Oct 30, 2015 20:12

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!round 7 2015!

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Comments 8

darkcivet October 31 2015, 01:52:54 UTC
An amazing collection of fiction/art. I can't wait to see the rest. :)


ningloreth October 31 2015, 22:57:58 UTC
I'm glad you're enjoying it!


nightfalltwen October 31 2015, 06:46:49 UTC
Lots of mystery and mayhem this year. I quite enjoy it. :D


ningloreth October 31 2015, 22:57:16 UTC
Each year there seems to be one or two themes that a lot of the writers (independently) explore. This year there are mysteries and werewolves!


Confused xo1heather1xo1 November 3 2015, 21:33:10 UTC
I created an account so I could view all of the postings, I tried to join the community, I think. Honestly, I'm so lost and have no clue what I'm doing. I do have my birthday on my profile. If someone could assist me, I would really appreciate it. I haven't used LiveJournal in over a decade and am lost here.


Re: Confused ningloreth November 4 2015, 00:13:46 UTC
I've checked your User Info and your YEAR of birth isn't showing. If you go to the community sticky post here it tells you how to edit your info so that your year of birth shows. Alternatively, just edit your Profile and in the box labelled BIO, type 'I am over 18'. And remember to click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.

Once you've done that, go to the top of the community page and click Join this Community (it's the sort of X-shaped icon). That will send your application to me, I will check your Profile and then approve you.


Re: Confused xo1heather1xo1 November 4 2015, 01:14:39 UTC
Thank you so much for explaining it to me. I think I've done it right this time.


Re: Confused ningloreth November 4 2015, 09:05:40 UTC
I've approved you :-)


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