DUET 5: darkcivet and hiddenhibernian

Sep 13, 2017 09:03

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling and Warner Bros. All fics posted at this community were written entirely for fun, not for profit, and no copyright infringement is intended.

Title: In Memoriam
Author: darkcivet
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2,782
Summary: Power. Wealth. Family. He had a plan. She had a plan. Life, however, had its own agenda.
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!round 9 2017!, rating: pg-13

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Comments 19

hiddenhibernian September 14 2017, 21:25:02 UTC
Wow, I didn't expect Lucius' funeral to be the occasion Draco was preparing for - it took me completely by surprise! I love the structure of this, how it goes full circle and allows Draco to take stock of what he has achieved. There's so many possibilities left, too - the Granger-Malfoys have barely got started...

Thank you so much, this was lovely! Some of my favourite bits:
"It spoke of loyalty and honour - neither of which were a Malfoy staple" - can't argue with you there...
Their bickering about Draco being nervous, and the perfect conclusion: "“I’m not nervous,” Draco said, taking a deep breath. “I’m bloody terrified.”"
"the virgin friendly clothes" - *dies laughing*
The extremely awkward family gathering - it was never going to be easy, was it?


darkcivet September 16 2017, 06:38:08 UTC
Thanks. :)


ariel_riddle September 15 2017, 18:55:06 UTC
This was beautiful and what a lovely read!
I had no idea what Draco was preparing for until the very end and then it tugged on my heart strings.
Without wisdom, power became a disease. Without restraint, wealth faded into nothing. Without love, family meant nothing but a hole in the ground once they were gone.
^^These lines were epic.
I thoroughly enjoyed this piece. Well done!


darkcivet September 16 2017, 06:38:45 UTC
Thank-you. :)


pierrej92 September 16 2017, 22:22:35 UTC
Wow! That ending really shocked me and I'm grinning because it was written in so well!
I loved the breakdown of the sections with the titles of power, wealth, family! It really weaved the story in beautifully!
I loved this line: I'm a Malfoy, everyone loves me.”


darkcivet September 17 2017, 10:09:52 UTC
Thank-you so much. I love shocking people. ;)


sarenathegolden September 17 2017, 00:29:17 UTC
I really liked how you've packaged their very own agendas into the values of power, wealth, and family, and tied that up with Lucius' funeral. Seems that they've looked for similar things, but for different reasons. And I was delighted to read that they still found more than that <3.

From somewhere around Potter’s feet on the floor, the gangly ginger piped up. “You bought them to get us to stop badgering you because you corrupted Hermione over to the dark side, not because you plan to impregnate her with your demon spawn.”

That really made me grin :D. Ron at his best.


darkcivet September 17 2017, 10:11:02 UTC
Thank-you. :)


ningloreth September 18 2017, 10:28:17 UTC
I really like the form of this story, with the repeated Power, Wealth, Family and the separate sections.

You have so many great lines I can't quote all of them, but I love Draco's funeral oration and the way he scratches out that last line, and I love the way you switch from emotion to wit in these:

Narcissa wiped at her tears. “It sounds perfect.”

Draco grinned. “I’m a Malfoy, we deserve perfect.”

And I love the ending, with Draco putting his hand on Lucius's headstone and saying "Good bye."


darkcivet September 21 2017, 08:41:22 UTC
Thank-you so much. :)


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