Round 2 Challenge #4: Voting

Sep 18, 2008 09:41

Wow, this week went quickly! It’s already Thursday and time for voting for week 4.

A couple of things to remember when deciding which drabbles to vote for (most and least favorite):


  • Which drabble best incorporates the prompt?
  • 2. Is the drabble clever, different, fresh? Does it evoke an emotional response (good or bad)?
  • 3. Does the drabble contain grammar, canon or spelling errors?

    The “feedback” option.

    As a voter, you have the option of leaving a brief statement about why you voted the way you did, for both most and least favorite. Your feedback will then be given to the drabble writer (if they want the feedback) ANONYMOUSLY.

    Example: Most - #40: the ending was brilliant - OR - Least - #57: the ending fell flat

    Here we go for week 4, down to 14 participants!

    Choose your favorite and least favorite drabbles. Favorites will receive +1 point per vote, and least favorites -1 point per vote. Once again (despite the rules), we’ll only be eliminating one author this week.

    Participants using a skip:

    Participant eliminated for not submitting a drabble (already used skip):

    This participant lives in the path of hurricane Ike, so she gets a pass until things improve.

    Voting ends at 11:59pm, Friday, September 19, 2008.

    Happy Birthday, Hermione!


    Title: Can You Hear Me Now?
    Author: marlaichen
    Rating: G
    Warnings: None
    Word Count: 498

    Hermione trudged up the stairs to her and Draco’s apartment. In one hand was her massive briefcase. In the other was her boyfriend, via a brand-new Elgerphone.

    “So anyway, that’s why the Elgerphone is so superior to those muggle mobile phones.”

    Hermione groaned. The first call she received on this dratted thing was an hour long conversation about wonders of wizarding technology. She fished through her pocket for her keys.

    “So when are you coming home?” Hermione mumbled as she tried for the umpteenth time to change the subject.

    “Oh, not until next week. Enough about that, though. Isn’t this Elgerphone just the coolest thing? It’s like I’m sitting right next to you.”

    Once again, Draco blew into the receiver so that his breath was magically transported through the phone into Hermione’s ear. Hermione’s keys clattered to the floor from surprise and annoyance.

    “Stop that, or I won’t answer the phone the next time you call.”

    She had probably sounded a little angrier than she had intended, because there was a pause before Draco spoke again

    “You know I love you, right?”


    Keys retrieved, Hermione shoved one into the lock. The latch sprang open.

    Hermione’s heart leapt with every primal girlish delight at the sight that greeted her. In the entryway, on a small glass table, sat a beautiful orange and green frosted birthday cake. Though the cake was about as wide as a tea saucer, every inch of it was covered with Stimpson’s EverGlo! Waxen Birthday Candles, even the sides, though more than a little precariously. Green streamers draped down the sides of the table, and overhead floated a delicate arrangement of colored bubbles.

    “What the in god’s name is this supposed to be.”

    Hermione could almost see him smugly examining his fingernails.

    “Don’t try to tell me I don’t know what my girl wants.”

    With the phone still clutched to her ear, Hermione gingerly stepped into the hallway to examine the glowing ball of flame more closely.

    “This is what your girl wants? A fire hazard?”

    “No. It’s a birthday party.” It was nearly sickening how pleased he sounded with himself.

    Hermione sighed and put on her adult-talking-to-a-child voice, “Draco, I don’t know if you’ve ever thrown a party, but there are usually guests involved.”

    “As if I was going to give you anything but the usual.” Hermione reddened at the feeling of his breath against her cheek.

    The cake glowed softly in the darkness as Hermione approached it. Though it must have sat here through most of the day, the enchanted icing looked as if it had just been made.

    “It’s still a party, love, but right now, this is just for the two of us. Just you and me. What else do you need?”

    She gently touched the phone’s receiver, grinning ear to ear.

    “Happy birthday, Hermione.”

    In one breath, Hermione blew out the candles.


    Title: The List
    Author: emm718
    Rating: G
    Warnings: Viva Las Vegas
    Word Count: 499

    Yesterday, she was only twenty-eight.

