Round 3, Challenge #1: the screening

Jan 28, 2009 21:02

Grab a soda and some popcorn, movie fans … It’s time for the week one screening!

Welcome all to the World Premiere of "Is This a Kissing Book?"

A couple of things to remember when deciding which drabbles to vote for (most and least favorite):

  1. Which drabble best incorporates the prompt?
  2. Is the drabble clever, different, fresh? Does it evoke an emotional response (good or bad)?
  3. Does the drabble contain grammar, canon or spelling errors?
  4. The movies merely serve as inspiration for the prompts. The requirements and theme are most important.
The “feedback” option.

As a voter, you have the option of leaving a brief statement about why you voted the way you did, for both most and least favorite. Your feedback will then be given to the drabble writer (if they want the feedback) ANONYMOUSLY.

Example: Most - #40: the ending was brilliant - OR - Least - #57: the ending fell flat
Please remember writers, that you may not vote for yourselves.

Here we go for week one!

Choose your favorite and least favorite drabbles. Favorites will receive +1 point per vote, and least favorites -1 point per vote.

Voting ends at 11:59pm EST (New York USA), Friday, January 30th.

Is this a kissing book?

Scene (inspirational movie): The Princess Bride
Action (must include): 100 word count - EXACTLY. The phrase "As you wish"
Theme (additional information): A confession of love


Title: Midnight Declaration
Author: luvscharlie
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 100

Hermione lay beside him, her hair dark against the white pillowcase, the sheen on her skin bearing witness to their recent lovemaking.

It began as a fling. He wasn't sure when it changed, and would've certainly dug in his heels to prevent it, if given the chance. He started several times to make his declaration of love, opening his mouth, only to find the words sorely lacking.

She seemed to sense his distress and nuzzled his neck. "It'll wait till morning."

He sighed in relief at the short reprieve. "As you wish," he whispered into the quiet of the night.


Title: The Mask
Author: marmaladefever
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Word Count: 100

“As you wish,” was all he never said to her. If she asked him to fetch something, be it a book or a pitcher, he’d sneer, “Mudblood,” and ignore her. If she asked him to die slowly, cut into a thousand pieces, would he oblige her? Hardly. But when she shoved him down a hill, and he lay there sprawled at the bottom, looking at her brokenly, it was then she realized what she’d never realized before. His mask had come off, so to speak, and with it had gone the ugly facade. He loved her but couldn’t show it.


Title: Uncomfortable Truth
Author: bambu345
Rating: All Ages
Warnings: None
Word Count: 100

“You can’t say that!” Hermione’s voice bounced off Azkaban stone.

“As you wish.” Eyes the color of a glimmer off the North Sea watched her avidly. “It doesn’t make it less true.”

“You -- I -- years?”


“But why now?”

“Your engagement was announced.” He rose from the chair, prison robes worn thin. “I’d planned to wait until my parole.”

Her hand shook when she smoothed her unruly hair. “Why say anything?”

“Because you feel something for me.”

“No,” she whispered, denied. “Don’t say that.”

“As you wish.” His breath tickled her ear. “It doesn’t make it less true.”


Title: Land Wars in Asia
Author: dynonugget
Rating: PG
Warnings: Character Death
Word Count: 100 exactly

“You’ve bested my Wizard and my Giant,” Voldemort complained.

“Have you made your choice?” Draco asked smoothly.

“Not remotely!” Voldemort answered and went into a tirade about land wars in Asia until he gasped, “What’s behind you?”

Draco turned, seeing nothing. Voldemort gulped down the goblet of potion Draco provided. Draco followed. The Dark Lord’s riotous laughter was cut short as he fell to the ground, dead. Draco stood, slipped the blindfold from Hermione’s face and kissed her soundly.

“Draco, I love you.”

“I know,” he smiled.

“Can we go home now?” she grinned at her lover.

“As you wish.”


Title: In the Forest of the Night
Author: dazzled_x
Rating: T
Warnings: Some foul language/swearing/cursing.
Word Count: exactly 100, which drove me insane.

