Round 1: Challenge #8: Voting

Jul 03, 2008 08:01

Below are the drabbles for week 8 of dramione_ldws!

Choose your favorite and least favorite drabbles. favorites will receive +1 point per vote, and least favorites -1 point per vote. The drabble with the most point wins the week, and the author of the drabble with the least votes is voted off.

Voting will end: 11:59pm, Friday July 4, East Coast US Time (GMT -4)

CHALLENGE: Muggle Technology


Title: Joyride
Author: kalina_blue
Rating: R
Warnings: some swearing and sexual situations (nothing too explicit though)
Word Count: 487

"Absolutely not."

"Come on, Draco," Hermione pleaded. "I always ride the Ferris wheel." Draco shook his head. Why he had agreed to accompany his girlfriend to a Muggle fun fair was beyond him.

"Please." Hermione kissed the corner of his mouth and hugged her body closer to his. "I promise it's going to be fun." She licked his lips.

Alright, Draco knew how she had talked him into going with her. It had started out with a kiss very much like this one and before long he had been unable to remember why he should refuse his girlfriend anything at all.

"I don't think so." Draco took a step back, holding Hermione at arm's length.

"You're not scared, are you?" Hermione smiled up at him innocently.

"Of course not."

"Then let's go," Hermione insisted, pulling him towards the queue in front of the Ferris wheel. Draco had the feeling that he really ought to learn how to say no to the girl.

They bought their tickets and waited for their turn; all the while, Draco was eying the dubious piece of Muggle technology sceptically.

"This is going to be great," Hermione announced when they were first in line, eagerly entering the waiting gondola. Draco followed with less enthusiasm. Still, he allowed her to pull his arm over her shoulders and to snuggle closer to him.

Her hand came to rest on his thigh, squeezing it tightly as the wheel lurched into motion. Draco was only slightly comforted by the knowledge that his wand was in the pocket of his jacket, which was lying across his lap.

"Just relax," Hermione whispered, her hand slowly moving upwards.

Draco's breath caught in his throat. "What are you-" before he had finished the question Hermione was cupping him through his trousers, squeezing tightly and Draco suddenly found himself fighting a moan.

"Relax," Hermione repeated, rubbing her palm against his beginning hardness. Draco chanced a look at his lap to check that the movements of her hand were hidden by his discarded jacket. They had reached the highest point already, a fact that had completely escaped Draco's attention, as Hermione was unbuttoning his fly and slipped her fingers into his boxers.

Draco bucked up involuntarily, meeting Hermione's hand, which was quickly pumping up and down his length. He barely remembered anymore that there were people in the surrounding gondolas and down on earth. It felt too good.

"So, Draco, how do you like the Ferris wheel?" Hermione's hand stilled all of a sudden. Draco swore.

Hermione looked at him with polite interest, waiting for an answer.

"I fucking love it," Draco spat out.

Hermione laughed, resuming her movements and gradually quickening the pace. Draco could feel the sweat on his skin and the pressure building inside him. As the Ferris wheel started to slow down, he spilled himself over Hermione's hand. The gondola came to a standstill.

The ride was over.


Title: ionized particles and electric fields
Author: floorcoaster
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 494

“Can I help you, Mrs. Granger?” Draco asked.

“Please, call me Elizabeth,” she said, smiling warmly. “It’s sweet of you to offer. Why don’t you put some water on for tea?”

Hermione smiled as he filled the kettle with water and didn’t notice her parents exchange a knowing look.

Elizabeth said, in a voice not quite a whisper, “You certainly weren’t exaggerating about his looks, dear.”

Draco dropped the kettle, but fortunately it was only a few inches above the stove. “Sorry,” he mumbled.

Hermione, her cheeks red, spun on her mother. Mum! she mouthed.

Elizabeth shrugged, gave her an innocent, ‘what-are-you-going-to-do-about-it?’ look, and went back to her food preparations.

Hermione rolled her eyes while her father chuckled softly.

“Anything else, Elizabeth?” Draco asked, flashing a brilliant smile.

“There’s a plate beside you that needs microwaving,” she answered, her attention focused on the melon she was slicing. “It’s just there, above the stove.”

Draco did as she asked. “Er, I’m not sure how this works.”

“Oh!” Elizabeth stopped mid-slice. “Of course, well, turn the second knob there … that’s the one. Turn it clockwise until the line is halfway between one and two. Perfect!”

Draco stared into the machine as the plate spun.

“How did you two meet?” asked Thomas.

Hermione was about to answer when there was a loud popping sound from behind Draco. He spun around, wand out, and when they heard the sound this time, it was accompanied by sparks.

“Reducto!” he cried, and a beam of red light slammed into the microwave. The appliance crashed to the counter, sending a shower of sparks through the kitchen and shorting the power.

Hermione burst out laughing. Draco stood motionless, wand still aimed at the now blackened wall, a look of horror silhouetted on his face. Soon Thomas started chuckling, and it wasn’t long before Elizabeth joined in.

“Sorry,” he muttered, slowly lowering his arm and facing the Grangers.

“It’s quite … all right,” said Elizabeth, gasping for breath.

Draco gradually cracked a smile. “I thought something had gone wrong.”

Hermione had tears streaming down her face as she approached the fallen microwave. Using an oven mitt, she pried open the door. With a triumphant look on her face, she turned to face her parents and boyfriend. In one hand, she brandished a fork. “Ladies and gentlemen, the culprit.”

Draco frowned at the utensil. “I don’t understand.”

