Round 1: Challenge #8: Results

Jul 05, 2008 08:45

Challenge 8: Muggle Technology

Well, this week the votes weren’t close! This week’s winner, by an incredible majority, was apple_blossom24, with “Stealing Office Supplies” with +21 points (25 total votes). Congratulations!

This week was incredibly difficult, but no matter how much I wish everyone could stay, we must bid someone adieu. The exiting participant this week is kalina_blue. Thank you for playing! And happy writing!

The authors’ names have been revealed on the voting post

Other results:

miyabita13 - For the Love of Music (-9 / 23 votes)
floorcoaster - ionized particles and electric fields (+2 / 16 votes)

I thought this would be the first week with decreased voter participation, because of the holiday, but I was wrong! We grew again with 41 people voting this week!

round 1, results

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