A pale hand grabs Hermione’s as she tries to leave the Forbidden Forest.
“Malfoy, we can’t.”
“Why not?” he demands.
“Did you forget that a war is impending? When it breaks out, we’ll be fighting each other! We’re on different sides: Dark versus Light,” she says with regret.
“Fuck the Dark Lord and the War! I love you - you’re all that matters,” Malfoy confesses. “Marry me, Hermione Granger,” he says softly.
Pain flashes in Malfoy’s eyes and quickly disappears. “As you wish,” he murmurs and walks away from her and back into the night.

It’s been nineteen years.


Title: One Year, Two Months and One Day
Author: wildflower4evr
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 100

It had been two years, six months and nine days since Voldemort won.

It had been two years, six months and five days since Hermione Granger became Draco Malfoy’s slave.

But it had only been one year, two months and one day since Draco had fallen in love with his pet.

“Hermione, you will retire with me to my chambers this evening.”

“As you wish,” came her broken reply, amazed it had taken him this long to decide to claim her body.

He approached her, standing close as possible. “You will love me, Hermione, the same way I love you.”


Title: Ultimatum
Author: bookishwench
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Word Count: 100

“What precisely do your have to say for yourself?”

Lucius Malfoy glared at his son. Draco took hold of Hermione’s hand, not sure whether it was to comfort her or himself, and the gentle squeeze of her fingers gave him fresh courage.

“I’d say I’m in love, Father,” he replied bluntly.

A sniff of disbelief met his words.

“You have a choice,” Lucius said. “Bid a permanent farewell to this Mudblood or to your family.”

Draco looked into his father’s hate-filled eyes.

“As you wish,” he said sadly, and putting an arm around Hermione, they Apparated, leaving Malfoy Manor behind.


Title: These Three Words
Author: ianthe_waiting
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 100 Exactly

Of all the words in the world, there were three, in particular, that all people would normally want to hear in their lifetimes. Three words, said in honestly, could inspire poets and painters, men and women to put their lives at risk just to feel what those words could mean.

I love you.

These were not the words she was saying to him in her smooth, richly enunciated voice.

‘As you wish…’

Gods, he believed that those string of three words were far more powerful.

‘As you wish…’

She was so strong, so proud, so clever, and she loved him.


Title: Buttons
Author: somandalicious
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 100

Draco’s feelings were undeniable as they rang true and vehement in Hermione’s ears. His voice cracked with shame and conviction, a straight-shot icicle to her beating heart, stilling it immediately. To fight him would be futile and she knew when to walk away with dignity. Nodding, she met his eyes with her own. “As you wish, Draco.” Stretching her arm in defeat, she handed over the raggedy teddy bear. “I won’t throw him out.”

His shoulders slumped with relief. “Buttons is very important.”

“Of course he is, darling.” Bemusement graced her kiss as she placed it upon her husband’s cheek.


Title: Dialogue for Two
Author: kate0404
Rating: G
Warnings: Nada
Word Count: 100 exactly ‘cause I can follow directions



“What are you doing?”



“Yes, Hermione, thinking. It’s an act individuals partake in when they need to sort out instances in their lives.”

“I know what thinking is.”

“Then why did you ask?”

“You’re insufferable.”

“So I’ve been told.”

Ten Minutes Later



“What are you thinking about?”

“A few things.”


“Like why you insist on interrupting my thought process.”

“So sorry.”

“You should be.”

Another Ten Minutes

“Okay, I have to know!”

“As you wish.”



“Um, okay.”

“Hermione, I’m in love with you.”

Shocked Silence



“I-- love you, too.”


Title: Harry's Theory
Author: _vintagebomb
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Word Count: 100 exactly

Harry had a theory but Hermione was determined to prove him wrong.

"Malfoy!" she called out. "Harry wants to remind you about the Quidditch match at the Burrow. Are you coming?"

He looked at her apprehensively but replied with a clipped, "Fine." He turned to leave but Hermione stopped him.

"I need more volunteers for my elf hat knitting marathon. Can you help out?"

"As you wish," he said after a moment's hesitation.

Hermione frowned. Harry was right. "But why? You hate the Weasleys and house elves!"

A stunned Draco thought that the answer was obvious. "Because I love you."


