I were in her position, and her eyes fluttered shut as she melted into his body.

I watched the whole thing, stunned, and in my mind it was easily the longest kiss in the history of ardent kisses. In actuality, it was only half a minute. I counted every single, painstakingly slow second like each was a dagger to my heart.

I had waited so long for him to kiss me like that - slow, sweet, and smoldering - but I knew my waiting was all for naught. He had never felt the same about me as I’ve felt about him, with the exception of when we were children and we hated each other equally. Three years, however, working closely together in one of the most difficult jobs in the Wizarding world - curse breaking - I found myself falling head over heels in love with him, Draco Malfoy.

Unfortunately, to him - though I’ve hoped and prayed he would see me differently - I am still just Hermione Granger, dear and trusted friend.

His next words broke into my tormented thoughts, “To me, you are perfect.”

She smiled and my heart broke into a million pieces.


Title: One Hormonally Confused Death Eater; One Amorous Ghost
Author: luvscharlie
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 250, exactly

Draco spent a lot of time in the bathroom Moaning Myrtle haunted during his sixth year at Hogwarts. Tonight was no different. He paced, (Myrtle didn't mind the pacing as it gave her a nice view of his bum) and talked. It was the subject-matter of their conversation that annoyed her.

"What would my family say if they knew I had feelings for a Mudblood?"

Myrtle didn't get the chance to answer…which was often the case. She would have pointed that out, but she lived for his visits and he might go away if she got lippy.

"I'll tell you what they'd say. They'd say you're no son of mine."

"Perhaps they'd understand better than you think." She hoped not. She secretly hated hearing him talk about that Hermione girl. She planned to flush her down the toilet, if she ever got close enough to accidentally push her in. If it required a bit of stomping on her head to make her go down smoothly, well, all the better.

"She's not even pretty. I don't know what's wrong with me these days," he said. "It's not like she'd ever fancy a Death Eater."

Twirling a pigtail, Myrtle sidled up beside him and batted her eyelashes. "Clearly, she has no taste. To me, you are perfect."

Draco looked at his watch, clearly uncomfortable. "Shite, I'm late for class." He grabbed his books and scurried for the door.

"Do come back soon. Won't you, love?"

"Um, sure," he said, without looking back.


Title: From the Shadows, I See Perfection
Author: wildflower4evr
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: A few naughty words
Word Count: 250... WaHoo!

Hermione knew how pathetic she must look. She thanked Merlin no one could see her. Honestly, she didn’t understand what was going on inside her head, her body.

When and how had Draco Malfoy turned into a specimen of male perfection?

Hermione’s obsession with spying the Slytherin bloke began shortly after they arrived to begin their sixth year. For some reason, she could tell things were different. He was different.

Now, brown eyes watched from the shadows, seeing the blond Slytherin having yet another disagreement with his girlfriend.

“You never spend time with me anymore, Draco!” Pansy’s shrill voice echoed through the empty hall.

Hermione watched as Draco’s features twisted in anger. “Do you want to get us caught, you stupid bint?”

“I don’t give damn!” It seemed she spoke even louder. “Girls may fall all over you, but that’s only because they don’t realize how truly imperfect you are.”

Hermione watched him back Pansy up against the wall. “You have no fucking idea what I have to deal with. Not like you care. Go find another bloke to fuck. I don’t love you, Pansy. I’ll never love anyone.”

The two turned their backs on each other, walking in separate directions. As Draco came closer to her spot, Hermione took the chance and stepped out of the shadows.

He stopped abruptly. “What do you want, Granger?” His lips formed a sneer, annoyance present in his voice.

Risking everything, she whispered, “To me, you are perfect,” before running to Gryffindor tower.


Title: The Daydream
Author: teenage_hustler
Rating: PG
Warnings: Kissing (I know; raunchy :P).
Word Count: 250 (I know; surprising, right?)

You’re sitting alone in the dingy cafe, drinking your cup of lukewarm tea. Suddenly, you see her. She is walking down the street, barely visible through the café’s stain-encrusted window.

You know it’s unwise, but you start to daydream.