    Draco watched his favorite witch whilst she mingled with the other guest. Her ivory party dress was pert, but demure and fit her like butter on toast. Her hair was chaotic around her, and as she flipped it over her shoulder, she stole a peek at him, eyes twinkling, a lovely private smile just for him. He thought she was pretty.

    When she returned to her animated chat, he shoved his hand into his pocket and retrieved a bit of folded pink parchment. It was faded from age and creased from being opened and refolded repeatedly over the years. Licking his lips, he carefully opened it to reveal a list, garrulously entitled "Things That I Must Achieve Before I'm Twenty-Nine But No Later Than Thirty."

    He grinned bemusedly and continued reading. Although the list was long, it was majorly crossed off. A perfectly straight line of ink through each fulfilled goal and aspiration. So characteristically her. Organized, straight, perfect. Outrageously ambitious.

    There were only three that weren't crossed off and despite them, he felt a sort of pride, an admiration. Because he knew this list was nearly sixteen years old, and it a way it was a story of her. Of the person she had become. Of the person she wanted to be.

    Today she was just twenty-nine.

    There was an abundance of gifts from him: lavish trinkets, luxurious clothes, and even a widely coveted handbag, they suddenly seemed worthless, thoughtless. And the exuberant party will all her friends seemed ordinary, generic. It all wasn't good enough. Not since he found the list.

    He narrowed his eyes on item number 346: Be spontaneous.

    It was an odd goal and even more strange that in all her years, she hadn't experienced spontaneity once. But then again, she'd always been a quick thinker. Strategies and ideas bloomed in her head faster than snow melted on the tongue. It wasn't so surprising that she hadn't considered herself truly impulsive.

    Having only just arrived, he hadn't approached her yet, and as her glances grew more frequent, he knew he should probably greet her. Before he folded the vellum, he gave the the last two items a thoughtful glance and a decision formed immediately.

    For her birthday, he'd make all her wishes come true.

    After putting the list away, he crossed the floor and placed a sweet kiss on her rosy cheek. "Happy Birthday, Hermione."

    "Thank you," she murmured as she snuggled into his side and wrapped her arm around his waist.

    His breath hitched with desire before he led her away from the others and after he took another kiss, he whispered, "Do you trust me?"

    She looked up at him, her eyes narrowing in curiosity. "Of course."

    "Hold on. I have a surprise for you."

    #259: Become a wife.

    Tomorrow, she'd have a new last name.

    And as for the item number one, well, they had an entire year to work on that.


    Title: Party For Two
    Author: delayed_poet
    Rating: R
    Warnings: Non-explicit sexual situations
    Word Count: 438

    A girl's twenty-first birthday should not be her worst, so how was it that this birthday in which Hermione was supposed to celebrate her twenty-first year could have turned out so completely wrong?

    She'd woken up feeling warm and excited, only to find that Draco had already left. Why had he gone instead of giving her a proper birthday morning?

    And then, then she'd gone into work, only to discover that someone had accidentally let loose a pack of pixies in her department, thus leaving it in a disaster that she was stuck sorting through. And of course, no one even remembered that it was her birthday.

    When she finally made it out of the Ministry, an hour after her end of shift, she'd hurried to make it to the lift and had twisted her ankle. Exhausted, sore, and severely annoyed, Hermione opted to Floo home, rather than walk.

    Stepping out of the Floo, Hermione called out to Draco, but received no response. It was odd, as he should have been home long before she was, and only succeeded in furthering her annoyance. She threw her bag onto the couch, and made her way to their bedroom, intent on finding Draco and giving him a piece of her mind.

    Her breath caught in her throat as she stepped through the doorway. In that moment, she was speechless, having momentarily forgotten everything that had gone wrong.

    Three candles were lit in the room, casting subtle light on the smooth surfaces of her bed and furniture. Rose petals covered the bed, shimmering slightly in the soft flames. Looking around more revealed a path of shimmering rose petals leading to the bathroom. Curious, she followed it.

    There were more candles, and the tub was full and steaming, bubbles hiding the water from view. It smelled amazing, a lovely combination of jasmine and vanilla, and her back and feet ached to be in the warm depths of her tub.

    Hands brushed against her sides, warm breath moved across the sensitive skin of her neck. She shivered, an automatic response to his presence.