Thomas spoke. “Before my daughter can launch into an explanation of ionized particles and electric fields, all you need to know is, never put metal in a microwave.”

“What are we going to do about breakfast?” Hermione asked.

“I’ll reset the breaker,” said Thomas.

“I think we should go out,” said Elizabeth, following him.

Hermione went to Draco, still standing in the middle of the kitchen, and wrapped her arms around him. “You okay?”

“I can’t believe I destroyed your parents’ kitchen,” he groaned.

Life with Draco would never be dull.


Title: For the Love of Music
Author: miyabita13
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 498

“Granger, I need to borrow that book.”

Hermione didn’t acknowledge him.


No answer.


This time she lifted her head, and Draco saw it… narrow, white wires coming from somewhere beneath her hair. He watched as she pulled on the wires, putting some sort of tiny rectangular object on the table beside her book.

“Did you need something, Malfoy?”

He pulled a chair up next to her, and she didn’t question his sudden desire to sit next to her. They were co-workers and shared tasks from time to time. She had even found him rather decent to work with… and easy on the eyes. Who was she kidding? He was bloody gorgeous!


Hermione snapped to attention, willing herself not to blush. She had been staring… again. Oh dear.

“I asked what this thing is,” he said, pointing at the tiny object.

She shrugged. “It’s an iPod.”

“A what? And what’s it do? What are these things you’ve attached to your head?” He picked up her headphones, examining them.

She gave him a textbook explanation of each object.

He stared at them for a few moments. Finally, he licked his lips and stared at her. “Show me.”

She raised an eyebrow, scooting a little closer and showing him how to make music play from the little device.

Draco stared at the iPod with a look of utter fascination. Hermione found herself unable to take her gaze away from him. She had seen this look before - a sort of boyish curiosity that fell over his features whenever he had discovered something new. If she was being honest with herself, it made him look adorable. It was in those moments when she found herself falling for Draco Malfoy and falling hard.

“Do you… want to borrow it?” she finally asked when he pulled the headphones out.

He nodded.

“Well… okay then.” She pushed the iPod towards him with a smile. “Take it with you for awhile.” He reached out to take it from her, and their fingers touched. He titled his head to the side for a second, studying her; she couldn’t take her eyes off of the fingers that were still resting on top of hers.

She pulled away first, cheeks a little pink. Draco watched as she grabbed the book she had been reading and made to move away from the table.

“Ah, Granger! I actually came here to borrow that book.”

“Oh, er… really? Here you go, then…” Yes, Draco thought, clearly embarrassed. Interesting…

He took the book from her, making sure to skim the pads of his fingertips against the back of her hand. Her eyes darted away and the slight scarlet in her face deepened.

“This thing is rather interesting, Granger,” he finally said. “Maybe you could bring another Muggle device tomorrow to show me?”

“Maybe…” she replied, trying to ignore how warm her hand had felt in his.

Draco watched her leave, noting the definite tingling of his fingertips where they had touched.


Title: Stealing Office Supplies
Author: apple_blossom24
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Word Count: 497

“Who the hell took my pen!!"

Draco came barreling out of his office and walked straight toward his nervous looking assistant.

"Silver. Fine point. Mont Blanc. Where is it?" he questioned.

Who knew that years after helping the Order, and starting his own magical research firm with Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy would ultimately use his Slytherin talents to terrorize people over a measly little pen? But everyone in the office learned quickly that Draco had a strange attachment to muggle office supplies, specifically high-end pens and sticky notes. Maybe they appealed to his anal retentive sensibilities.

The first time Hermione took him to a muggle stationery shop he was in awe of all the pens in various colors and sizes (especially the noisy ones that clicked), big staplers, copy machines… paper clips. What Hermione found most endearing was how much he enjoyed the sticky notes. Although he was admittedly amazed at some of the office contraptions, he hadn’t seen anything that magic couldn’t do more efficiently. But when she showed him how the sticky notes worked, and that they really were quite useful, he thought it was one the most inventive things he’d ever seen. They were so simple, and yet, not obvious… screw muggle technology, he would take the sticky notes any day!

So business went on, with Draco using his pens and organizing things with sticky notes. However, every once in awhile Hermione liked to stir things up by "accidentally" stealing his "lucky" pen or rearranging a few notes just to get him riled up, and see a bit of the old Draco.

"Granger!!!" he stormed.

She didn’t even look up from her desk. “No Draco, for the last time, I don’t think the pastel sticky notes are poncey!” she mocked.

"Is my pen in that ratty nest of curls again? It’s odd that you keep sticking MY writing utensils in your hair, supposedly because you keep losing your own pencils in there. One might get the wrong idea and think you were doing it on purpose.” he said as he rifled through her hair tossing really short pencils aside.

“Ow, stop manhandling me, Malfoy!” she said pushing him off and he began rummaging through her desk. “Why do you need it so badly?” she asked curiously.

“I have important documents to sign… and an evening date to add to my calendar.”

“Oh? In pen?”

“Yes… a movie with a cute girl from the office”

“In that case I hope you never find any of those bloody pens.” she said bitterly.

“Here it is!” he said reaching to the back of a drawer. “Next time you decide to filch my pen, hide it some place creative…like clipped to your bra strap.”

He walked out and Hermione saw that he left a quickly scribbled sticky note on her desk:

Movie at 7. If you’re not there, I’m throwing away this “lucky” pen ~DM.


PLEASE vote with the NUMBER of the drabble, not the name. :)


round 1, voting

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