You stand up, lay a galleon on the table and stride outside. She hears the sound of the bell above the café and turns to see you approaching her with an air of confidence and fortitude that you will never possess. You register shock on her face for a split second before you embrace her. Your hands entangle themselves in her impossibly unmanageable hair. You feel her slight body pressing against you, her honey brown eyes searching yours for the permission she requires. Her breath hitches as she leans closer. Your lips meet, and you feel the world around you disappear as you start to fly. Before you know it you’re dancing, amongst the sun, the moon and the stars. Her lips briefly leave yours as she whispers the words you’ve wanted to hear from her, and only her, for many long and desperate years.

“I love you.”

Reality comes crashing back and you’re in the café again. She is still outside, and you watch her for a few more blissful seconds before she turns a corner and disappears from your sight.

She’s your entire world, and she will never know.

“Hermione,” you say to yourself, savouring the sound of her name coming from your lips. “To me, you are perfect.”


Title: Sweet Pea, Apple of My Eye
Author: somandalicious
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 250

Draco recognized her immediately amongst the crowd in Diagon Alley. He didn’t think he’d ever forget her face; those big brown eyes and little pink smile amidst the mess of long curls. His heart still swelled with adoration at the mere mention of her, and he knew that he loved her like no other.

He’d been gone for five years of her life, locked up in Azkaban, but every day he studied her pictures, read about her progress, and wondered what it would be like to know her. She had been his saving grace in his darkest moments. He could never tell her that, though, for he had been asked never to contact her. As heart-breaking as it was, he understood. He wasn’t a nice man.

So he kept his distance. Watching her move through the crowd eagerly taking in her surroundings, but soon she peered at him curiously. Instinctively, a smile stretched his face, and she gave a short wave that he returned. Then she tugged on her mother’s robes and asked, “Mum, who is that wizard?”

Hermione Granger followed her daughter’s pointing and grimaced when her gaze landed on Draco. “That’s nobody, Alice. A stranger.”

Instantly, regret ripped acutely at his heart, and his soul clenched woefully in his chest. He was her father, and he wanted her to know him, to know what she meant to him. Perhaps, she’d love him too.

The next day, he sent her a card that said, “To Me, You Are Perfect.”


Title: Perfection in Imperfection
Author: ianthe_waiting
Rating: G
Warnings: AU, imperfect Draco.
Word Count: 250 words

It had been years, a decade, in fact, but I knew you immediately.

Time had changed you, but I knew you even before our reintroduction. Of course, had our host known us beyond our names, reintroductions would have been avoided.

“Mr. Malfoy, please meet a dear friend of mine...” our host said, but you were not truly listening, you were staring at me.

You were older, as I was older, but time had marred the sharp features so integral to what the Wizarding world identified as 'Malfoy.' The purplish scar that ran over your face, from your scalp down over your left eye and to your sharp chin, was a shocking addition, but I knew you. ,I knew you... The hair that streamed over your wide shoulders was more silver now than blond. Your mien was guarded, as if you anticipated some sudden violence from me.

I would never hurt you.

“Miss Granger, a pleasure...”

I blinked at you, at the sound of your voice, at the sight of your pale, long fingered hand reaching out toward me while our host grinned in delight.

Your voice was as deep as a subterranean stream, ageless, powerful, and so different from what I remembered.

Was it so long ago that we were children, fighting for our continued survival on that May night a decade ago?

Your hand was warm, and strong, and my chest squeezed. I had not expected it, and I had not expected myself whispering: “ me, you are perfect.”


Title: Transposed
Author: bookishwench
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Word Count: 250

The Hogwarts Express puffed onwards as the meeting of new prefects came to a close.

“That’s about all,” said the Head Boy, Cornelius Kettletop, a Ravenclaw, “except we need someone with decent handwriting to make up a list of the new prefects and hang it outside the Great Hall. Any volunteers?”

Hermione’s hand went up, as usual, but Draco’s raised arm caught Kettletop’s eye first, probably from the sheer shock of the offer.

“Fine, Malfoy,” he said cautiously. “Have it done by dinner tonight.”

Draco nodded, and as the compartment emptied, he remained behind, pulling parchment, ink and quill from his bag. However, if anyone had been watching closely, the look of mischief on his face would have been obvious.

