rent_100 // Clouds // 041 shapes

Mar 12, 2006 11:41

Title: Clouds
Author: Sarah
Rating: PG
Words: 171
Pairing: Maureen/Joanne
Summary: Maureen and Joanne point out the different shapes in the clouds. Maureen finds a rather interesting resemblance to her past.
Disclaimer: I don't own Rent.

“It’s so pretty out,” Maureen whispered to her girlfriend as they lay beneath the shade of large tree.

“Mmm,” Joanne replied, her head falling into place on the diva’s shoulders. “We should do this more often.”

“Yeah,” she said, gazing up at the sky. Ever since spring and warmer weather had come around, they had made it a point to go to the park every weekend. They would lie under the same tree and just gaze up at the puffy, white clouds, pointing out the different shapes and resemblances.

“That one looks like a cat,” Joanne raised a lean finger towards the designated cloud. “Just like Danny.” She giggled, thinking of the little kitten they adopted a month prior.

“Oh, look at that one,” Maureen sat up, startling Joanne. “See, right there,” she pointed to a cylindrical one. “That looks exactly like Mark’s penis.”

“What? Which one?” Joanne grimaced in confusion.

“That tiny one, right there.”

She laughed, laying back down. “I guess you would know better than I would.”


pairing: maureen/joanne, misc: rent_100, fandom: rent

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