    "Surprise," Draco whispered in her ear. “Happy birthday, Hermione.”

    Hermione turned around in Draco's arms, her hands resting lightly on his chest. She looked up at him with an expression of pure adoration.

    “Thank you,” she answered before leaning up to press her lips against his in a soft, slow kiss.

    They soaked in the scented water, touching and teasing one another until neither could wait any longer. As they made love in a bed of roses, Hermione couldn't help but think that maybe this wasn't the worst birthday ever.


    Title: 40
    Author: snowe
    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: Nothing bad!
    Word Count: 401

    September 19, 2019

    She knew she should have called in sick today.

    She'd always felt so smug and superior when other women had fussed over turning forty. Why should women be ashamed of their age? Wisdom and experience were beautiful things, after all. Women reached their sexual peak in middle age, after all! It would be time to relax, and travel, and really enjoy being married without the cares and inconveniences of children at home. She'd rather been looking forward to it...until the divorce.

    Oh, she'd tried to seem as if she were enjoying her party. Her interns had worked so hard to pull off a surprise birthday luncheon, and seemed to think that they'd hit on just the thing to cheer her up. She'd been rather down in the few weeks since the children had left for Hogwarts. The house seemed so empty now.

    So she'd smiled, thanked Matilde and Geoffrey profusely for planning the party, dutifully opened her presents, and really thought she might get through the day after all...until Malfoy showed up.

    He always made it a point to mention the divorce when they met. She knew he was really sneering at her beneath the solicitous inquiries about her well-being and the children, and so she'd always brushed him off with curt replies and excused herself as soon as possible.

    Now, though, it seemed impossible to shake him; he followed her around the room as she chatted with colleagues, brought her punch, and generally made a nuisance of himself until she ordered him to leave her alone. He just smiled in that nasty condescending way of his and insisted that she open his card.

    It was ridiculously nice--probably cost more than most of the presents she'd received, she thought with a sniff. And inside:

    For a know-it-all, you really are quite daft. I'm tired of chasing you all over the Ministry, trying to be kind and sensitive and considerate about this whole divorce nonsense. Really, you're better off, and it's time you stop moping about getting older. I've always heard that women reach their sexual peak in middle age; ditch the party and we'll find out if it's true.

    She wasn't sure if she should slap or kiss him. So she did both, and wasn't quite sure which she enjoyed more. She told him further experimentation was required; he generously volunteered his services.

    She was really glad she hadn't called in sick today.


    Title: Forces of Nature
    Author: inadaze22
    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: Light language
    Word Count: 498

    With his hand on the doorknob, Draco listened as his girlfriend of eight months chattered incessantly about the movie.

    Flatly, “I was there, too.”

    “You fell asleep!”

    He shrugged, “You’re the only person in the world who enjoyed that shitty film.”

    “If that’s how you felt, you should’ve stayed home!”

    Draco smirked. “What kind of man leaves his girlfriend to her own devices on her twenty-fifth birthday?”

    “I don’t understand why you rented the entire cinema so that I could watch Forces of Nature if all you were going to do was complain. I have it on video.”

    “Well, I did it for you.” The meaningful sentiment hung in the air for a moment. “But, now I know what rotten taste you have in movies.”

    “There was a great message in it!”

    He opened the door for her. “What? If your plane crashes, don’t accept rides from strangers?”

    “Hmmph!” Hermione stomped into his home with Draco on her heels. He suppressed his smirk while she ranted. “The main moral of the movie is that nothing works out exactly how you’ve planned and, speaking of, there’s something I-”

    Draco turned on the lights and thirty of her closest friends immediately jumped from their hiding spots, yelling, “SURPRISE!!”

    The explosion of noise had caused the shocked Hermione to literally jump in the air and scream, “ARRGH!”

    Draco cackled.

    The next hour of Hermione’s life was a big blur. Everyone bombarded her with gifts, hugs, and love. She didn’t know who had moved the furniture, brought out the Firewhisky, and started the music, but soon enough, Draco’s house was Birthday Party Central and everyone was having a fantastic time. Hermione slipped her hand into Draco’s and he whispered into her ear, “Happy birthday.”

