Wrap Party for Round Three, Challenge Four

Feb 21, 2009 10:05

Good morning/Good midday/Good evening to all. I am your Master of Ceremonies, Ticky Box.

Welcome to the weekly wrap party at Club dramione_ldws - The bar is open and the buffet is to die for! I know you're all anxious to see the results, so without further ado...

The envelopes, please.

For the category of Most Favorite drabble this week, the Globe goes to...


Your earnest, romantic Draco in "The Planner" was a big hit this week!

For the category of Moderator's Choice drabble this week, the Walk of Fame star goes to...


In "Sweet Pea, Apple of my Eye," Bad boy Daddy Draco had us Mods in awwww from the wickedly clever title nod on. And a lot of us, I suspect, think this would make an excellent one-shot, at the very least. *Unleashes ninja plot bunnies of dooooooom*

Finally, it is with a great deal of sadness that I must announce this week's contribution to the Cutting Room Floor -

lennanightrun. :-(
I think we all loved the “Oh, sausage. To me, you are perfect.” opening to your drabble, it was classic Ron. It sure made us Mods gigglesnort. Keep on writing, stick around and join us again in the next round, won’t you?

And wildflower4evr. :-(
We’re so sorry to see you go, Wildflower! Good luck, we hope you stick around and participate in the next round!

Finally, the tallies. As you can see, there wasn't a single drabble that didn't get a vote this week - pat yourselves on the back! The mods would like to offer marmaladefever a special thank you for the nightmare-inducing comment on the challenge four voting post. We sincerely hope it never becomes reality. *giggles-wink*

kalina_blue used skip floorcoaster used skip
greenschist mf: 8 lf: 1 ianthe_waiting mf: 1 lf: 6
somandalicious mf: 6 lf: 5 bookishwench mf: 4 lf: 0
teenage_hustler mf: 1 lf: 3 hathorx mf: 8 lf: 3
kate0404 mf: 2 lf: 2slytherinswench RL-used skip
marmaladefever mf: 3 lf: 1 __vintagebomb mf: 3 lf: 5
dazzled_x mf: 4 lf: 0 elegantsundance used skip
midnight_birth used skip luvscharlie mf: 3 lf: 2

Writers who wish to receive feedback, please comment and pokeystar will pm you on Monday or so.

Thank you all for coming - please stay, chat - visit the buffet and have a few on us. We'd like to add a special additional thanks to all you readers, voters and pimpers out there - we couldn't do this without you!

Last but certainly not least, next week's challenge will be posted shortly.

round 3, results

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