After the start of term feast finished, the students exited the Great Hall, walking past the announcements tacked on the notice board. Ron drifted over to the list of prefects, wanting to see his name, and immediately let out a howl of laughter.

“Nice spelling, Malfoy!” he yelled at Draco, who had been watching the scene.

Hermione immediately read the parchment and frowned.

“I should have expected you’d purposely bungle mine,” she said to Draco, and before he could say a word, she stomped up the stairs, glaring furiously.

Draco read the list of names. Each was followed by the word “prefect,” except for Hermione’s. He had intentionally misspelled her new title, hoping she might understand his hidden meaning.

“It’s no mistake. To me, you are perfect,” he said quietly.


Title: Don't tell Pansy!
Author: hathorx
Rating: PG
Warning: none
Word count: 250 exactly!

Hermione knew Ron shouldn’t have brought Malfoy more champagne.

It was bad enough that he was wasted, but now she actually had to carry his drunken arse back to the house.

“Yer such a good friend, H’mione,” Draco exclaimed, grinning as if he hadn’t a care in the world. “I ever tell you that?”

No, he hadn’t in fact and Hermione doubted he ever would again. Gripping his arm wrapped around her shoulders tighter, she continued to pull him along. She knew Harry shouldn’t have invited him to the wedding!

“Yer like the greatest witch I’ve ever known,” he continued, gesturing wildly with his free arm and walking shakily. “And the prettiest one too!”

And before Hermione knew it, he kissed her firmly on the cheek. She had half a mind to slap him, but his words stopped her short.

“You know I love ya, right?”

“Errr... Malfoy, I -”

“I love ya like the birds love the ocean and the fish love the air... wind... no wait, hang on.”

“Don’t you mean -”

“You are like the moon to my sun, like the stars to my - to my -”

“Sky?” she suggested and suddenly felt the need to choke back violent giggles.

“Yes!” he shrieked, swaying dangerously and dragging her along with him. “You see, to me, you are perfect!”

Hermione couldn’t believe her ears. Malfoy was barely her friend and yet he seemed to love her!

“Malfoy, you think I’m perfect?”

“Yes,” he whispered. “Just don’t tell Pansy.”


Title: Forgery and Forced Admission
Author: marmaladefever
Rating: PG
Warnings: a tiny bit of language
Word Count: 250

Unbeknownst to Hermione Granger, a flesh-colored string stretched from her office to another. Hermione was preoccupied by the bouquet that had just been delivered to her office, and, not knowing what else to do, she sent an inner-office memo.

Malfoy was scowling when he arrived. “What was so important that you needed me to come in here?” he barked. He didn’t look nervous the way Hermione would have imagined.

“Well,” she began, her confusion heightening. “I was wondering about these flowers.”

Malfoy took a glance down, but in addition to the nerves she’d expected to see was a good dose of befuddlement. “What about them?”

Hermione frowned and picked the card out from the center of the tulips. “Here,” she said, handing it over to him.

Malfoy’s scowl deepened up until he’d taken his first cursory glance at the bit of pink cardstock, and then he paled. “Where did this come from?”

“You don’t know?”

“No, I bloody well don’t know!” he barked, but there was still that odd trace of nerves that didn’t make sense.

She took it back from him and read it. “To me, you are perfect. Signed, Draco Malfoy.” She looked up. “This is your handwriting.”

“It’s forged!”

“Then… alright.” She sat down, ignoring him, but he was still standing there, staring. “Yes?”

“I-I didn’t send these. But,” he groaned, “it doesn’t mean that card isn’t true!”

Luna took out her extendable ear. It was about time he told her. His handwriting was so difficult!


Title: Stupid Mouth
Author: __vintagebomb
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Mild language
Word Count: 250

Hermione should've seen it coming, but like Professor Trelawney, she was no seer. After managing to avoid him the whole day, she was stuck in the lift with Draco. He pressed the emergency stop button and the lift halted abruptly.


"What do you think you're doing?" Hermione hissed, trying to get around him to get the lift to resume operating.

"Go out with me."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "For the hundredth time, Malfoy, no means no. Do you harass every girl you like?"

"Only the ones who can't dress very well."

Hermione frowned and continued to reach for the red button.