    She kissed him softly. Hermione often equated her life to Forces of Nature. Unforeseen circumstances, mistakes, failures, and other bumps had forced her to learn the true meaning of love. And in the end, for some inexplicable reason, some force of nature had drawn her to Draco.



    “Tell me you’re not still thinking about that shitty movie.”

    “I’m not thinking about-”

    “It’s your birthday. You’re supposed to get drunk and sleep with a younger man.” He wiggled his eyebrow suggestively.

    “The drinking part is out,” she mumbled.


    “It’s like the movie. Life never happens the way that you plan-”

    He interrupted, “Hold that thought. I know I have a soapbox around here.”

    She slapped him in the arm, “I’m trying to tell you something important!”

    Grumbling, “Violent little-what do you want to tell me?”

    Nervously, “I know we’ve been together eight months-”

    He frowned. “You’re rambling-”

    It just so happened that the music softened enough for everyone to hear her say, “I’m pregnant.”

    Gasps, sputters, shrieks, and breaking glass were all that she heard next. And as sheer chaos erupted at her news and congratulatory drinks were passed around, Hermione grinned when Draco’s frown turned into a wide smile….


    Title: The non-refundable gift.
    Author: telperaca
    Rating: -
    Warnings: -
    Word Count: 486

    “Quiet! She’ll be here in a few seconds!”

    “Can we at least light a candle?”

    “Weasley have you been to the loo today?”

    “Err.. I didn’t fart if that’s what you meant Malfoy.”

    “Then stop spurting shit from your mouth and-”

    “If you both don’t shut up, I shall set Ginny on you! God forbid you ruin her efforts.”

    “Stop getting your knickers in a twist Potter. I’m going to haunt another corner where the IQ level is higher. Later Weasel.”



    “Aww! Thank you. This was really a brilliant surprise. Really, it was so thoughtful of you all.”


    “Granger. The party’s inside.”

    “Everyone’s drunk. No one will notice if the birthday girl is gone for a breather.”

    “I noticed.”

    “Why are you here?”

    “Potter and Weasel invited me.”

    “No, why are you here?”

    “I’m trying to keep out of line from the projectile vomit.”

    “Ew. I’m pretty tipsy.”

    “I’ll catch you if you fall. Just don’t puke.”

    “The lights are pretty.”

    “Didn’t even notice them.”


    “Harry! I love you!”

    “Ron, mate, I love you too”

    “Draco, I love you!”

    “Say that one more time, and I’ll hex your balls off.”

    “Draco, I loooooooove you…”

    “Oh Mia, you shouldn’t have said that! He’s going to hex your balls off!”

    “I’ll make an acceptation for her.”

    “Draco, if you keep doing me favours, I might get the wrong idea.”

    “The book worm would never get the wrong idea, Bookworm.”

    “Lickle Ferret.”


    “Potter, finally I understand your evil plan! You only invited me so that you’d have someone to take you home. I hope you don’t expect me to tuck you in too! Now let go of my jacket so I can drop this drunktard off to her place and then finally get home.”

    “Draco, please, I don’t think I can take another side along apparition!”


    “I told you it was a bad idea! I still feel a little dizzy.”

    “Pissheads, the bunch of you. And stop drawing little hearts on my back, or I’ll drop you! I swear on the powers that be.”

    “That’s my bedroom. I love unicorns. I think I’ll redecorate. Silver unicorns.”


    “Silver Dragons then?”

    “I don’t give a rat’s arse Granger.”

    “I don’t understand you Draco. You stare, you yell, you lick your lips- you just did it again! I just feel exhausted around you.”

    “Then give up.”

    “You know me better than that.”

    “Do I?”

    “What do you want, Draco?”

    “It’s not my birthday. What do you want?”

    “I want a big fluffy unicorn; but a kiss from you would be fine for now.”

    “Drunken Granger is a devil Granger. Stop tempting me. You’ll regret it tomorrow!”

    “Draco. My birthday. My choice of wish.”

    “Technically, your birthday was yesterday.”

    “Not in America. And you haven’t got me anything either!”

    “Who said I haven’t got you anything?”

    “Um… squee?”

    “It’s a non-refundable gift.”


    “Better. My heart.”


