Reminder post- Spoken softly through director's bullhorn

Jan 27, 2009 15:01

Attention Writers!

This means you:


Your drabbles are due in the Production office by 11:59 pm, EST - New York (-4 GMT) on Wednesday, January 28.

See The World Clock for time comparison to a city near you.

You have approximately 29 hours to get them written. At five words an hour, that leaves you nine for sleeping, eating and beta-ing.

Everyone else - this is your last chance to correct errors - you may take this opportunity to go over your submissions and either edit them or delete and re-submit the corrected version.

Do not end up on the Cutting Room Floor through neglect! Encountered a snafu? Contact Studio Head pokeystar ASAP.

PS: Drop-outs do not get the pretty bannerz. And they are pretty. Pretty Spectacular.

mod post, reminder

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