"Can't you stop that and hear me out?"

She narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.

Draco took a deep breath. "To me, you are perfect - frizzy hair and everything."

"Does that line actually get you any dates?"

He frowned. He was trying to be sincere for once and talk about feelings like a sodding Hufflepuff. It wasn't his fault that his mouth automatically spewed out insults. He groaned inwardly in frustration. He just couldn't do this right.

Hermione glared at him while he tried to formulate something else to say. "Give me one chance, Granger. Can't you accept that someone other than Weasley might like you?"

It was easier to believe that she was just another conquest rather than accept that he liked her. But for once, Draco looked like he actually cared whether or not he was rejected.

"Alright, Malfoy. One date."


Title: The Planner
Author: greenchist
Rating: PG
Word Count: 250

The notebook, the Muggle one with "Our Wedding Planner" on the front, was on her desk. Draco wanted to tear it to pieces and burn the scraps.

"Now Ron thinks I'm a killjoy for saying Kreacher can't serve drinks at the reception. Like I should ignore my opposition to unpaid elf labor." Hermione rubbed her forehead. "Why can't he understand? Why must he mock me all the time? He should say-"

"'To me, you are perfect,'" Draco interrupted.

Hermione eyes were suddenly wet with tears. "Yes," she whispered. "That would be wonderful."

"Weasley should fall on his knees before you." Draco sank to the floor beside her chair and took her hand. "He should say 'There's not one moment of the day when I'm not in awe of you. Your intelligence and compassion astonish me. Your beauty overwhelms me.'" Draco looked steadily into her eyes.

Hermione gaped at him but then laughed a little. "Ron would never say anything like that, but you, Draco," she squeezed his hand before letting go, "are a true romantic. Why aren't you dating anyone?"

He kept his gaze on hers. "The one I love fell in love with someone else. I don't know why."

When she looked away, Draco felt his hopes wither. "Hermione…"

"Drop something, Malfoy?" Ron stood in the doorway, flowers in his hands.

"Ron!" She brushed past Draco on her way to Ron's arms.

Still on the floor, he closed his eyes so he wouldn't have to watch them kiss.


Title: You Are Not Mine
Author: dazzled_x
Rating: T
Warnings: words that are italicized are Hermione's thoughts, followed by her words that she actually speaks aloud
Word Count: 250

Hermione Weasley and Draco Malfoy surreptitiously watched a couple stumble up the staircase of the Leaky Cauldron towards its rental rooms. Hermione’s heart broke as she watched Draco’s own fall to pieces.

Draco closed his eyes and sighed. “Tell me that wasn’t Astoria.”

She just lost an amazing man.

“I’m sorry.”

“What does he have that I don’t have?” Draco questioned.


“I don’t know.”

“Shouldn’t you have better answers than this?” he growled.

Hermione’s eyes flashed in annoyance.

Not anymore.

“I understand you are upset - you have every right to be. But don’t you dare take your anger out on me, Draco Malfoy.”

The blonde wizard signaled to Tom for another drink that he immediately gulped down.

“I have a successful business, I am on good terms with the Ministry, and I’m still devastatingly handsome,” Draco muttered. “What’s wrong with me?”

Hermione’s heart sunk. Nothing, she wanted to say. Nothing is wrong with you.

“Maybe I’m not as good of a man as I thought I was. Scorpius barely talks to me about his problems anymore. My own father won’t even speak to me at times,” Draco continued, lost in his own world.

“Hey,” Hermione said softly, placing Draco’s glass of Firewhisky out of reach.

He didn’t look up.

“I smoke, drink, and gamble excessively. I tried to kill Albus Dumbledore…”

“Hey,” Hermione said again, grabbing his head and turning it towards her.

Grey eyes met brown eyes.

I shouldn’t say this.

“To me, you are perfect,” she whispered.


REMEMBER: Vote for the NUMBER of the drabble, NOT THE NAME. It just makes it easier on the mods!

Please leave both a MOST favorite and a LEAST favorite vote. We must have both in order for your votes to count.

Poll round 3 challenge 4

If you think this batch is as strong as I do, point it out in your LJ! You guys really outdid yourselves this week.

round 3, voting

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