rent_100 // Mark's Birthday // 056 breakfast

Mar 10, 2006 20:53

Title: Mark's Birthday
Author: Sarah
Rating: PG13
Words: 634
Characters: Mark/Maureen, Roger
Summary: Maureen takes Mark out to breakfast on his birthday.
Notes: Follows my Mark/Maureen holiday story. All chapters can be found here.
Disclaimer: I don't own Rent.

Mark awoke to the smell of burning. Sitting up, he crinkled his nose and realized there was no fire, just a minor mishap in the kitchen. As his feet hit the floor, he realized the occasion: his twenty-fifth birthday. Scrambling into the first pair of pajama pants he saw and the sweater he promised Maureen he would wear, Mark made his way out of the bedroom.

He saw Maureen hovering over the hot plate, smoke coming out from a pan. “Good morning,” he said.

She turned around and smiled. “Happy birthday, Pookie!” Abandoning the pan, she ran over to him and gave him a hug. “You’re wearing your sweater!” She kissed him.

“Of course,” he replied, “I promised I would and it’s still kind of cold out. And the sweater’s warm, so…”

She smiled. “I tried making you breakfast, but, um, apparently I’m not very good at making pancakes.”

He laughed. “It’s okay, sweetie.” He kissed her forehead. “The thought was nice though.”

“Let’s get dressed and go out to eat,” she suggested, barreling off to the bedroom.


They walked hand in hand to the diner, giggling about Maureen’s cooking skills the entire time. She had let him wear a different shirt to the diner only if he promised to wear his sweater while they were home and something about his scarf and his ankles. He agreed, but only because he didn’t want to wear a pink and red sweater outside.

Mark ordered pancakes and Maureen got eggs. They ended up sitting on the same side of the booth, sharing their meals and feeding each other. Mark was getting a little suspicious of his girlfriend when she kept glancing at the waiter and taking numerous bathroom breaks.

“Did you like swallow an ocean or something?” he asked as she sat down and cuddled next to him.

“Yep,” she replied, “the Pacific. Trust me, Pookie, okay?”

He nodded and shoved a forkful of Maureen’s scrambled eggs into his mouth.

“Marky, look,” she pointed at the waiter, beaming.

He looked up and blushed a little. Half of the waiting staff was parading towards their table belting Happy Birthday and carrying a slice of chocolate cake. He smiled as the cake was placed in front of him and looked at Maureen. She knew him well; chocolate cake was his favorite thing in the world, second to his camera. “Thanks,” he said to the staff.

“Have a good one,” a few of them said, other variations following.

Maureen took the fork and fed Mark some cake. “Mmmthasgood,” he said with a full mouth. She grinned at him and took a bite for herself, agreeing.

“That was a really great breakfast,” Mark said on the way home. “Thank you.”

“Anything for my Marky on his special day,” she replied, planting a kiss on his nose. “Let’s hurry; I want to give you your present.”

Upon entering their bedroom, they were followed by Roger who was carrying a box.

“Should I be afraid?” Mark shook the box.

He grinned. “I got you a lifetime subscription of Playboy to open up right in front of your girlfriend,” he said sarcastically. “Open it.”

Laughing, Mark peeled away the paper and pulled out the contents of the box. He held up a dark blue t-shirt with the words “I love the Well Hungarians” written on it. “Oh look, Maureen, we can match.” He rifled through the box to get the rest. “Oh, and condoms. Thanks Rog.”

“You’re welcome,” he beamed, turning to leave.

“Wait, Roger,” Maureen took the box from Mark’s hands. Examining it, she said, “These are way too small. Here, Rog, you can probably get some use of out them,” she chucked the box at him and slammed the bedroom door leaving a bewildered musician standing in the hall.


character: roger, pairing: mark/maureen, misc: rent_100, fandom: rent

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