Title: Luv! Twue Luv!
Author: calenfenwen
Rating: PG
Warnings: Nothing besides stealing my cousin's dog....shh!

Disqualified due to incorrect word count (101)

Draco was walking a dog in the park; Granger named her 'Princess Buttercup'; and never bothered to say why. The dog ran through the park and only stopped to relieve herself on Draco's Italian shoes. "Stupid dog," he grumbled.

Beside him Hermione laughed, "good girl Buttercup!"

"We should've named her Prissy Buttercup," Draco muttered.

"Draco, how long have we been together?"

"About two years?"

"Will you say it yet? You know what I want."

"As you wish. I love you bushy hair and all."


"And do you have something to say to me?" he said waggling his eyebrows.

"You're inconceivable."


Title: Always.
Author: midnight_birth
Rating: G
Warnings: A slight hint of angst.
Word Count: 100

She touches him lightly to feel his warmth under her skin, afraid to wake up any moment.

“You’re alive,” she whispers.

He stares silently, expectantly. Her gaze drops.

“You’re getting married tomorrow.” There is accusation in his voice. She flinches at his pain. “Don’t.”

“Give me a reason not to!” she fires. “You were alive all this time and you didn’t come for me...”

“I love you.”

Her countenance crumbles. It’s all the reason she needs.

“Take me away from here.”

In a flash, they are gone, his last words still resonating through the empty hallways.

“As you wish. Always.”


Title: For Love of Books
Author: elegantsundance
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count:100

".. and blah, blah, etc. End of chapter." She said as she set the book beside her.

"Wait, what?" Draco sputtered indignantly. "That’s not the end."

"That’s correct, dear. You didn’t want the lovey bits, remember?" she cuddled closer to him. "Plus, we could make up our own ending." She purred suggestively.

He made a face. "Please finish it? I love you.." he implored. She raised an eyebrow.

"When have you ever turned down sex for a book?"

"I’m not!" he assured hurriedly. "I just.. want to finish the chapter first."

Hermione smirked.

"As you wish, love. As you wish."


Title: As you erm … wish?
Author: dj_pagal
Rating: PG 13
Warning: some poking
Word Count: 100

“Malfoy!” shouted an irate Hermione as she huffed down the long corridors of Malfoy Manor.

“Hermione Granger… soon to be Malfoy.” murmured Draco. “What can I do for my bride to be?”

“Get me out of here! I can’t take dress fittings any more! Your father smirks, your mother sniffles, our parents agree to disagree and Blaise finally told me about the strippers at your Bachelor party.” Hermione poked Draco’s chest. “Malfoy, show me how much you love me.”

“As you wish.” Draco grinned and pulled her towards him. He gently lifted his bride and carried her to their room.


Title: Those Three Words
Author: teenage_hustler
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Word Count: 100 EXACTLY!!!

If someone told her two years ago that those three words meant “I love you”, she would have laughed.

If someone told her one year ago that she would be waiting for those three words for years to come, she would have considered them mad.

But today was different. Today he was leaving; to prove to the world that he had changed; that he was worthy of her love.

“Promise you’ll come back to me,” she whispered.

Draco smiled, planted a kiss on her lips and Disapparated.
Hermione traced her lips, tasting nothing but those three words.

“As you wish.”


Title: Not (Exactly) As He Wished
Author: artsy_aura
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 100

“Just what did you expect, Malfoy? You come out of nowhere, say you're in love with me and want to be with me, without laying any groundwork first. What was I supposed to do: just bow down and say 'As you wish'? I'm not that easy.” With that Hermione spun around and stalked off, leaving behind the man who had just offered up his heart to her in his hands.

But even as she walked away, fury radiating from every step, she did look back, just once, but that gave him hope that one day she would return his affections.


Title: The Fire Swamp
Author: lennanightrun
Rating: G
Warnings: Ridiculousness
Word Count: 100

“You’ve gotten us lost.”
“Don’t shush me, I-What was that?”
“What in Merlin’s name is that?”
“An R.O.U.S.”
“A what?”
“Honestly, didn’t you ever pay attention in Care of Magical Creatures?”
“It’s a Giant Scottish Wood Rat, which belongs to the category of magical creatures the Ministry calls Rodents of Unusual Size.”
“Thanks, Professor. Is it dangerous?”
“A coward, am I? I-What’s it doing?”
“Granger, if I don’t survive… I want you to-”
“I love you, too, Malfoy.”
“-never tell anyone I was eaten by a giant rat.”
“As you wish.”