    Title: Let Them Eat Cake… Then Leave
    Author: bookishwench
    Rating: PG
    Warnings: none
    Word Count: 498

    Draco stood at the door of their flat, waving as the last guest disappeared into the lift. Immediately afterwards, his face fell from its plastered-on smile to a look of deep mortification.

    “Merlin, what a mess,” he muttered, shutting the door.

    Hermione was still in the bathroom, and from the sound of swearing mixed with the running tap, she wasn’t having any luck getting Hagrid’s vomit off her shoes. Apparently, part-giant stomach bile was impervious to magic.

    Draco looked at the scene of devastation. Three figurines were broken, his favorite chair had a gigantic smear of vanilla frosting on the seat, and the Potters’ youngest had somehow gotten ice cream on the ceiling. All of that would have been bad enough, but the true damage came from his insanely stupid idea of inviting his parents to Hermione’s surprise birthday party.

    Draco had hoped (stupidly, he repeated to himself) that after he and Hermione eloped his parents would eventually accept her. She had urged him to invite his mother and father for dinner soon, though he knew she suggested it because she could tell the estrangement was making him unhappy. He’d thought (stupidly, he silently repeated yet again) his parents would behave civilly since the party was in Hermione’s honor. In retrospect, he supposed he probably shouldn’t have lied to them by neglecting to mention the party at all and saying Hermione was out of town to get them there.

    “Stupid,” he said aloud as he cleaned the frosting off the chair.

    He couldn’t decide which was worse: his father’s look of pained resignation at sitting between Potter and Weasley or his mother’s comments about the cleanliness of the house, Hermione’s appearance, Hermione’s fashion sense, Draco being too thin because of Hermione’s cooking, and of course, Hermione’s lack of Pureblood decorum, all hidden under a veneer of hypocritical concern.

    At least his mother had been the one to sit in the frosting… not that he’d felt the need to tell her about the enormous stain across her bum. Good riddance.

    “I should have just taken her out to dinner,” he said, directing his wand towards the ceiling only to have ice cream land on his head.

    “It was a good try,” Hermione said as she wrapped her arms around him from behind, laying her head on his shoulder.

    “You know the best thing about this party?” he asked as he turned to give her an apologetic kiss.

    “No one died?”

    “No,” he said with a grimace. “That it’s over.”

    “Oh no, it’s not,” she said, smiling slyly. “There’s one more present to unwrap. My favorite one, as it happens.”

    “Is that so?” he said with an answering grin.

    “Yes, and it should be in the bedroom in a few seconds,” she said, disappearing through the door. “Coming?”

    A moment later, her shirt hit him in the face.

    “Most untidy. Someone needs a birthday spanking,” he called out, following her.

    Yes, he thought, this party was a very smart idea.


    Title: One Hundred Years
    Author: dynonugget
    Warnings: None
    Rating: PG
    Word Count: 435

    The sound of conversation and laughter permeated the air. Someone had turned on the wireless a few minutes ago, and Hermione watched as a group of friends and relations began to dance on the other side of the patio. They were a lively group, but she stayed seated, content to observe.

    Despite the threat of rain the night before, the day had dawned blue and bright. The air was crisp, the leaves only beginning to turn, and perfect for an outdoor birthday party.

    She'd have been content, of course, with her family and a few close friends, but Draco wouldn't hear of it. It looked to her like half of the wizarding world was in the Malfoy's backyard.

    “I know what you're thinking,” Draco said as sat next to her.

    “Is that so?”

    “Yes. You were thinking the wireless is too loud and the neighbors will complain.”

    Laughing loudly, Hermione answered, “That's what you were thinking, Draco. And we don't have any neighbors for miles."

    He made some tutting noise, relaxed back against the chaise and watched the group with her.

    “They're a good bunch of kids,” he commented.

    “I should hope so, but was it really necessary to invite so many?”

    “It isn't every day you turn one hundred years old, Hermione,” he snickered. “Let them celebrate with you.”

    Hermione sipped her tea and looked away.

    Her entire life had been celebrated. She was a gifted witch, the brightest witch of the age, and best friend of Harry Potter. After the war, she worked to further rights for Magical Creatures. Then, after studying under Professor McGonagall for three years, Hermione became Transfiguration Professor at Hogwarts. Upon McGonagall retiring, Hermione became Headmistress. She knew that many said she had lead a charmed life.

    But looking around her, surrounded by countless friends, Hermione thought she had been lucky. Turning to see her husband beside her, Hermione thought back to the moment she realized she loved him. She thought of their first child and the two that followed. She thought of their grandchildren, and as of last week, their great-grandchild.

    It was more than a charmed life.

    It was more than luck.

    Hermione Granger Malfoy was blessed.

    Slowly, Draco stood and asked his wife to dance.

    “I'd love to,” Hermione answered.

    A moment later, everyone moved aside to watch the happy couple dance to their own music, and Draco kissed her softly on the lips. Enveloping her in his arms, Draco held her close and whispered, “Happy Birthday, love.”

    “Yes, Draco,” she smiled back serenely, thankful for the blessings surrounding her. “I believe it is.”


    Title: Birthday Wish
    Author: ravenswing34
    Rating: G
    Warnings: none
    Word Count: 128

    He had never seen her so beautiful.

    The light of the candles on her homemade cake lit up her face like a spotlight and bathed her ecstatic features in their golden glow. The sadness he had seen the last few months was finally replaced with happiness and glee. Her amber eyes shown with joy at the effort everyone had made. Laughter rang out as her friends butchered her birthday song at the top of their lungs. The candles haphazardly placed all over the cake caused even more delight as a few threatened to topple into the frosting. He silently watched everyone cheer her on as she blew out the candles.

    "What did you wish for," they asked.

    Her eyes raised to meet silver and mouthed the words - you.


    Title: I Hate You
    Author: kate0404
    Rating: PG
    Warnings: Fluff galore.
    Word Count: 389
    Author’s Notes: Takes place September 19, 2009.

    Music and yelling in the next room.


    “Don’t say something you’re going to regret, Granger.”


    Shaking head: “Now you’ve done it.”


    “You know, that hurts.”

    Screaming: “I don’t bloody care, Draco! What were you thinking?”

    “That it’s your birthday, of course.”

    “So, what, you thought you’d mark my transition into the ancient by inviting all our friends over and throwing me a bloody surprise party?”

    Pointedly: “Thirty is not ancient, love.”

    “It bloody well is!”


    “And that’s not the point, Draco! We have a rule: no parties.”

    “If I recall correctly, that’s my rule.”

    Annoyed: “That rule applies to both of us!”

    “You might want to keep your voice down, Granger, you’ll disturb the happy partygoers.”

    Towards the door: “All those people out there… Merlin, Draco, why?”

    “I already told you; it’s your birthday.”

    “That doesn’t mean it has to be celebrated!”

    Angry: “It bloody well does!”




    More silence.

    “I still hate you.”

    Laughing: “You’ll get over it.”


    “I got you something.”

    Intrigued: “I thought we also agreed on a ‘no presents’ rule?”

    Shrugging: “Some rules are made to be broken.”

    Grumpy: “Apparently.”

    “Open it.”

    “You’re just trying to make it up to me for this ridiculous party.”

    “You mean ‘this ridiculous party you’re refusing to attend in order to scream at me for planning’.”

    Smirking: “Same difference.”

    “Open it, Granger.”


    With a gasp: “Draco?”

    “To ‘mark your transition into the ancient’, I thought I’d ask you the one question we’ve been dancing around for the last two years.”


    On one knee: “I practiced this speech for twenty-five minutes in the bathroom mirror today and it never sounded right. Finally, I realized why: anything I say to you would only be cliché and we are not a cliché, Hermione.”

    Mouth agape.

    “I love you. Merlin, it seems so simple and not nearly enough, but it’s what’s right. It’s us. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you - as my wife.”

    Tears streaming.

    “Please, Hermione, say you’ll be my wife.”

    Whispered: “Yes.”

    Passionate kissing.

    Silence broken in the next room: “SHE SAID YES!”


    Appalled: “You told them?”

    Sheepishly: “Well, the invitation did have a dual purpose: Birthday and Engagement Party.”

    Giggling: “I really hate you.”

    “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”


    REMEMBER: Vote for the NUMBER of the drabble, NOT THE NAME. It just makes it easier on the mods!

  • round 2, voting

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