Title: Two Lovers
Author: hathorx
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Word Count: 100 exactly.

As the wand reached her throat, Hermione noticed the gloved hand holding it had six fingers.

Her eyes searched the darkness around for a familiar flash of silver to save her, but saw nothing.

He had promised her. He had promised to meet her here, by the ship, if he truly loved her, but he hadn’t come.

And now it was too late.

A flash of green lit up the night and Hermione gasped as the figure fell to the ground.

She glanced up into piercing grey eyes.

“Sorry I’m late.”

She smiled back. “Come with me?”

“As you wish.”


Title: Unsaid
Author: greenschist
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Word Count: 100

Hermione was still shaking sand from the Lightning Quicksand trap out of her hair when Draco arrived at headquarters. Wordless, he held her, assuring himself with lips and hands that she was alive.

Draco cupped her face in his hands. “That’s it. No more missions, no more risks. Let someone else do it. If I lost you…”

She kissed his palm.

“Now is when you should say ‘As you wish, Draco, fine idea, very wise’ and all that.” He rested his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. “Please.”

“Oh, Draco.” Petal-soft lips touched his cheek. “I love you, too.”


Title: Bandylegs
Author: mister_otter
Rating: G
Warnings: None
WordCount: 100

Hermione circled Draco, examining his torn clothing and bleeding face.

“You look as though you fell off a mountain.”

”I was PUSHED, Granger. Then a bloody beast attacked me in the forest--nearly ripped my heart out.”

“Probably just Bandylegs, my new kitten.”


“It’s been five years, Malfoy.” Hermione cut him off. “Why have you returned?”

”Because I promised. And for better or for ill, I always keep my promises--the ones I intend to keep, that is.”

“I still love you.”

”I still love you more.”

“Prove it.”

”As you wish--if you’ll remove this accursed Jelly-legs Jinx...”


Title: As You Wish
Author: slytherinswench
Rating: G
Warnings: n/a
Word Count: 100

He was a prince, proud and tall, a royal of stardust in his gilded saddle. The sun’s golden halo his crown.

No, not a prince. But a farm boy. And she, nothing but a girl. The stardust was faerie glitter on her lashes.

When the boy bade her hither, he looked deep into her chocolate-gold eyes and saw only his own reflection.

“Stay,” he whispered.

“As you wish.”

“What do you wish?”

“To stay forever,” she said.

“As you wish.”

He’d come to know that ‘as you wish’ was ‘I love you’ as quiet and strong as the girl herself.


Title: Enough
Author: floorcoaster
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Word Count: 100

He isn’t very good with words. Never has been. There are three he longs to speak, to utter, to feel trip from his lips and flit to her ears. He doesn’t know why they get lodged in his throat whenever his heart feels light.

She must know; they don’t call her the brightest witch of her age for nothing. When she looks at him, he knows she knows, but the syllables won’t form on his tongue.

“I-” he starts, like he always starts.

“I know,” she says, smiling. “Take your time. For now, just kiss me.”

“As you wish.”


Title: Secret Wishes
Author: kalina_blue
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Post-DH, EWE, secret relationship
Word Count: 100

"We can't see each other like that anymore. People will find out," Hermione whispered in between feverish kisses. Draco had just pulled her into a quiet corner of a Ministry fundraiser, which they were both attending-separately.

"As you wish," Draco immediately said, although he didn't stop.

"Really?" Hermione asked breathlessly.

"No, but I've found that I get whatever I want sooner when I pretend to go along with your insane ideas," he replied, trailing a path of hot kisses from the corner of her mouth to her neck.

"What do you want?" Hermione asked.

His answer was simple. "You."


REMEMBER: Vote for the NUMBER of the drabble, NOT THE NAME. It just makes it easier on the mods!

Please leave both a MOST favorite and a LEAST favorite vote. We must have both in order for your votes to count.

Poll round 3 challenge 1

round 3, voting

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